
Jul 21, 2010

Quadriplegic Healed

This is a healing testimony from Eunice Bennett. The original story can be found on her website, here.

Hello Everyone- I am trying to write as soon as I arrived since the event that had happened in the Philippines is still very much fresh to my memory. I have promised in my last e-mail to give a detailed story of the events that were covered. This will be the first of the many.

This is a story of young lady who has been demonized and the result of the demonic oppression is the paralysis of her hands and legs. She is a quadriplegic. This lady does not own a wheelchair. It was agonizing to see on how she was carried entering the church building. Her patience was well worth it.

The morning session started with Al Bender, one of our speakers in our team. The realm of the spirit was prepared because of the heavy evangelistic message. After the first session was over, I was listening to the Holy Spirit on how He wants the second session to be conducted. One thing that He showed to me was the ground needs to be consecrated and to be declared as a holy ground. I requested for a bottle of oil to be bought as I will anoint the grounds and consecrate it as holy for the Lord. After I stepped into the platform, I poured out a bottle of oil at the altar. The Holy Spirit told me to declare boldly in front of them, that the fire needs oil if you want to see it explode. So the oil that was poured out was not only to consecrate the grounds for Him but to add more fire to what they already have. Then, I invited anyone who is ready to meet God at the altar to come. Everyone started to run at the altar. God was there. A few started to fall even though no one is laying hands on them. God is doing the work. Then that altar was filled with sick and demonically oppressed people.

I saw this young lady who was brought by her friends positioned right in front of the pulpit. They pushed the chair in front of me so she can be seen right away. I asked our team assistants who interviewed the lady earlier on what is wrong with her. RJ, one of the team assistants told me that she has been in a situation like that for 5 years because of a demonic oppression. She is a quadriplegic. She has a hard time moving her hands and legs and could not walk. The devil has so oppressed her and she was not helped at all by the medical world. I led her to confess about Jesus Christ and to repent of her sins. I made her declare that she belongs to Jesus! I made her repeat that line several times. There were moments that she could not say the word because of the oppression of the enemy. But I stayed with her and patiently give her an instruction on what to do. After we were done, I anointed her hands and started to move it back and forth. I did the same thing on her legs. After her hands start to move, I told her to stand up in the name of Jesus!

The following is captured at the video. I was giving instructions in English in some parts and in dialect most of the time, so I can be mostly understood by everyone in that congregation . See on how she made it! From a full blown quadriplegic to a walking person in just a few minutes.

Watch the video below.