
Sep 10, 2012

Brisbane or Bust

This story is part of a series written in September of 2012 during our trip to Australia to teach on healing.

Traiza asked if anyone else was connecting to Brisbane. As she retrieved her bag from the overhead bin, my wife leaned across the aisle and told her we were going to Brisbane. With a look of relief she asked what gate we were supposed to go to for the connecting flight. My wife told her it was D-14. We had about an hour to find the gate and get checked in before the next flight left.

DallasFort Worth is a big airport and neither of us had been there before. We exited the plane, got directions to the sky tram and made our way to the escalator. On the way, we talked with Traiza. She wanted to know why we were going to Brisbane.

Traiza’s story was simple enough; she was visiting a daughter in Brisbane. Ours required a bit more explanation. On the sky tram we told her about my work, the healing miracles and this website. We told her one of our readers invited us to come to Brisbane to teach on healing.

“Can you teach me?” She asked excitedly.

She felt our meeting was a divine appointment. She showed us the rash on her face and explained that she suffers from allergies. She’s been patiently waiting to be healed. I told her we’d be happy to pray for her healing.

We exited the sky tram, negotiated the escalator and pulled our bags to the gate. Now we had a problem to resolve. The ticketing kiosk in Phoenix crashed while processing our boarding passes. It was supposed to issue two passes; one to Dallas and one to Brisbane. But it died while processing our boarding passes, so an agent issued them for us. But she only gave us the one for the flight to Dallas.

The ticketing agent issued our passes and a few minutes later we boarded. We unloaded our gear in the overhead bin and took our seats. A few minutes later Traiza approached. With a wry smile that confirmed some divine shenanigans, she took the seat directly behind me.

The 16 hour flight went rather quickly. The flight crew was very hospitable, serving food and beverages with a smile. Several years ago, Qantas upgraded their 747 fleet with new seats, including a nice Panasonic entertainment screen in the seatbacks and USB ports in the arm-rests. Not needing to worry about killing my phone battery, I listened to Ian Clayton messages between meals and sleeping. We talked with Traiza, prayed for her healing and I gave her a word from God.

We breezed through customs and found our host reading his latest text message. He’s a busy and well – connected fellow. We loaded the bags and headed for his home in the country.

I have to admit, I was freaked out by the right hand steering on his Toyota and the fact that he drove on the wrong side of the road. On the way, we discussed a common interest; the state of the global economy. We were greeted at his house by his two charming children and a hot brekky; English muffins, bacon, eggs Benedict and a cuppa.


  1. Prayers for you, your lovely wife and the whole group from Oregon..just keep looking to our Papa for instruction!

  2. 'Ware the vegemite, mate.
    An' your no worries about your backs, eh?
    Got 'em covered.

    1. Glad to hear ya got our backs, mate!
      Crikey! Me host already poisoned me with vegemite an I'm still kickin!
