
Apr 27, 2010

90 Minutes in Heaven

This is one of the most well-known near death stories ever. From a medical perspective, it's one of the best documented cases. Don Piper was killed when his car was hit by a semi-truck. Suffering terrible blunt trauma, he was pronounced dead at the scene. Don had just come from a conference of pastors. One of the pastors at the conference was behind him in the traffic jam. This man asked police if there were survivors. He was told that the only one still at the scene was a man who had been pronounced dead by paramedics. He received permission to go under the tarp to pray for the dead man. After being dead for 90 minutes Don Piper came back to life. He has traveled extensively, sharing his story and telling people what he saw in heaven. His book 90 Minutes in Heaven is a best-seller.

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