
Mar 3, 2010

The Orphaned Spirit

I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that put a new subject on my radar. I'll call it a 'subject', though it may be the biggest problem in society right now. The dream was about the 'orphaned spirit'. That's a new concept to me. Bill and Beni Johnson showed up in the dream and discerned that the 'orphaned spirit' was the single biggest problem God wants us to deal with right now. Their son was 'locked down' somewhere and I went on a journey to meet him. It was a long dream. So it was only a little surprising when Bill's son Eric came to speak at a church about a half mile from my house a few days after I had the dream. I didn't know Eric was coming until the day before he arrived. Wanna guess what he talked about? If you guessed the orphaned spirit - pick up your "I'm a prophet" t-shirt before you leave.

If you're not familiar with the orphaned spirit, but want to find out more, Bill Johnson does a nice job of explaining it here. If you're a heresy hunter - I'm pretty sure it isn't in the bible, so it'll keep you busy for a while. The problem is one of identity. The orphaned spirit is a mind-set in which we believe no one is able to protect or provide for us, leaving us orphans to fend for ourselves. It isn't just a problem outside the church; many believers are not yet fully convinced of who they are and who their Father really is. The problem of identity is critical to our mental, spiritual and physical health. The two videos below don't mention the orphaned spirit, but I believe they show the effect of it. In the first interview, heavy-metal rocker Kirk Martin shares about his deliverance from darkness and the belief that he needed to be in control of his own destiny. In the second, former Korn front-man Brian "Head" Welch tells how Jesus redeemed him from a life of self - destruction.

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