
Sep 25, 2011

Safe Way or Extra Bold?

We went out last night for a drive and stopped at Sonic for dinner. I love their coney dogs. On the way home we stopped at Safeway for groceries. At the check stand, I saw a familiar Face.

It was Bryon.

When we first moved to Mesa a month ago, we met Byron at the same check stand. I struck up a conversation with him then about the immobilizer on his left wrist. I asked if he'd considered having anyone pray for it to be healed. His reply came from a man who had to be a Christian. But there was a line of customers and I didn't want to delay them, so we left. Until tonight. And there was almost no one else in the store.

"It's going to take me a minute to enter all this with my right hand, so I appreciate your patience", he said as he rang up our stuff.

"Well, why don't we get your left hand healed so you can use both of them", I replied.

He shot me a grin... "With faith the size of a mustard seed..."

I finished his sentence, "That mountain will be tossed into the sea."

I'll admit it. I wasn't feeling like taking the safe way tonight. I was feeling extra-bold.

"Byron, why don't you let me get your wrist healed tonight."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Let me pray over it for you. It should take about ten seconds."

He agreed, but by now there was a customer in line behind me, so I offered to pray after he took care of them. I waited with my daughter and wife. I asked the young lady who was helping Byron if she'd ever seen a miracle.

"Yes, when my baby was born!"

OK, she had me there.

"What I meant was, have you ever seen a miracle of healing?" She said she had not.

"Well, you're going to in a minute."

This naturally made her ask what I had planned. "So do you know some kind of trick or something?"

"I know Jesus and He heals people everywhere I go."

If you're wondering why I can be so confident in the area of healing, it's not because I have some ability or knowledge of my own. It just the fact that I've seen the work of Jesus heal so many people of the exact same thing, I no longer have any doubt that carpal tunnel will be healed. God's faithfulness has given me faith that allows me to boldly tell people they're going to be healed.

I don't have the same level of faith for every type of condition. I have a lot of faith for torn rotator cuffs, carpal tunnel, torn ligaments, and such things. But I don't have the same level of faith for blindness or deafness. I hope one day that I will.

Byron came over. I confirmed his diagnosis and asked how bad the pain was. I told the few people gathered around that Jesus still healed and because it was Him doing the healing, it's actually very easy.

I asked the Holy Spirit to come in and commanded the carpal tunnels to open, for ligaments, tendons and nerves to be healed and the spirit of pain to leave then asked what he felt. He said he felt pressure in two of his fingers. I explained to the group that in healing, after you command the healing to happen you should check the progress. I commanded the healing one more time then asked what he felt.

"The pain is all gone."

We rejoiced together and I gave one of the employees a card to this website and told her to e-mail me if she had any prayer requests.

I know I'll see Byron again. If he's having problems keeping his healing, I can teach him how it works and maybe send him here for some info.

That's how we make disciples.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome testimony! I love how naturally you do this.
    "Lord, help us all to develop our own style and give us the boldness to seize the opportunities to advance the Kingdom for you! Amen!
    Bless you brother!
    Brenda Gale Thompson
