
Jun 30, 2012

A New Season - Healing Mental Illness

On Sunday night (the 24th) I had a dream about healing people with mental illness. In the dream, I met people from my past. Each person had some type of mental illness. As I spent time with them, something I said or did set them free of it. In this season of “new things”, it appears that we'll be solving one more part of the healing puzzle.

I feel pretty confident in the realm of physical healing. Although not everyone I pray with shows signs of immediate healing, my confidence that God will heal them is pretty high. That’s not the case with mental illness.

I rarely pray with people who have mental illness, though I meet them nearly every day. I don’t have the same confidence that God will heal them and like most people, I’m afraid to pray because I don’t think they’ll be healed. I guess Papa has plans to change that.

I know mental illness can be healed. I’ve posted some great testimonies about conditions that God has already healed. But setting people free of mental illness is controversial. Sorting out truth from myth can only be done by asking Holy Spirit to do some mythbusting. In the days ahead, I'll share whatever I learn from Him.You’re welcome to stick around and learn with me. 

On Monday (the 25th) I had another interesting dream. In the dream, I met people on street corners and gas stations who didn't know who they were. They'd lost all sense of identity. As I talked with them, I reminded them of who they were and their identities were restored. 

Identity theft by the enemy isn’t a new trick. Many of us have yet to fully understand the implications of who we are in Christ and how it impacts the world around us. If God has plans to help restore our identities that may be worth sticking around for as well.

It's a new season with new challenges and new things to learn. I hope you're blessed by what you find here.


  1. Can you pray a prayer for me to be healed of urine leakage and pain in my right heel.?
    I have been praying for a long time
    and I am still trusting the Lord Jesus
    to give me complete healing.

    My name is Khar Choo and my email address is:

  2. This is a great post and truly needed endeavor in our society. In America, especially, many suffer from depression, depersonalization and anxiety problems.

  3. Something else to add about identities: We are anxious, fearful, and oppressed, and this comes from inadequate recognition of our identities in Christ. How can depression fall on someone with a "throne room" mentality? God's Word accounts that someone who is double-minded is tossed about, unstable in all his ways. Some of us aren't even double-minded but we gaze upon problems and past traumas, never the Lord (if so, we glance at Him), so they overtake us. We must fear, the Bible states, NOT to enter His rest. I believe if this message was spread, mental illness and dependence on medication would begin to subside.

    Faith is a rest. I believe mental illness cannot penetrate a restful mind. We must labour to rest; perhaps our only "real" work while on this world. Remain restful, know you are loved, and reach out to those who are ignorant of their own "throne room" identity.
