
Sep 4, 2010

Walmart Healing

On the trip my wife and I took to celebrate our anniversary, we saw people healed every day. On the first morning of the vacation, we stopped at Walmart to pick up a power cord for my cell phone. To no one's surprise, we found someone who needed healing. Walmart seems to be a sanctuary for people with physical problems. You can always find someone wearing an immobilizer, a cast, walking with a cane or in a wheelchair. I have to confess, I've started looking for people with disabilities everywhere I go. Now that I'm actually seeing people healed, it's become an obsession.

This morning we found a couple in their 60's hobbling through the store in obvious pain. The gentleman was using his wife's cane to walk.

I love my wife's patience with me. Like a toddler with a new toy, I asked if I could pray for them. She said yes. I introduced myself, gave them a short explanation of street healing, asked if we could pray for them and asked some questions about their medical conditions. He had a logging accident years ago leaving him in constant pain and with partial paralysis from nerve damage. She had varying degrees of pain and numbness in her feet from neuropathy, although she was happy to report she'd survived several episodes of cancer.

The gentleman reported pain in his back and legs at a level of 5 out of 10. We commanded pain to leave and for nerve, tendon, ligament and muscle damage to be repaired. After several minutes of prayer he reported no pain anywhere in his body. We prayed for his wife and within a few minutes she also felt nearly complete relief of symptoms. They wanted our names and e-mail address, so we exchanged information, prayed a blessing over their finances and relationships and went our separate ways.

We found a power cord for my cell phone. But I wouldn't have cared if we didn't. I left the store overjoyed that I have a friend like Jesus who heals just about everyone I touch. His power is more than enough for me.