
Sep 13, 2012

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

This story is part of a series written in September of 2012 during our trip to Australia to teach on healing.

For 19 years, the people at AccessChurch have been sending teams into the streets of Brisbane to minister to those who are less fortunate. The teams visit hostels, half-way homes, and other locations where the poor and mentally ill live.

We arrived and went to work with the crew making sandwiches, heating up meat pies and filling containers with sweets, like doughnuts. Access also serves hot coffee, Milo and tea. After preparing the food, we loaded it into a van and set off.

Our first stop was a hostel for abused women and children. We set up two portable tables in the parking lot, put out the food, said a prayer over it then began handing it out.

A middle-aged woman named Debra stood next to a beautiful tree; the glow of the street light illuminating it's tri-colored flowers. I asked Debra what kind of plant it was.

“It’s called ‘Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’.” She drew my attention to the white flower and said, “This one’s ‘yesterday.” Pointing to a light purple petal, she said, “This one is today”. Pointing at the dark purple one she said, “And this one is tomorrow.”

I thanked her and asked if she had any pain in her body that she wanted to be healed of. She said she had back pain and a lot of emotional trauma from the recent loss of 3 family members to cancer. I asked if we might pray with her.

I placed my hand in the small of her back, asked the Holy Spirit to touch her and commanded the pain to leave. I asked if she felt anything.

“It feels like electricity going up and down my spine.”

“Why don’t you try to touch your toes?”

She reluctantly agreed, thinking the chronic pain would make it difficult. But she put her hands to the ground with ease. A look of shock came over her when she realized she was healed.

We prayed for healing of her emotions and the power of God began to work in her mind and heart. His presence made it hard for her to remain standing so one of the crew slipped in behind her and prevented her from falling to the ground.

We talked with Debra for quite a while afterward, sharing our experiences and giving her tips on how to keep her healing. My wife and I gave her a hug then helped the crew load the van. It was time to go to another location.

During the first two nights, we’ve seen a number of people healed of chronic pain. We’re having a blast watching God display His power and love to these wonderful people.

Related Posts:
Keeping Your Healing


  1. He is Wonderful Mavelous and His ways are so much higher than our ways.

  2. Loved to hear you took the time to teach her concerning keeping her healing! Many forget about the enemy coming to steal. God bless your love in action.

  3. This post is great i like it thanks for sharing with me
    iPod touches

  4. This is good!! I love that you are putting so much chronic pain in its place.
