
Oct 21, 2012

The Finished Works - Steve Peace Harmon

I hijacked this gem from a Facebook friend named Steve Peace Harmon.

"When Jesus was on the cross and He said, "It is finished", what it meant was that His ministry is over and that He got everything for us so we can do what He did to bring the Kingdom to earth. That’s why His Works are finished, and ours begins.

The Finished Work of the

 Cross simply means this. Jesus made available the authority, the Fullness, every spiritual blessing and eternal life. ‘Available’ is the key word because it provides you with the understanding that it is a ‘give and take.’ Salvation was made available to the world, but the world has to take it. The Fullness, every Spiritual blessing, and the authority were made available to the believer, but the believer has to take it if they want to see it manifested. 'Taking' just simply means 'to activate.' For instance, with authority, if the believer wants to see it manifested they actually have to Pray for sick people and cast out demons. They have to “DO Something” in order to see something manifest. It doesn’t manifest while doing nothing.

Here is a good example. I saw nobody get healed when I didn’t pray for people to get healed. I saw healing when I began to pray for healing. Sound simple to understand? If you want to see the stuff you have to “DO”. Don’t do = No results, DO = Results… I remember being prophesied over that I would see miracles happen. I believed that it was going to happen and I would wait around until it would happen. I waited 8 years without seeing a thing and I figured out that I had to actually go and pray for it. What a concept!! It’s funny. The churches who pray for healings, sees healings. The churches, who don’t pray for healings, don’t see healings. Isn’t that ironic?

Jesus Finished His work, which means your work begins. He provided everything for you at your disposal to destroy the works of the devil and to bring the Kingdom. Before the cross, you didn’t have authority over demons, and the ability to heal the sick from the fullness. Now it's available to you. You carry on the work that He was doing. What was that work? It was found in Luke 4:18-19.. "To proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” The Apostles carried on that work through the book of Acts and Paul was the most zealous of all to carry on that work. Understand that this has nothing to do with attaining your salvation, righteousness and God's love. This is about the heart of God for a hurt and dying world.."

~ Steve Peace Harmon

Steve Peace Harmon

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