
Nov 13, 2012

Margaret's Miracle

Originally posted here on John Mellor's Facebook page.

Today, Julie and I caught up with Margaret Neely in Belfast. Margaret is a walking miracle.

For 9 years she was a housebound cripple in a wheelchair. Her spine had been shattered and she was told she'd never walk again. She heard about the miracles happening at my meetings in Scotland in 2000 when revival broke out. Something in her told her that she had to get to the meetings from her home in Northern Ireland.

It took Margaret from 4am in the morning to 7pm at night to travel on a ferry and in several disabled taxis to get to the meetings in Scotland. She had to confront many fears to get to the meetings, having not left her home in so long. I prayed for her many times on the first night she came, but nothing happened. I encouraged her not to give up and told her if she kept coming I'd keep praying for her.

The next weekend, she made the long trip from Belfast to Scotland again. Again, there was no change after prayer. However, Margaret witnessed many outstanding miracles at the meetings and I continued to encourage her to keep believing for and pursuing her miracle.

She came a third weekend, but again wasn't healed.

On the fourth weekend, when she arrived, God spoke to me and told me that Margaret would walk that night. Mid way through preaching, God prompted me to stop and pray for Margaret. I held her hands and said, 'In the name of Jesus, get up and walk.'

Margaret later testified that she felt heat down her spine and she got up out of her wheelchair and walked. It was an amazing miracle! Margaret's testimony is inspirational because it demonstrates that not all healing is instant. Very often there's a process involved. God often wants to touch and heal the heart and emotions first, and this was certainly the case with Margaret who had many traumas and abuses throughout her life that needed to be healed.

It may seem that God isn't doing anything at times, but He is often at work on things you can't see. It also often takes a level of desperation and an attitude to be open to working with God and applying His principles to get the miracle. 12 years after her miracle, Margaret is still walking and serves God by ministering to others.

God bless you Margaret!


  1. Very encouraging!, love coming here.

  2. God bless you and keep you .Your faith is an inspiration!

  3. Micracles are God's work which is hard to justify by science and conventional thinking. Thanks for sharing.

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