
Apr 27, 2011

Yes! Cancer free Today!

I've know Michael Hayes as a friend on Facebook for about a year. I found him to be one of the most inspiring and positive people I've ever met. He recently learned that he was healed of cancer and granted permission to post his testimony, which was originally published on Facebook, here.

(By Michael Hayes on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 8:22am)

My Miracle!!! ~ As most of you know I have been battling a very aggressive form of stomach cancer and just completed my third treatment. My cancer was stage 4 and was told they could not cure it completely. The surgeon who operated on me said that in his opinion I had maybe 6 months to a year before the cancer took me away.

The chemo was to make me comfortable and relieve the pain. I ask my doctor if there was a chance, although my cancer was very aggressive, if it could go into remission. He said it is possible but not likely due to how much was there and how aggressive it was.

I had a PET scan done between the first and second chemo treatment. My sister in-Law is a nurse and we were anxious to see how my cancer had progressed. ( A PET scan is designed to highlight only cancer cells)

I had spent 36 of days of the last 2 months in a hospital bed. Many people came daily to pray with me and support me family, co-workers, friend and clergy. I had an appointment with my Oncologist and was accompanied by my sister-in -law right before my chemo treatment. The PET scan had already been completed but the results had not come in yet. The doctor stated again that this cancer was very aggressive with no chance of it being eradicated completely. The doctor had begun to talk to me about my future chemo treatments, and that I really should start to consider the quality of life in planning my future. In other words, in his opinion it was not a good outcome.

Never once did I ever believe it was my time, and prayed daily for my healing in spite of what I was told. In addition to my prayers there has been literally thousands who did the same, lifting me and my situation up to Lord. The doctor called my sister-in -law last week at work to give her the results of the PET scan. The doctor said that he didn't quite no how to explain it, but the PET scan showed absolutely no trace of cancer whatsoever!!!! The cancer was completely gone!!!

I knew the results last week but wanted a 1000% confirmation which I received today as I went in for the wrap up of my third chemo treatment. The nurse handed me a copy of the PET scan report and said " If I were you I would frame this" The doctor has ask me to continue with 6-8 more chemo treatments just to be sure there is no minute traces.

Thank you Lord for such love and favor!! God did for me what no one else could do, not even the finest physicians. Today I am cancer free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Lord you are truly amazing! Thank you all who vigilantly prayed for me daily. IT WORKED!!! Faith in action!! I am cancer free as a direct result of faith and prayer!!! I love all of you with God's love! thank you God for sending so many earthly angels!! I am free because of my faith and yours! Your prayers gave me hope each day that God's healing hand was upon me!

Yes its true God is still in the miracle making business!!! Not only will this be part of my amazing testimony, but it is a true Miracle of faith in God! I love all of you! Never give up, never stop believing!! I am living proof of what faith can do!! If know one has told you today that they love and care about you today, I just did! I am thanking, loving and praising God with all my heart today and everyday!!! ~ God bless all of you!!

Love + light,
Michael <><

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