
Aug 17, 2012

Healing In The Workplace

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book on healing.

The first ten verses of Luke 5 describe what happened to Peter when he allowed his workplace be a platform for the ministry of Jesus. After the Lord taught from Peter’s boat, he asked Peter to go into deeper water and let down his nets. After telling Jesus he’d been fishing all night without catching anything he reluctantly obeyed. He was astounded when the catch was so great it began to sink the boat, requiring help from others to bring it in. God blessed Peter, James and John with an immediate increase in their business when they allowed their occupation to be used by him. Just as he did with the fishermen, God wants to bless us when we’re willing to be used by Him where we work.

One day, while working on the ambulance, my regular partner took the day off. I worked with someone I didn't know very well. ‘Cindy’ and I were having a slow day. We were five hours into the shift and hadn't run a call. To help the time pass, we talked about different things, including one of my favorite subjects; dreams.

I shared a few dreams I’d had about healing. That led to a discussion of healing itself. I shared a few healing stories, which prompted her to tell me about the car accident she was in a few years ago that left her with chronic pain between her shoulder blades. We talked and I gained her trust. So when I asked if she wanted to be healed she was comfortable having me pray with her. I explained the process then put my hand on her back and commanded it to be healed. And it was.

In ministry, it's helpful to build relationships. Before asking someone if they want to be healed it’s wise to spend a few minutes getting to know them. The degree to which you’ll minister to anyone is dependent on the relationship you have with them. Some Christians have turned ministry into a game of numbers, boasting about how many people a day they’ve reached for Jesus. Many of those converts remain strangers to the believer and God. Society has grown tired of it. Christianity devoid of meaningful relationships is empty and its fruit doesn’t last. Jesus asked us to make disciples, not converts. Discipleship is relational.

If the one you want to pray with is someone you know, the relationship may already be strong enough for prayer. Asking a stranger if they want to be healed isn’t something most people do. It’s natural for them to wonder about our motives. With a stranger it’s helpful to engage in safe conversation, allowing them a few minutes to evaluate us and our motives. You should expect to have your motives questioned. Spend time thinking about why you’re doing this and how you’ll explain your motives when asked.

As we minister in the workplace, we should remember a few things; Jesus healed all who came to him, but many chose not to come. As badly as we may want others to receive God’s healing touch, we must always ask permission and respect the wishes of those who say no. If we show honor and respect, it will be shown to us, even from those who disagree with us. “When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” (Proverbs 16:7)

Another thing to keep in mind is that employers hire us to work and they have a right to expect us to be productive. We should desire to make our employers successful. If we spend too much time engaged in ministry while at work and it interferes with productivity or proficiency, they may need to take corrective action. We should treat customers and co-workers well and be diligent in our duties. When we’re good employees, we fulfill the command to “do all things as unto the Lord”.

A generation ago, it was common for people to talk about their faith in the workplace. Today, separatists and secularists are trying hard to ban public discussions of faith. Workplace evangelism is becoming a risky proposition. In some parts of the world discussing Jesus puts you at risk for harassment, punishment or termination. Many people believe we have no right to engage in religious discussions while on the job. Make no mistake there will always be a cost that must be considered by outspoken disciples of Jesus.

At the outset, I had concerns that God wouldn’t heal the people I prayed with and I’d look foolish. Concerns about how we’re perceived by others are sometimes rooted in pride. In this case I had to choose obedience over what others thought about me. Humility allows us to take risks at the expense of our ego. My fears were short-lived. I did go through a season of praying with people who weren’t healed, but not because God didn’t want them healed. It was because I didn’t know what I was doing yet. After changing my approach and commanding healing instead of begging God to do it, I saw the number of people healed increase dramatically. I never really experienced the things I feared. I suppose the enemy may have been trying to discourage me. He’ll probably try it with you, so be brave if God asks you to step out in faith.

Operating as a divine healer in the workplace can be a challenging task, but the rewards are profound. When I began I met a few people who objected to a paramedic praying with patients while at work. I had a discussion on a medical blog with a doctor who was offended when she learned that I talked to my patients about God. In her mind my actions were unethical. She believes that patients are vulnerable and see medical workers as experts. Her fear was that I would abuse my ‘expert’ status and push a vulnerable patient into accepting a religious point of view, without having time to fully consider it. I suppose some may operate this way, though it seems rather manipulative. There is no reason why open discussions can’t occur which allow both people to share ideas without crossing the lines of sound ethical practice.

Rules regarding discussions of faith vary depending on your occupation and where you work. Check to learn what restrictions apply to you. The medical industry allows for some people to discuss faith openly with patients. If you’re on the pastoral staff you’re allowed a lot of freedom. These positions enjoy a privileged status the rest of us don’t. There seems to be a trend toward more restriction on workplace discussions of faith. This trend needs to be challenged and the responsibility falls on us. If you work in a place where you aren’t free to talk about God, it’s your responsibility to engage in discussions with management to have the rules changed.

If our attempts to bring Jesus into the workplace cause customers to go elsewhere or co-workers to file complaints against us, perhaps we should re-think our strategy. After years of ‘witnessing’ to people on the job, and having no fruit come from it, I began instead to discuss healing. In the time I’ve used this approach, which I use almost daily, I haven’t had a complaint from anyone. Many have been healed, and even the people who weren’t were grateful.

There are a thousand ways in which healing can be brought to the workplace. The only limitation is our own creativity. Healing is often used as a tool for evangelism, but it’s also a gift of the Holy Spirit and the gifts are intended to benefit the church. I tend to operate more in the gift of healing with believers than in healing as an aid to evangelism.

I keep my eyes open for anyone who is walking or moving in a way that shows they are in pain. I look for immobilizers, canes, crutches, and wheelchairs or a look of pain on anyone’s face. If I see someone taking Advil, I ask why. I’ve also developed selective hearing, where I tune into certain conversations and tune others out. I listen for medical words. After a bit of practice you become more perceptive to the needs of others. One day you’ll realize that asking a stranger if they want prayer is no longer considered ‘risky behavior’, but a normal activity.

It’s surprising how many people discuss their health problems in public. When someone discusses a surgery, a chronic painful condition or even something like insomnia, there’s a need for healing standing in front of you. All you need to do is politely ask about the condition, maybe share a testimony of healing and ask if they’ll let you pray with them. After a few people are healed, your co-workers will begin to talk. As word gets around, you’ll find more opportunities. As more people are healed, your faith will grow and you’ll probably see more miracles. If you’re experiences are like mine, co-workers will start coming to you first, before making an appointment with their doctor.

The disciples of Jesus became habitual healers. They kept routines and visited certain places often. And wherever they went, the sick were healed and the dead were raised. They became so well known for healing, and their routines so regular that people laid the sick in their path, knowing that as their shadow passed by, sickness and disease would leave. There’s nothing keeping you from developing this same kind of reputation for healing. It’s a matter of how much compassion you have and how closely you want to follow in the steps of Jesus.


  1. Opening this workplace healing chapter with Luke 5 incurred several non-sequiturs for me. In Luke 5, Jesus borrowed a boat to deal with the crowds who came to hear him, and then did a miracle in part to call Peter and his brother as disciples.

    You assert the boat he borrowed is a workplace. But wasn't it more of a tool to better deal with the crowds in the actual workplace: the shore? Just like we use a chair or desk in our office workplace? For that matter, the people were not in the boat, but on the shore.

    Then you assert that God wants to use US in our workplace because he used Peter's boat/workplace. ?. Seems to me the equivalent would be using our computers or desks, not our office, and not Peter was not used. On the contrary, Peter was himself being called in the blessing of the great haul. I unsure that he was being blessed with the fish for lending the boat, or if the haul of fish was a setup so he could leave his father's business in good fortune.

    I'm not disagreeing with your point about God being willing to back us up wherever we want to step out on faith and in love towards his other children, including the workplace. I just have doubts about Luke 5 being a strong launching point to argue using our workplace or us in it. I bet you can think of something even better.

    1. Thanks TJ.

      (Considering a better approach)


    2. I'm relieved you did not take offense at my feedback...or at least you deleted any comment reflecting that before I saw it, lol. (August 17, 2012 9:59 PM?)

    3. No worries, TJ. The comment I deleted was my own. I accidentally posted it as a new comment instead of a reply.


    4. I'm so blessed to know about this testimony. GOD IS SO AWESOME!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. At 59 and serving the Lord for 40 years, I find a growing burden to be an effective witness at the work place. Presently working at a 4-H camp I work with environmentalist daily which brings in a unique set of parameters in conversation. Learning that sharing the gospel in traditional terms has produced no fruit and talking about the existence of God seems to produce even less.

    Your article has encourage me! I have over the past 3 months begun to offer prayer for people pain and sickness issues. Some have been healed, some not but like you said it is a growing lifestyle, growing by learning the ways of the Spirit and growing in love toward people's illnesses and a growing to hate Satan's destructive work in their lives.

    One quick testimony: This week at the camp a guy pulled in with an old RV wanting some water for his camper. Since I was one of only three people here at the time he drove in I figured the Lord sent him my way to release the Him in some manner. So we chit-chatted about small things and when the RV was full, I put away the hose and looking at him in apparent pain I asked him “how’s your back, lower back? He looked at me and tried to bend over a little bit. I asked him if he was experiencing some pain. He said lots of it. I asked if I could pray for him and he consented. So I put my hand on his back , thanked Father for sending Matt by to get healed and to re-affirm him how much HE loved him and what an awesome human being he was to God. Then I just spoke to the back in the Name of Jesus, commanding the pain to leave, and asked the Holy Spirit to minister to him. He started swaying back and forth while I kept my hand him and watched the Lord work on him…It was very cool! Then I asked him what he was feeling? He said nothing little pain. He was amazed that the Lord touched his back, it was almost all gone so I prayed for him again commanding that all the pain to go. He said it was all gone…how cool of the Lord to send this guy into this obscure mountain camp and cause our paths to cross. Thanks Prayingmedic for your post!

    1. Thanks for the wonderful comment. I'm blessed to hear that you're being encouraged by what I post. Praise God for healing that person & for divine appointments!


  4. Greetings to everyone that is reading this testimony..i want to use this medium to testify of how i got cured from Lung cancer,I was diagnose with lung cancer and HIV 2 years ago, and ever since i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped me, but only damaged my immune system and render me weak and helpless. I came across testimony on how Dr choice heal cancer patient and i contacted him, to my greatest surprise after three day i was free from my lung cancer. I'm now here to testify that am no more a cancer patient, and now am so much happy if you need help for you HERPES CURE OR CANCER OR HIV&AIDS contact him now. to get this miraculous Herbal cured. So far so good my lung cancer is responding to treatment of herbal and the health condition have improved drastically for call him telephone:+2349050156881 get your healing now and be free from cancer Here is him email:
