
Jun 2, 2010

Brian Fenimore - Revelation In Ministry

If you've ever wanted to learn about receiving words of knowledge and revelation from God, this video is for you. Brian Fenimore is a gifted healer, prophet and teacher. Get a note pad and learn from one of the best.

There are numerous methods people use for healing the sick. Some use a method based on simple obedience to what the bible says about healing. This method is the easiest to learn. You pray when you see a need and believe they will be healed. This is the method used by people like Curry Blake and Andrew Womack.

Brian teaches a different method. In this lesson he teaches on hearing the voice of God and knowing specifically what God wants us to do in releasing his power to heal. This is referred to as prophetic healing. Brian uses the ministry of Jesus as his teaching model and addresses world views, perceptions of God's nature and the idea that God wants us to partner with us in what we do. Brian has a website where more instructional resources can be found. His website can be found here.

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