Apr 30, 2012
Bone Cancer Healed In Singapore
bone cancer healed,
neck cancer healed,
Apr 27, 2012
The Praying Nurse
Jayne came to work despite the nagging pain in her hip, back and neck. Nursing is her job. She loves what she does, even if the physical demands cause chronic pain.
We picked up our patient at a nursing home. She was a few days post-operative for abdominal surgery. After spending less than 24 hours at the nursing home, she developed an abscess to her abdominal wall and needed to go back to the hospital.
As we drove, I asked if I could pray with her. She said yes. I told her I just love to pray with people. I laid my hand on her shoulder and commanded inflammation, pain and spirits to flee. She was grateful I asked. We took her to her room and helped her transfer to the bed then I went looking for her nurse. It didn't take long. She actually found me.
I gave her my summary, "nothing happened on the way here."
"Great! Where do I sign?"
I handed her my clipboard and pointed to the signature box at the bottom.
Another nurse came to the desk and made a comment about her hip hurting.
"Do you want to be healed?" I asked.
"I love to be healed."
Looking at her ID badge, I saw that her name was Jayne.
"Cool. Do you mind if I pray for you?"
"Sure, that would be fine."
She came over and stood next to me, closed her eyes and put her hand out. If I didn't know better, I'd swear she'd been following me around. She knew a bit too much.
"How bad is the pain on a 1 to 10 scale?"
"It hurts pretty bad."
Okay. So on a scale from 1 to 10, how bad is it?"
I hated doing this and she felt foolish for not answering the question. Its our job to ask people to rate their pain on a scale from 1 to 10.
"It's about an 8".
Her hand was still outstretched. She was expecting me to hold it. I asked if I could put my hand on her hip, which she agreed to. I asked the Holy Spirit to bring His presence and almost immediately felt Him draw near to us. I commanded the spirit of pain to leave then inflammation and commanded the bones and connective tissue to be healed.
What do you feel?"
She moved her hips around. "Wow, it doesn't hurt any more!"
She asked me to try her lower back which also hurt. I put my hand on her back, repeated the process and asked what she felt. She bent sideways to test her back and found that the pain was gone. Smiling, she asked if I could do her neck. I placed my hand on her neck and repeated the process again.
While praying over her neck, I closed my eyes and saw a vision of her raising her arms. I asked her to raise both arms as I commanded pain to leave. When I opened my eyes I saw another nurse standing next to Jayne with one hand on her shoulder. She was praying with me.
Inside, I saw stunned. I'd never had a nurse or doctor join me when praying for someone in a hospital. I thanked her for joining us. She smiled.
I asked Jayne to check out her neck. She moved her head around and said the pain was gone. We were both amazed. I looked around and realized the other nurse had disappeared.
I spent a few minutes teaching Jayne how to keep her healing and gave her two cards to the website. One for her and one for her friend.
Jayne - if you read this, we'd love to hear from you.
back pain healed,
hip pain healed,
neck pain healed,
Apr 24, 2012
Faith in Motion; Praying for Kevin Lipscomb
This is an inspiring story of faith and love as a community interceded for a young man's life.
Apr 21, 2012
Keeping Our Healing
In the discussions that I’ve had with believers who heal the sick, there is much controversy over whether we need to keep our healing.
In this message we'll look at what the bible says about whether we have a responsibility to keep our healing. I'll also share a dream that I had and we'll look at some personal experiences.
In the time that I've been involved in healing, I've met people who have experienced healing, only to have the symptoms return. I've also experienced this myself. So have many of my friends who are used by God to heal others.
We must also consider the will of the enemy. Jesus said the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) The will of the enemy toward us is sickness and death. One reason God would have us heal the sick and raise the dead is that the enemy is out to kill and destroy us.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, not of works, that no one should boast.”(Eph. 2:8)
The word ‘saved’ in this verse is the Greek word σῴζω (sozo), which means to save, preserve, protect, heal or make whole. This verse shows that healing is one of the ways in which God’s grace operates in our lives. The work of God's grace, both in salvation and healing is a process that is being worked out as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit as Paul also told believers:
“…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” (Phil 2:12-13)
Salvation, though it is immediately available to all who desire it, takes time to be brought to fulfillment. God's desire is to bring sanctification, but His grace can be resisted by us, delaying its completion. Healing, because it is also a work of grace, can be resisted in the same way. God’s grace toward us for healing is always available. We can obtain it immediately. But the changes in our body, spirit and soul can take time. God’s plan for healing can be resisted by both us and by the enemy, which may result in a delay or loss of our healing.
The narrative passages in scripture tell us that people were added to the church at different times. An example is when approximately 3,000 were added to the church on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:41) We know these people were 'saved'. But what isn't revealed is that all these believers who were saved on that day, would wrestle with the realities of their salvation for the rest of their lives. Some would wonder from time to time if they were really saved. Some would struggle with rebellion against God in different areas. Some may have even walked away from God before their death. The details of how their salvation was worked out are for the most part, absent.
For the same reason that many of the details of salvation are left out of the bible, the details of healing of various people is also missing. If these details would have been included, we may have read about some of the same things we experience today. The absence of details concerning people who were healed by Jesus and the disciples doesn't negate the possibility that they had the same problems we have.
If an evangelist preaches the gospel and a few of those who were saved do not manifest the realities of their salvation, do we blame the evangelist?
This is essentially the same question we have about keeping our healing - is it right (or even biblical) to believe that when people fail to manifest their healing, it is because the one who prayed with them failed to have enough faith to keep them healed?
For the same reason that it is not the responsibility of the evangelist to assure the the continued work of salvation in the believer, it not the responsibility of the healer to maintain the health of the one who is healed. The one who is healed must cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing their healing to completion.
The Dream
The dream that I had was about people who were being treated at a hospital for different diseases. As they were healed, they left the hospital and had to make a decision. They had to either leave their account with the hospital open or they had to close it. Those who kept their account open could continue discussing their disease or injury as long as they wanted to. They could return for another round of treatment and discuss the progression of the sickness with a doctor or make payment arrangements for further treatment. These people always became sick again.
The other group closed their account with the hospital after being healed. They were not allowed to come back for follow up appointments. They didn't talk about the disease or even think about it after being healed, except to testify once in a while about their healing. This group never again became sick once they were healed. This was the content of the dream.
The dream shows us two mindsets or two types of people and how they view and respond to healing. One is focused on sickness and the process of treating it. The other is focused on health and healing itself. The dream seems to point to the issues in our mind and how they can either keep us focused on sickness or set us on the road to permanent healing. The choice being determined by what we choose to focus on.
The bible does have a few things to say about how we might keep our healing, so let’s have a look at them. There was a man who had an infirmity for 38 years who was healed at the pool of Bethesda. After he was healed, Jesus caught up with him and shared these words of warning:
“Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.” The man departed and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.” (John 5:14-15)
In looking for keys to keeping our healing, some point to the fact that Jesus told the man to sin no more, lest something worse would come upon him. This implies that sickness can be the result of sin and that healing might be maintained if we avoid sinful behavior. Since Jesus was the one who healed him, the return of his symptoms would not be a result of inadequate faith on the part of Jesus. It was the man’s responsibility to keep his healing and we have a similar responsibility today.
The controversy stems from the belief by some, that it is not necessary or even possible to 'maintain' healing that comes from God. They look at the bible and see no mention of the idea that people healed by Jesus had to maintain their healing. From this they conclude that it's neither necessary nor possible to do it. I respect this viewpoint and I won't criticize those who take this position. And since this issue isn't a major one, the position we hold is not essential.
In this message we'll look at what the bible says about whether we have a responsibility to keep our healing. I'll also share a dream that I had and we'll look at some personal experiences.
In the time that I've been involved in healing, I've met people who have experienced healing, only to have the symptoms return. I've also experienced this myself. So have many of my friends who are used by God to heal others.
Roger Sapp, who has prayed with over 25,000 people for healing, estimates that 25% of those who are healed experience a return of symptoms in a few days. The evidence seems to indicate that losing the effects of healing is a real phenomenon, even if we don't completely understand the mechanism of it.
The Big Picture
I'd like to take a big- picture view of healing and discuss some related issues, before looking at the issue of keeping our healing. There are four different perspectives or 'wills' we must take into account if we hope to understand the things that affect our healing. The first perspective is the will of God. We know that the will of God is that we would all be healed. (See my message titled The Biblical Basis For Healing). Jesus delivered and healed all who sought it. None were turned down. As long as they were willing to be healed, He was willing to heal them. If healing does not manifest, we should never assume that God doesn't want us healed. There are other things to consider that result in failed healing.
The Big Picture
I'd like to take a big- picture view of healing and discuss some related issues, before looking at the issue of keeping our healing. There are four different perspectives or 'wills' we must take into account if we hope to understand the things that affect our healing. The first perspective is the will of God. We know that the will of God is that we would all be healed. (See my message titled The Biblical Basis For Healing). Jesus delivered and healed all who sought it. None were turned down. As long as they were willing to be healed, He was willing to heal them. If healing does not manifest, we should never assume that God doesn't want us healed. There are other things to consider that result in failed healing.
We must also consider the will of the enemy. Jesus said the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) The will of the enemy toward us is sickness and death. One reason God would have us heal the sick and raise the dead is that the enemy is out to kill and destroy us.
Opposition from the enemy is what prevented the disciples from healing the boy who had a mute and deaf spirit and suffered from epilepsy. (See Matt 17:14-17 and Mark 9:17) One of the obstacles to healing is demonic opposition that has not been removed. Again - if healing does not manifest, don't assume God doesn't want the person to be healed. Consider the possibility that a demon is opposing the work of healing.
We must consider the will of family and friends and we must consider the will of the sick person as well. When a loved one becomes sick, one of our natural reactions is to want them healed. Knowing we have a commission to heal the sick, some of us spring into action and begin praying and commanding them to be healed. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.
I recently received a prayer request from a friend who desired to have a relative healed. Before praying, I asked if they knew whether or not the sick person wanted to be healed. (She had not yet asked) The next day she wrote back, sadly informing me that this person, who is a Christian, is also a Baptist and did not believe in healing nor did he expect to be healed.
We must consider the will of family and friends and we must consider the will of the sick person as well. When a loved one becomes sick, one of our natural reactions is to want them healed. Knowing we have a commission to heal the sick, some of us spring into action and begin praying and commanding them to be healed. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.
I recently received a prayer request from a friend who desired to have a relative healed. Before praying, I asked if they knew whether or not the sick person wanted to be healed. (She had not yet asked) The next day she wrote back, sadly informing me that this person, who is a Christian, is also a Baptist and did not believe in healing nor did he expect to be healed.
I've been presumptive in the past and tried to get people healed who didn't want to be healed and as you can guess, they weren't healed. God doesn't force healing on those who will not receive it. Another obstacle to healing is the fact that not everyone wants to receive it.
I should mention here that a person who is not able to communicate their desires toward healing, should be presumed to want healing - until you know otherwise. If a person is comatose I would proceed with healing, until evidence is presented that they are opposed to it.
Healing and Grace
Healing is sometimes a gradual process, like the rest of God’s work in our lives. From the first day we believe in Christ as our savior, changes begin to take place inside of us. Although we are immediately given the righteousness of God, our conduct doesn’t immediately become righteous. The transformation from rebellious sinner to obedient son or daughter is a process called sanctification. How quickly it happens is determined by our cooperation with the Spirit God as He works to change us into the heavenly image God has in mind. The more we resist the work of God's grace, the longer it takes. Over time, God’s grace transforms us into the image of His Son. The Apostle Paul said that salvation is an act of God's grace:
Healing and Grace
Healing is sometimes a gradual process, like the rest of God’s work in our lives. From the first day we believe in Christ as our savior, changes begin to take place inside of us. Although we are immediately given the righteousness of God, our conduct doesn’t immediately become righteous. The transformation from rebellious sinner to obedient son or daughter is a process called sanctification. How quickly it happens is determined by our cooperation with the Spirit God as He works to change us into the heavenly image God has in mind. The more we resist the work of God's grace, the longer it takes. Over time, God’s grace transforms us into the image of His Son. The Apostle Paul said that salvation is an act of God's grace:
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, not of works, that no one should boast.”(Eph. 2:8)
The word ‘saved’ in this verse is the Greek word σῴζω (sozo), which means to save, preserve, protect, heal or make whole. This verse shows that healing is one of the ways in which God’s grace operates in our lives. The work of God's grace, both in salvation and healing is a process that is being worked out as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit as Paul also told believers:
“…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” (Phil 2:12-13)
Salvation, though it is immediately available to all who desire it, takes time to be brought to fulfillment. God's desire is to bring sanctification, but His grace can be resisted by us, delaying its completion. Healing, because it is also a work of grace, can be resisted in the same way. God’s grace toward us for healing is always available. We can obtain it immediately. But the changes in our body, spirit and soul can take time. God’s plan for healing can be resisted by both us and by the enemy, which may result in a delay or loss of our healing.
Some Christians have been taught that if we, as the ones praying, have the right kind of faith, people will not only be healed, but they will remain healed. They believe that a return of symptoms indicates weak faith on our part. They believe this because there is little mentioned in the bible about those who were healed having to maintain their healing. They see healing only as a product of their own faith and authority, which releases the power of God. They reject the idea that the sick person has any part in being healed or keeping their healing, putting all the responsibility for healing on the one who is praying.
I'd like to address the absence of biblical commentary on healing, but first let's look at the absence of biblical commentary on salvation, since salvation is more extensively covered in scripture and better understood by most of us.
The narrative passages in scripture tell us that people were added to the church at different times. An example is when approximately 3,000 were added to the church on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:41) We know these people were 'saved'. But what isn't revealed is that all these believers who were saved on that day, would wrestle with the realities of their salvation for the rest of their lives. Some would wonder from time to time if they were really saved. Some would struggle with rebellion against God in different areas. Some may have even walked away from God before their death. The details of how their salvation was worked out are for the most part, absent.
For the same reason that many of the details of salvation are left out of the bible, the details of healing of various people is also missing. If these details would have been included, we may have read about some of the same things we experience today. The absence of details concerning people who were healed by Jesus and the disciples doesn't negate the possibility that they had the same problems we have.
If an evangelist preaches the gospel and a few of those who were saved do not manifest the realities of their salvation, do we blame the evangelist?
This is essentially the same question we have about keeping our healing - is it right (or even biblical) to believe that when people fail to manifest their healing, it is because the one who prayed with them failed to have enough faith to keep them healed?
For the same reason that it is not the responsibility of the evangelist to assure the the continued work of salvation in the believer, it not the responsibility of the healer to maintain the health of the one who is healed. The one who is healed must cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing their healing to completion.
The Dream
The dream that I had was about people who were being treated at a hospital for different diseases. As they were healed, they left the hospital and had to make a decision. They had to either leave their account with the hospital open or they had to close it. Those who kept their account open could continue discussing their disease or injury as long as they wanted to. They could return for another round of treatment and discuss the progression of the sickness with a doctor or make payment arrangements for further treatment. These people always became sick again.
The other group closed their account with the hospital after being healed. They were not allowed to come back for follow up appointments. They didn't talk about the disease or even think about it after being healed, except to testify once in a while about their healing. This group never again became sick once they were healed. This was the content of the dream.
The dream shows us two mindsets or two types of people and how they view and respond to healing. One is focused on sickness and the process of treating it. The other is focused on health and healing itself. The dream seems to point to the issues in our mind and how they can either keep us focused on sickness or set us on the road to permanent healing. The choice being determined by what we choose to focus on.
“Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.” The man departed and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.” (John 5:14-15)
In looking for keys to keeping our healing, some point to the fact that Jesus told the man to sin no more, lest something worse would come upon him. This implies that sickness can be the result of sin and that healing might be maintained if we avoid sinful behavior. Since Jesus was the one who healed him, the return of his symptoms would not be a result of inadequate faith on the part of Jesus. It was the man’s responsibility to keep his healing and we have a similar responsibility today.
Our Testimony
Notice that the man went to the Jews and testified about his healing. In the dream that I had, those who remained well, were those who testified about their healing. Could our testimony be a key to remaining healed?
One problem that many of us have is that we love to testify about our sickness. We complain and grumble and tell everyone we know about how bad our disease is. Some of us believe that our ability to put up with our illness proves something about our character. Much of our complaining is an attempt to gain sympathy from others. And most of us refer to our condition with terms like “my diabetes” or “my cancer”.
Notice that the man went to the Jews and testified about his healing. In the dream that I had, those who remained well, were those who testified about their healing. Could our testimony be a key to remaining healed?
One problem that many of us have is that we love to testify about our sickness. We complain and grumble and tell everyone we know about how bad our disease is. Some of us believe that our ability to put up with our illness proves something about our character. Much of our complaining is an attempt to gain sympathy from others. And most of us refer to our condition with terms like “my diabetes” or “my cancer”.
Some people I've asked to pray with have confessed that they didn’t want to be healed because if they were, they would lose their disability check. Others choose to remain sick because it gives them attention and sympathy. When we use sickness to obtain something we want, we become dependant on what it provides and we become slaves to sickness.
Whether it brings money, attention or the opportunity to obtain pain medications, some of us are accustomed to a lifestyle of sickness. We expect to have doctor appointments for the rest of our lives. Cal Pierce noted that our health care system is more like a disease maintenance system. It can become the thing around which our world revolves. Some of us are so dependant on this lifestyle that we fear what life would be like without doctor visits and medications. Those who allow sickness to become their lifestyle are doomed to remain sick no matter how many times they receive prayer and are healed.
In the dream that I had, those who continued a lifestyle that focused on sickness always became sick again. Those who refused to talk about sickness kept their healing. Their words and the fact that they refused to focus on the sickness helped them keep their healing. I’m convinced that the key to keeping our healing is a matter of what we choose to focus on and what we talk about.
My Experiences
One night as I went to bed, I developed sudden pain in my lower back that radiated down the back of my left leg. I’d never had this type of pain before, but I knew from transporting hundreds of people with these symptoms, it was consistent with a herniated lumbar disc. The pain was severe and for a moment I panicked, thinking I’d done something to injure my back.
As I thought about the pain, I remembered that God had been speaking to me about pain returning after healing. This was a new concept as I’d only been praying with people for about a year. On a hunch, I took the position in my mind that the pain was not a herniated disc, but an imitation of that pain, caused by a demon. I told myself repeatedly, “I do not have a herniated disc”. Suspecting there was an evil spirit at work, I commanded the spirit to leave and for the pain to leave as well. After ten minutes of warfare the pain was completely gone. But it returned 20 minutes later. When it returned I repeated the same process and had my wife stand in agreement with me. After another ten minutes of warfare, the pain was gone. But 20 minutes later it returned. This went on for two hours. Each time we did warfare it would leave, only to return. Finally, I was so exhausted I had to go to sleep, even if the pain was still there. I decided to rebuke the spirit one more time and command it not to return. When I went to sleep the pain was as bad as it had been all night. When I awoke in the morning the pain was gone and it never returned.
I learned a lot from this experience. I learned that we can have the symptoms of a condition that perfectly mimic the condition itself, with no actual injury or disease process in our body. A demon can create a near perfect imitation of a real medical problem.
Whether it brings money, attention or the opportunity to obtain pain medications, some of us are accustomed to a lifestyle of sickness. We expect to have doctor appointments for the rest of our lives. Cal Pierce noted that our health care system is more like a disease maintenance system. It can become the thing around which our world revolves. Some of us are so dependant on this lifestyle that we fear what life would be like without doctor visits and medications. Those who allow sickness to become their lifestyle are doomed to remain sick no matter how many times they receive prayer and are healed.
In the dream that I had, those who continued a lifestyle that focused on sickness always became sick again. Those who refused to talk about sickness kept their healing. Their words and the fact that they refused to focus on the sickness helped them keep their healing. I’m convinced that the key to keeping our healing is a matter of what we choose to focus on and what we talk about.
My Experiences
One night as I went to bed, I developed sudden pain in my lower back that radiated down the back of my left leg. I’d never had this type of pain before, but I knew from transporting hundreds of people with these symptoms, it was consistent with a herniated lumbar disc. The pain was severe and for a moment I panicked, thinking I’d done something to injure my back.
As I thought about the pain, I remembered that God had been speaking to me about pain returning after healing. This was a new concept as I’d only been praying with people for about a year. On a hunch, I took the position in my mind that the pain was not a herniated disc, but an imitation of that pain, caused by a demon. I told myself repeatedly, “I do not have a herniated disc”. Suspecting there was an evil spirit at work, I commanded the spirit to leave and for the pain to leave as well. After ten minutes of warfare the pain was completely gone. But it returned 20 minutes later. When it returned I repeated the same process and had my wife stand in agreement with me. After another ten minutes of warfare, the pain was gone. But 20 minutes later it returned. This went on for two hours. Each time we did warfare it would leave, only to return. Finally, I was so exhausted I had to go to sleep, even if the pain was still there. I decided to rebuke the spirit one more time and command it not to return. When I went to sleep the pain was as bad as it had been all night. When I awoke in the morning the pain was gone and it never returned.
I learned a lot from this experience. I learned that we can have the symptoms of a condition that perfectly mimic the condition itself, with no actual injury or disease process in our body. A demon can create a near perfect imitation of a real medical problem.
I also learned that a key to victory over the enemy lies in what you believe and what you say. I refused to believe or admit that I had a herniated disc, even though the symptoms I had felt exactly like it. I also learned that although we might see complete removal of the spirit and symptoms, it doesn’t mean they won’t return. And if they do, the strategy that worked the first time can be used again as often as needed until the spirit realizes we aren’t going to allow it to afflict us. I’ve taken these principles and taught them often to people that I’ve seen healed since then.
In 2010, I had a chance to help my sister in law obtain healing for an occluded artery in her leg. She had poor circulation in her leg for many years. Her foot was always cold and numb and her doctor had been considering placing a stent in the artery to keep it open. One day, I asked if she wanted to be healed and she said 'yes'. I commanded the artery to be open and the circulation to return. She didn’t feel anything different until the next morning, when she woke up with a warm foot that had normal sensation and circulation. She was beaming with joy. Later that day, her foot became cold and numb and with a worried heart she asked me what happened.
I sat her down and explained that healing and sickness are a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Like it or not – healing is warfare. God wants us to be healed and the enemy wants us to be sick. She immediately understood. I told her that the enemy brought the symptoms back to convince her she wasn’t healed and that all we needed to do was push back a little and do some more warfare. I commanded her leg to be healed again and in a few minutes the circulation returned. I told her that all she needed to do was to resist the enemy’s tactics if it happened again. "If the symptoms return, command them to leave". With a smile of understanding she confidently maintained her healing and she’s had normal circulation since that day.
My sister didn’t want to continue the merry go round of sickness. She wasn’t getting sympathy from anyone. She received no financial benefit. She didn’t dwell on how her ability to endure the condition proved that she had great character and strength. She received no gratification from it. She wanted it gone for good. Once she was healed, she chose to close her account with sickness.
She and many like her will be healed and stay healed, because they earnestly want no part of their condition. Once it’s gone, they don’t imagine what will happen if it returns. Fear that our sickness will come back is a trap many of us fall into. Fear is a tool of the enemy. When we are healed, we are given a taste of God’s power and love. The bible says,
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18)
When we fear the return of our condition, we do so because we doubt that God has really healed us or that He is able to keep us healed. We may also doubt that He truly loves us. Fear and doubt about God’s goodness allow the enemy to bring sickness back. This is why we must close our account with sickness and choose never again to entertain these thoughts.
Roger Sapp made this observation about keeping our healing:
“I prayed about this matter and felt that the Lord told me that because I was getting them healed on the basis of my faith rather than their faith, this was creating this situation.
In other words, I knew how to stand in faith and receive a healing for them but they didn't know how to stand in faith to keep it. Whatever is received by faith in Christ, must be maintained by faith in Christ. When a symptom arose, they quickly doubted that they were healed and didn’t maintain it. So today, we spend more time getting them to believe for themselves, helping them deal with their doubts and teaching them what to do if a symptom returns...which is to do the same thing that they did to receive the healing. They had to believe that the healing belonged to them before they received it. They had to believe that Christ had purchased it for them at the cross. Nothing has changed if they have a symptom, they must believe that the healing still belongs to them despite a symptom, because of what Christ has done. What causes someone to receive…faith in Christ as Healer…is what causes them to maintain. Today, I think that we have a lot fewer people losing their healing.”
Honoring The Body of Christ
There is one more section of scripture we might examine to learn how to maintain our healing. In 1 Corinthians chapter 11, Paul addresses several things; one of which is sickness and premature death. He begins the discussion in verse 17, with an observation about the behavior of believers toward one another:
“But in the following instructions, I cannot praise you. For it sounds as if more harm than good is done when you meet together. First, I hear that there are divisions among you when you meet as a church, and to some extent I believe it. But, of course, there must be divisions among you so that you who have God’s approval will be recognized!” (1 Cor 11:17-19 NLT)
Paul continues his list of complaints against their behavior:
“When you meet together, you are not really interested in the Lord’s Supper. For some of you hurry to eat your own meal without sharing with others. As a result, some go hungry while others get drunk. What? Don’t you have your own homes for eating and drinking? Or do you really want to disgrace God’s church and shame the poor? What am I supposed to say? Do you want me to praise you? Well, I certainly will not praise you for this!” (Verses 20-22)
Paul then describes how the Lord passed on to him the celebration of the breaking of bread and drinking the cup in remembrance of His death. (Verses 23-26) He then adds this observation:
“27 So anyone who eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord unworthily is guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28 That is why you should examine yourself before eating the bread and drinking the cup. 29 For if you eat the bread or drink the cup without honoring the body of Christ, you are eating and drinking God’s judgment upon yourself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died.” (Verses 27-30)
It would be easy to assume that Paul was referring to how believers viewed the Lord Jesus when he said they should honor the ‘body of Christ’ when they eat the bread and drink the cup. But I don’t believe that’s what he was referring to.
In 2010, I had a chance to help my sister in law obtain healing for an occluded artery in her leg. She had poor circulation in her leg for many years. Her foot was always cold and numb and her doctor had been considering placing a stent in the artery to keep it open. One day, I asked if she wanted to be healed and she said 'yes'. I commanded the artery to be open and the circulation to return. She didn’t feel anything different until the next morning, when she woke up with a warm foot that had normal sensation and circulation. She was beaming with joy. Later that day, her foot became cold and numb and with a worried heart she asked me what happened.
I sat her down and explained that healing and sickness are a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Like it or not – healing is warfare. God wants us to be healed and the enemy wants us to be sick. She immediately understood. I told her that the enemy brought the symptoms back to convince her she wasn’t healed and that all we needed to do was push back a little and do some more warfare. I commanded her leg to be healed again and in a few minutes the circulation returned. I told her that all she needed to do was to resist the enemy’s tactics if it happened again. "If the symptoms return, command them to leave". With a smile of understanding she confidently maintained her healing and she’s had normal circulation since that day.
My sister didn’t want to continue the merry go round of sickness. She wasn’t getting sympathy from anyone. She received no financial benefit. She didn’t dwell on how her ability to endure the condition proved that she had great character and strength. She received no gratification from it. She wanted it gone for good. Once she was healed, she chose to close her account with sickness.
She and many like her will be healed and stay healed, because they earnestly want no part of their condition. Once it’s gone, they don’t imagine what will happen if it returns. Fear that our sickness will come back is a trap many of us fall into. Fear is a tool of the enemy. When we are healed, we are given a taste of God’s power and love. The bible says,
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18)
When we fear the return of our condition, we do so because we doubt that God has really healed us or that He is able to keep us healed. We may also doubt that He truly loves us. Fear and doubt about God’s goodness allow the enemy to bring sickness back. This is why we must close our account with sickness and choose never again to entertain these thoughts.
Roger Sapp made this observation about keeping our healing:
“I prayed about this matter and felt that the Lord told me that because I was getting them healed on the basis of my faith rather than their faith, this was creating this situation.
In other words, I knew how to stand in faith and receive a healing for them but they didn't know how to stand in faith to keep it. Whatever is received by faith in Christ, must be maintained by faith in Christ. When a symptom arose, they quickly doubted that they were healed and didn’t maintain it. So today, we spend more time getting them to believe for themselves, helping them deal with their doubts and teaching them what to do if a symptom returns...which is to do the same thing that they did to receive the healing. They had to believe that the healing belonged to them before they received it. They had to believe that Christ had purchased it for them at the cross. Nothing has changed if they have a symptom, they must believe that the healing still belongs to them despite a symptom, because of what Christ has done. What causes someone to receive…faith in Christ as Healer…is what causes them to maintain. Today, I think that we have a lot fewer people losing their healing.”
Honoring The Body of Christ
There is one more section of scripture we might examine to learn how to maintain our healing. In 1 Corinthians chapter 11, Paul addresses several things; one of which is sickness and premature death. He begins the discussion in verse 17, with an observation about the behavior of believers toward one another:
“But in the following instructions, I cannot praise you. For it sounds as if more harm than good is done when you meet together. First, I hear that there are divisions among you when you meet as a church, and to some extent I believe it. But, of course, there must be divisions among you so that you who have God’s approval will be recognized!” (1 Cor 11:17-19 NLT)
Paul continues his list of complaints against their behavior:
“When you meet together, you are not really interested in the Lord’s Supper. For some of you hurry to eat your own meal without sharing with others. As a result, some go hungry while others get drunk. What? Don’t you have your own homes for eating and drinking? Or do you really want to disgrace God’s church and shame the poor? What am I supposed to say? Do you want me to praise you? Well, I certainly will not praise you for this!” (Verses 20-22)
Paul then describes how the Lord passed on to him the celebration of the breaking of bread and drinking the cup in remembrance of His death. (Verses 23-26) He then adds this observation:
“27 So anyone who eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord unworthily is guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28 That is why you should examine yourself before eating the bread and drinking the cup. 29 For if you eat the bread or drink the cup without honoring the body of Christ, you are eating and drinking God’s judgment upon yourself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died.” (Verses 27-30)
It would be easy to assume that Paul was referring to how believers viewed the Lord Jesus when he said they should honor the ‘body of Christ’ when they eat the bread and drink the cup. But I don’t believe that’s what he was referring to.
In this passage, two different terms are used. He refers to “the body and blood of the Lord” in verse 27, and “the body of Christ” in verse 29. Paul often referred to the body of believers, or the church as “the body of Christ”.
In this passage Paul was telling the church that their behavior toward one another (the body of Christ) was the reason some had become sick and died. Remember, his complaint against them was division, quarreling and selfishness. As he brings the discussion to a close he again emphasizes their behavior toward one another:
“So, my dear brothers and sisters, when you gather for the Lord’s Supper, wait for each other. If you are really hungry, eat at home so you won’t bring judgment upon yourselves when you meet together.” (Verses 33-34)
Paul ties the judgment that some had received (sickness and death) to their practice of not waiting for others to eat. He actually said that sickness and premature death were a result of not honoring other believers.
In summary, there are a number of things we can do to maintain our healing. One is to treat others, particularly those in the body of Christ, with respect and honor. Another is to avoid sin. It seems good to occasionally testify about our healing instead of testifying about our sickness. From personal experience, I would add that we should refuse to entertain thoughts about sickness returning and instead fix our thoughts on God’s goodness. Another key is to resist the tendency to take ownership of the condition by referring to it as “mine”. And occasionally, if the symptoms return we might need to command them to leave. We must continue to believe after we are healed, that Christ is still and always will be our healer. Once we are healed, we must make a choice to either close our account with sickness or leave it open. The choice we make will determine the degree to which we keep our healing.
In this passage Paul was telling the church that their behavior toward one another (the body of Christ) was the reason some had become sick and died. Remember, his complaint against them was division, quarreling and selfishness. As he brings the discussion to a close he again emphasizes their behavior toward one another:
“So, my dear brothers and sisters, when you gather for the Lord’s Supper, wait for each other. If you are really hungry, eat at home so you won’t bring judgment upon yourselves when you meet together.” (Verses 33-34)
Paul ties the judgment that some had received (sickness and death) to their practice of not waiting for others to eat. He actually said that sickness and premature death were a result of not honoring other believers.
In summary, there are a number of things we can do to maintain our healing. One is to treat others, particularly those in the body of Christ, with respect and honor. Another is to avoid sin. It seems good to occasionally testify about our healing instead of testifying about our sickness. From personal experience, I would add that we should refuse to entertain thoughts about sickness returning and instead fix our thoughts on God’s goodness. Another key is to resist the tendency to take ownership of the condition by referring to it as “mine”. And occasionally, if the symptoms return we might need to command them to leave. We must continue to believe after we are healed, that Christ is still and always will be our healer. Once we are healed, we must make a choice to either close our account with sickness or leave it open. The choice we make will determine the degree to which we keep our healing.
back pain healed,
Keeping Our Healing,
Maintaining our healing,
occluded artery healed,
spiritual battle
Apr 19, 2012
Wayne's Story
"How are you feeling, Wayne?"
"Pretty weak.....and dehydrated."
He struck me as a guy you ask just about anything and he'd probably give you a straight answer. I did the introductions as we raised the gurney to load height. The door opened. A blur of residents swarmed past. Most of the residents said 'Hi' to Wayne. Some asked where he was going. He explained that he wasn't feeling well and was going to the hospital. It was obvious that he was well-liked.
We were notified by dispatch before going on scene that Wayne has HIV. My mind went where it always goes when we transport a patient with HIV.
I'd love to tell you that I don't wonder about a patient's sexual orientation when I hear that they have HIV. I wonder if they know Jesus. I try to keep an open mind. I've been wrong so many times before.
Wayne told his friends he was disappointed to be going to the hospital. He was looking forward to leading the bible study tonight.
We rolled toward the ambulance and talked on the way. He'd been vomiting and having diarrhea for three days and hadn't slept in two. Considering how sick he was, he had a great attitude.
And great big veins.
I got the IV supplies and told Wayne about the first time I transported a patient with HIV. It was out of Vanderbilt hospital in 1988. HIV was a new disease. We did mouth to mouth on dead people who would usually vomit in our mouth. And we never wore gloves.
The man we transported that day was brutally beaten because he was gay. He was a bloody mess from head to toe. He was being transferred to another hospital because he didn't have insurance. They didn't tell us he had HIV until we were almost out the door. They were afraid that if they did we'd refuse to take him.
Times have changed. Mostly for the better.
The IV went in easily. As I began dumping normal saline into his parched body, my partner disappeared behind the closing door. Wayne and I talked all the way to the hospital. Mostly about eternity. I told him I collected stories about people who had died and gone to heaven then returned. He asked what I thought about the teaching that people 'sleep' when they die.
I told him is was a lot of nonsense. "....To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord..."
I shared some of the testimonies I'd heard from people who had died, including a man we'd transported earlier in the day. He'd been run over by a Humvee and went into cardiac arrest. In eternity he saw a line that he was standing on. He knew that if he went one way, he would live again and if he went the other way, he would stay in eternity.
I asked if I could pray with Wayne to be healed. He said He'd love that. Resting my hand on his shoulder I blessed the work of God in his life and commanded sickness to leave in the name of Jesus.
God's presence in the ambulance made me sway gently back and forth. Peace and joy swept over me.
We talked some more. He told me a few stories from his childhood where he wandered around town for several days being ignored by everyone. It was like he was invisible. No one acknowledged he was there. He heard the Lord tell him when he was thirsty to put his mouth to the ground and open it. And when he did, his thirst disappeared. Somehow, God quenched his thirst. He drank no water for days.
Wayne had known the Lord from childhood. We talked about heaven and how many people say that our existence there is much like being a child. There is no fear of anything. Just a complete innocence and trust that your Father is perfect and all that He made is perfect. We talked about the perfect love He surrounds us with.
Wayne said he is a musician and has songs available on itunes. I'm going to check them out. I really loved this guy and I was honored to be able to pray for him.
Wayne, if you read this, let me know how you're doing. Keep encouraging people with the love God placed in your heart.
Apr 16, 2012
Word of Knowledge Healing From Taiwan
Apr 14, 2012
On Target
My daughter and I have a Saturday ritual. We check what’s left in the pantry and refrigerator and make a pilgrimage to Costco to re-stock. We always stop at a second store to get a few things we can’t get a Costco. This Saturday we stopped at Target.
We picked up a few things and were cruising the aisles, when my daughter said, “Hey dad, did you see the lady with the leg immobilizer?”
I was busy looking for things on my list had hadn't noticed her.
We found her in the refrigerated food aisle. I could tell that my daughter wanted to see her healed, so I walked up and asked what she did to injure her foot. She explained that she had a torn (detached) left Achilles tendon. I asked how it happened. She said it was a rare side-effect of taking the antibiotic Levaquin.
I’d never heard of an antibiototic causing something like a torn tendon.
I asked if she’d had surgery to repair it yet.
"Not yet. I’m scheduled for surgery in two weeks."
I would have already introduced myself, but Lori was so friendly and willing to discuss her life with a couple of strangers, I decided to wait and let her tell us as much as she would without telling her who we were and what we had planned.
If you know me, you know I like to build bridges of trust before asking if I can pray with someone. This bridge was going up quickly. But it was time for introductions, so I told her I was a medic and introduced my daughter.
I thought it would be good to share one testimony before we asked if she wanted to be healed, so I told her the story about the EMT who had his torn Achilles tendon healed while at work. Then I asked if she wanted to be healed. She said she’d like that very much.
My daughter and I placed our hands on her immobilized ankle. I asked the Holy Spirit to bring His presence and touch her. I don’t know if she felt His presence, but I did. We commanded pain, inflammation and spirits of infirmity to leave and asked if she felt anything.
“It feels hot down there.”
“Awesome. That’s the power of God healing you.”
We prayed a second time. I commanded the tendon to re-attach to the heel bone and asked what she felt.
“I feel a pulling sensation near my heel.”
I explained that the “pulling sensation” was probably her tendon re-attaching to her heel bone and said she may want to remove the immobilizer and try to walk without it when she got home.
We spent a few minutes talking. She thanked us repeatedly for stopping to pray with her. I gave told her info on how to find this site and asked her to drop us an e-mail and let us know how she was doing.
My Daughter gave me a high five as we walked away.....
and a fistbump.
My Daughter gave me a high five as we walked away.....
and a fistbump.
Jesus is so cool :)
Apr 11, 2012
Purple Scrubs
You never know there the rabbit trails will lead...
The information on my computer terminal said we would have a parent riding with us. The parent was a doctor at the hospital where we were picking up the patient.
Ryan was 15 and had a first time seizure. No recent illness or head trauma. No explanation at all. Sometimes a tumor will cause seizures, but that was something we didn't know.
Ryan's father impressed me. I don't know if he's a decent doctor, but the way he behaved around his son told me he was an excellent father. I got report from the nurse, asked a few questions and we got Ryan loaded.
As I took report, I closed my eyes for a split second. Just long enough to see a vision of myself handing Ryan's father one of my cards.
In the ambulance, Ryan curled up and slept. Seizures make you tired. His father and I talked. He mentioned something about people from his church. It was all the confirmation I needed. I told him what I do and asked if I could pray. He said yes. I handed him a card. We both prayed over Ryan. Since it was Easter, I declared the resurrection power of God to rest upon him.
I don't know if Ryan was healed. Time will tell. But I was able to encourage his father and that means a lot to me.
We dropped Ryan off at the hospital. As we rolled through the front door, I noticed three women in purple scrubs walking in our direction. The scrubs looked new. My partner said, "They're students". They followed us into the hospital and went to the same bank of elevators. One of them was limping noticeably.
So I asked how she injured her leg.
"I don't know, but I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow."
They got on a different elevator. It's hard to lay hands on people when you're pushing a gurney. Some days I wish I could slow everything down and have more time to take care of the important stuff. Like getting people healed.
The elevator door opened on the fifth floor and we exited. So did the ladies in purple.
I love a good set up.
I re-joined the limping woman. In fifteen minutes I would learn that her name was Julie and that she was a child life assistant at the hospital, not a student. And yes, the scrubs were new.
I told the limping woman not to go too far and that I wanted to talk to her after I dropped off my patient. We took Ryan to his room and got him transferred. My partner took the gurney downstairs to clean it. I already had my report done so I had time to look for the limping woman. I found her in her office with her shoe off, rubbing lotion on her sore foot.
I believe in God's favor. I believe it opens doors. I believe His presence goes with me. And I believe people are curious about what you're up to when you're bold.
When I told my wife this story, she said, "So you just told her to stick around and you expected her to do it?"
Yup. I sure did.
And I expected her to let me pray with her when I asked.
And she did.
So I commanded her foot to be healed, and for demo.....I mean spirits to leave and asked what she felt.
"Well, to tell you the truth, before you got here I rubbed this stuff on my foot that makes it all tingly. So it feels like pins and needles right now."
I thought, "Well that's awesome. You just ruined my day."
I told her I believed she'd be healed, maybe in 10 minutes, maybe tomorrow. And when it came, I asked her to thank God for it.
Her two friends were now curious to know more about this paramedic fellow who thinks he can just walk up to strangers and pray for them. (They were actually very sweet and I wish I had another hour to spend with them) So I told them about the dreams where I was praying for my patients and they were being healed. I told them I'd prayed for hundreds of people and didn't see anyone healed, but kept praying anyway. Then I told them I have a lot of prophetic dreams about things that happen in the future.
Julie (the limping woman) chimed in.
"What do you think is going to happen at the end of year in December?"
I told her I had a dream about that a couple of years ago. I gave them the dream and the interpretation. The short story is; a lot of people will make a lot of predictions about the end of the world, but it will prove to be a load of garbage. (If you're interested in reading about the dream, go here).
She asked what I thought about the people who are building a place on the top of a mountain because they believe a race of benevolent aliens from another planet are going to come for them at the end of the year.
I told her that a lot of my friends have been having dreams about aliens coming to visit earth. And in most of the dreams, the aliens are not friendly. They have an evil plan. And my friends are usually trying to warn people not to believe what they're being told about the "friendly" aliens. I said I thought the aliens were actually fallen angels or demons.
"I knew it." Julie said. "I've been having the same dreams. These aliens come and try to get people to go with them and I'm running around warning everyone to stay away from them because they're evil."
We talked some more. I told them it's shaping up to be an interesting year. I suggested that it's a year when discerning truth from deception will be critical. And if anyone lacks wisdom, they only need to ask God and He'll give them understanding.
Apr 8, 2012
Cardiac Arrest Miracle
CPR and prayer,
sudden cardiac death,
Apr 5, 2012
Playing Chicken
Bernadette sat in a wheelchair as we rolled the gurney through the front door. She could walk, but it was difficult and she wasn’t able to go far. I shot her a glance then looked at her mother and wondered which was the patient.
“Hi”, I said as I reached my hand toward her mom. I introduced us and asked her name. She told me hers and mentioned that she was partially blind and had difficulty hearing. The fact that she wore sunglasses inside should have been my first clue.
I asked what brought us to her house today. Getting information from her was difficult, but we learned that it was her daughter that we were transporting.
Bernadette was young, but her life had been one medical setback after another since she was a girl. At the age of 11, she suffered a severe diabetic seizure that left her with bilateral foot drop and other neurological issues. Recently, she’d had her gall bladder removed and had been experiencing chest pain for several days following the procedure. She’d been evaluated at one of the emergency rooms but they found nothing and sent her home. We were seeing her to take her to a different hospital for a second opinion and to see her surgeon.
Her countenance was sadder than a woman of twenty-something should have. A deep sense of discomfort began to stir inside me.
“Why was she so terribly sad?”
We loaded her and got a set of vitals. I asked about starting an IV.
“Don’t bother. I have a port. You wouldn’t be able to get an IV anyways. My veins are terrible.”
I could see a small bulge in her skin in her right upper chest at the edge of her tank top strap, where the port was located.
“OK....no IV.”
We did an EKG, checked her blood sugar and rolled down the road. I began asking questions.
After the routine questions, I thought about asking if I could pray with her. But she seemed, for some reason, like the last person on earth who would want prayer. I couldn’t put my finger on exactly why I thought why she would say no. It just seemed to me like she wouldn’t be interested. I almost chickened out.
One of the greatest problems I struggle with is the temptation to take the position that I have no responsibility to pray with patients and nothing to loose if I decide not to ask if they want prayer. i wish I could say that I ask everyone. But I don't.
“I have one more question to ask you…..Would you like me to pray with you?”
Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. With a beaming smile she said, “I know God heals people and I love to have you pray with me.”
She took my hands in her, closed her eyes and started thanking God. I asked the Holy Spirit to touch her and commanded pain to leave. We prayed and prayed and prayed. Then we talked.
It turns out, Bernadette is a believer. Her husband is part of a group of men who go down to Mill Avenue in Tempe on Friday nights and pray with anyone who wants prayer. We had a lot to talk about.
We discussed her medical problems and the frustration her husband has because she hasn’t been healed yet. I told her I have the same problem. I shared with her the strange fact that many of us who see the sick healed, can’t get our own family members healed. It seems like when I pray for my wife, my prayers bounce off the ceiling and fall helplessly to the floor.
In spite of the fact that she hasn’t been healed yet, Bernadette showed an amazing love for God. Her trust in Him was deeper than her outward appearance showed. My judgment of her willingness to have me pray with her wasn’t even close to the truth. She loves Jesus and loves to pray.
She felt absolutely nothing in her body as I prayed with her. But the joy in hear heart was impossible to measure and it couldn’t be hidden behind the Great Wall of China. I gave her a card to the website and told her to look me up on Facebook.
As we pulled in the driveway of the hospital, she began to perspire. “You better check my blood sugar again. When it starts to drop it goes down fast.”
We did another check of her blood sugar. It was 60. We usually give sugar if it’s less than 70.
We transferred her to the ER and gave report. I got her a container of orange juice to drink. The nurse behind the desk gave me a scowl. “What are you doing?” I explained that her blood sugar was dropping. “Well, she’ll need more than one. I’ll get another one and you take her to her room.”
We got her moved over and gave report. I told her not to be a stranger. She promised to keep in touch.
Later that day she sent me a friend request on Facebook. She’s been admitted to the hospital. I posted a prayer request for her on my Facebook page and people responded.
She’s the first patient I’ve transported who connected with me on Facebook. I’m glad to have a friend like her.
When she’s healed, I’ll let you know.
Apr 3, 2012
Is There a Place in Medicine For Divine Healing?
Crammed into a room slightly larger than a closet, I found Maurice, a man in his thirties with some big problems. After passing large amounts of blood in his bowel movements for three days, he reluctantly came to the emergency room. He'd managed to flush most of his blood volume down the toilet. A normal red blood cell count (RBC) is between 4.5 and 5.5. His was 1.6. His hemoglobin and hematocrit were critical. The ER doc ordered a transfusion of 6 units of whole blood for starters.
Maurice was diagnosed with high blood pressure at the age of 15. At the age of 18 he suffered his first stroke and spent 2 weeks in a coma. At 21, he developed kidney failure and learned about dialysis. My new friend had more medical problems than most men twice his age. I explained my part in the continuing drama of his life. We chatted as I thought about how we would get him out of the tiny room and keep the IV attached to his neck from pulling out.
Maurice was curious. The moment we got in the ambulance the questions began.
"Are the lights on?"
“Yes, but only on the left side. Most people don't appreciate bright lights in their eyes."
"Not the inside ones, I mean the ones on the outside. Are the red lights on?"
I smiled and asked if he thought we needed them. He said, "I don't know, what do you think?"
I explained that we don't use red lights much between hospitals because most of our patients are stable. We talked about the risks and benefits of running red lights and siren. But I shared the story with him about the woman we transported earlier in the day who was in premature labor. "We don't like delivering babies in the ambulance."
"What's the difference between an EMT and a paramedic?"
I explained.
"What's the difference between a paramedic and a nurse?"
More explanations.
I really liked Maurice. He was a pleasant man in spite of his medical problems and he laughed at a lot of the things I said. He didn't fit the stereotype of Muslims that I'd built in my mind. He was strangely....very much like me.
In explaining the differences between paramedics, EMT's and nurses, I told him that I was a little different from most paramedics because I saw many of my patients healed in the ambulance.
With a puzzled look he delivered his next question, "What do you mean healed?"
I told him a few stories about patients who had been healed. Now he was even more curious.
"Can you do anything about my headache?"
I asked how bad it was. He said it was very painful, about 8/10. I told him I'd command it to leave. I placed my hand on his head and commanded the pain to leave in the name of Jesus. Then I asked how he felt.
"A little better"
I put my hand on his head again and commanded the pain to leave then asked again.
"A lot better."
I did it one more time. He said, "It's gone...completely gone." He was smiling from ear to ear.
I said, "Jesus just healed you."
He wanted to discuss who Jesus was, but I kept the focus on getting him healed. I told him that God could give him new kidneys, and heal his GI bleed if he would let me continue praying. He nodded in agreement, so I placed my hands on his abdomen and commanded the bleeding to stop and for his kidneys to be healed. We arrived at the destination hospital and moved him to his ICU bed. I gave report to the nurse and left out the fact that his headache was healed.
Two days after transporting Maurice, I went to the ICU to check up on him.
When I asked what the doctors found when he arrived, he said, “You won’t believe it.”
I looked at him and said, “Try me.”
With a grin he told me his doctors ordered all the usual tests - both endoscopy and abdominal scans and found no signs of bleeding. They couldn’t explain how it happened. He was completely healed and they were sending him home. He allowed me to pray for healing of his kidneys again. He gave me permission to tell his story, but we agreed to change his name.
This kind of story has become routine for me. Three years ago, after having a few dreams about praying for patients in the ambulance, I reluctantly began asking patients if I could pray with them. At that time I didn’t believe in divine healing. But I decided to try it and see what happened.
During the next six months, I prayed with several hundred patients, but I didn’t follow up with any of them and I didn’t see any miracles. The lack of results was discouraging, but I continued having dreams about praying with my patients, so I kept asking people if I could pray with them.
One morning, we transported an elderly woman for flu- like symptoms. In gathering her history I learned that she had scoliosis and a torn meniscus in her left knee. I asked if she wanted to be healed. She said she did, so I prayed with her. Both her knee and her back were healed before we got to the hospital. She had no pain and complete freedom of movement. The same day we transported another elderly woman with fractured tibia. She was also healed, almost immediately.
In one weekend in 2010, I saw three ER nurses healed of foot problems. Two of them had plantar fasciitis and one had broken the 5th metatarsal on both feet. All three women were healed instantly. In a recent transport to a cath lab for a pacemaker implantation, I prayed with a 94-year-old woman who had bilateral frozen shoulders due to torn rotator cuffs. After praying with her, it seemed nothing had changed. But ten minutes later she suddenly raised her right arm straight up in the air and said, “Praise God, it’s a miracle!” Her right shoulder was completely healed. On the same weekend, a 95-year-old woman with crippling arthritis in her right knee was completely healed just a few minutes after I prayed with her.
In the last three years, I’ve seen hundreds, perhaps thousands of people healed. One of the great myths about healing is that healing is a gift, only given to a few special people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Twelve years ago I was an atheist. Four years ago I believed in God, but not in healing. I was the least likely candidate to receive the gift of healing if such a thing existed. The truth is; healing miracles can be a part of your life, just as they became a part of mine.
Divine healing and emergency medicine may at first seem like strange partners. Divine healing is a matter of faith. Medicine is mostly a matter of science. Our culture has at times, identified these two as being in conflict with one another. But the truth is; divine healing is an excellent compliment to the practice of medicine. There are many conditions for which medicine has little to offer. The power of divine healing has virtually no limitations. While patients have a high degree of trust in the medical community, most patients also believe in a higher power.
In the minds of our patients, there is no conflict between healing prayer and medicine. In the last three years I’ve asked over 1,000 patients if I could pray with them for healing. Less than a dozen have declined and those who did thanked me for asking. When I began to ask patients about prayer – I wasn’t prepared for what I would find. I couldn’t believe how many people not only welcomed prayer, but were deeply touched when I asked. Many cried tears of joy simply because a stranger in an ambulance asked if he could pray with them. I’ve been surprised at how many agnostics, atheists, and people of other faiths have wanted me to pray with them. The ones who saw no immediate healing were grateful. The ones who were healed were ecstatic.
My observation is this; if you’re afraid your patients don’t want you praying with them – you’re wrong. More people are willing to receive prayer than you might think. This is especially true when the patient believes they are in dire straits.
Operating as a divine healer in health care is rewarding but it does come with a few challenges. I’ve met a few people who objected to a paramedic praying with patients on duty. I had a discussion with a doctor who was offended when she learned that I talked to my patients about God. In her mind my actions were unethical. She believes patients are vulnerable, seeing medical workers as experts. Her fear was that I would abuse my ‘expert’ status and push a vulnerable patient into accepting a religious point of view, without having time to fully consider it. I suppose some people may operate this way, though it seems rather manipulative. There is no reason why discussions can’t occur that allow us to share ideas without crossing the lines of sound ethical practice.
The truth is that my attempts to proselytize patients are extremely rare. When I ask a patient if I can pray with them, I have only a couple of things in mind. The main goal is to get them healed. A secondary goal is to introduce them to God in a way that is personal and memorable. I simply invite God to touch them in a way that will allow them to know He is real. And they are fully aware that’s what I’m doing. I allow my patients to hear me as I ask God to touch them. I don’t preach to them and I’m not in the habit of asking them to believe in Jesus as their savior.
If your motive for praying with a patient is to convert them to your religious belief, people have a right to question your motives. If on the other hand, your desire is to see your patients healed; your motives will be seen as less selfish and more consistent with the goals of sound patient care.
If EMS is about delivering the highest level of care and the best customer service possible, then divine healing should be a part of what we do, at least for those interested in the realm of faith. Yes, there are cultural obstacles to overcome. But there are no legal restrictions preventing us from pursuing this avenue of care.
If you’re new to this blog and interested in learning more about divine healing and how to make it a part of your practice, check out the teaching articles and video testimonies I've posted here.
Apr 1, 2012
Heart Surgeon Speaks Out on What Really Causes Heart Disease
We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact.
I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labelled "opinion makers." Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood cholesterol.
The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. The latter of course we insisted would lower cholesterol and heart disease. Deviations from these recommendations were considered heresy and could quite possibly result in malpractice.
It Is Not Working!
These recommendations are no longer scientifically or morally defensible. The discovery a few years ago that inflammation in the artery wall is the real cause of heart disease is slowly leading to a paradigm shift in how heart disease and other chronic ailments will be treated.
The long-established dietary recommendations have created epidemics of obesity and diabetes, the consequences of which dwarf any historical plague in terms of mortality, human suffering and dire economic consequences.
Despite the fact that 25% of the population takes expensive statin medications and despite the fact we have reduced the fat content of our diets, more Americans will die this year of heart disease than ever before.
Statistics from the American Heart Association show that 75 million Americans currently suffer from heart disease, 20 million have diabetes and 57 million have pre-diabetes. These disorders are affecting younger and younger people in greater numbers every year.
Simply stated, without inflammation being present in the body, there is no way that cholesterol would accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause heart disease and strokes. Without inflammation, cholesterol would move freely throughout the body as nature intended. It is inflammation that causes cholesterol to become trapped.
Inflammation is not complicated -- it is quite simply your body's natural defence to a foreign invader such as a bacteria, toxin or virus. The cycle of inflammation is perfect in how it protects your body from these bacterial and viral invaders. However, if we chronically expose the body to injury by toxins or foods the human body was never designed to process, a condition occurs called chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is just as harmful as acute inflammation is beneficial.
What thoughtful person would willfully expose himself repeatedly to foods or other substances that are known to cause injury to the body? Well, smokers perhaps, but at least they made that choice willfully.
The rest of us have simply followed the recommended mainstream diet that is low in fat and high in polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates, not knowing we were causing repeated injury to our blood vessels. This repeated injury creates chronic inflammation leading to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity.
Let me repeat that: The injury and inflammation in our blood vessels is caused by the low fat diet recommended for years by mainstream medicine.
What are the biggest culprits of chronic inflammation? Quite simply, they are the overload of simple, highly processed carbohydrates (sugar, flour and all the products made from them) and the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils like soybean, corn and sunflower that are found in many processed foods.
Take a moment to visualize rubbing a stiff brush repeatedly over soft skin until it becomes quite red and nearly bleeding. You kept this up several times a day, every day for five years. If you could tolerate this painful brushing, you would have a bleeding, swollen infected area that became worse with each repeated injury. This is a good way to visualize the inflammatory process that could be going on in your body right now.
Regardless of where the inflammatory process occurs, externally or internally, it is the same. I have peered inside thousands upon thousands of arteries. A diseased artery looks as if someone took a brush and scrubbed repeatedly against its wall. Several times a day, every day, the foods we eat creates small injuries compounding into more injuries, causing the body to respond continuously and appropriately with inflammation.
While we savor the tantalizing taste of a sweet roll, our bodies respond alarmingly as if a foreign invader arrived declaring war. Foods loaded with sugars and simple carbohydrates, or processed with omega-6 oils for long shelf life have been the mainstay of the American diet for six decades. These foods have been slowly poisoning everyone.
How does eating a simple sweet roll create a cascade of inflammation to make you sick?
Imagine spilling syrup on your keyboard and you have a visual of what occurs inside the cell. When we consume simple carbohydrates such as sugar, blood sugar rises rapidly. In response, your pancreas secretes insulin whose primary purpose is to drive sugar into each cell where it is stored for energy. If the cell is full and does not need glucose, it is rejected to avoid extra sugar gumming up the works.
When your full cells reject the extra glucose, blood sugar rises producing more insulin and the glucose converts to stored fat.
What does all this have to do with inflammation? Blood sugar is controlled in a very narrow range. Extra sugar molecules attach to a variety of proteins that in turn injure the blood vessel wall. This repeated injury to the blood vessel wall sets off inflammation. When you spike your blood sugar level several times a day, every day, it is exactly like taking sandpaper to the inside of your delicate blood vessels.
While you may not be able to see it, rest assured it is there. I saw it in over 5,000 surgical patients spanning 25 years who all shared one common denominator -- inflammation in their arteries.
Let's get back to the sweet roll. That innocent looking goody not only contains sugars, it is baked in one of many omega-6 oils such as soybean. Chips and fries are soaked in soybean oil; processed foods are manufactured with omega-6 oils for longer shelf life. While omega-6's are essential -they are part of every cell membrane controlling what goes in and out of the cell -- they must be in the correct balance with omega-3's.
If the balance shifts by consuming excessive omega-6, the cell membrane produces chemicals called cytokines that directly cause inflammation.
Today's mainstream American diet has produced an extreme imbalance of these two fats. The ratio of imbalance ranges from 15:1 to as high as 30:1 in favor of omega-6. That's a tremendous amount of cytokines causing inflammation. In today's food environment, a 3:1 ratio would be optimal and healthy.
To make matters worse, the excess weight you are carrying from eating these foods creates overloaded fat cells that pour out large quantities of pro-inflammatory chemicals that add to the injury caused by having high blood sugar. The process that began with a sweet roll turns into a vicious cycle over time that creates heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and finally, Alzheimer's disease, as the inflammatory process continues unabated.
There is no escaping the fact that the more we consume prepared and processed foods, the more we trip the inflammation switch little by little each day. The human body cannot process, nor was it designed to consume, foods packed with sugars and soaked in omega-6 oils.
There is but one answer to quieting inflammation, and that is returning to foods closer to their natural state. To build muscle, eat more protein. Choose carbohydrates that are very complex such as colorful fruits and vegetables. Cut down on or eliminate inflammation- causing omega-6 fats like corn and soybean oil and the processed foods that are made from them.
One tablespoon of corn oil contains 7,280 mg of omega-6; soybean contains 6,940 mg. Instead, use olive oil or butter from grass-fed beef.
Animal fats contain less than 20% omega-6 and are much less likely to cause inflammation than the supposedly healthy oils labelled "polyunsaturated". Forget the "science" that has been drummed into your head for decades. The science that saturated fat alone causes heart disease is non-existent. The science that saturated fat raises blood cholesterol is also very weak. Since we now know that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, the concern about saturated fat is even more absurd today.
The cholesterol theory led to the no-fat, low-fat recommendations that in turn created the very foods now causing an epidemic of inflammation. Mainstream medicine made a terrible mistake when it advised people to avoid saturated fat in favor of foods high in omega-6 fats. We now have an epidemic of arterial inflammation leading to heart disease and other silent killers.
What you can do is choose whole foods your grandmother served and not those your mom turned to as grocery store aisles filled with manufactured foods. By eliminating inflammatory foods and adding essential nutrients from fresh unprocessed food, you will reverse years of damage in your arteries and throughout your body from consuming the typical American diet.
chronic inflammation,
heart disease,
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