
May 11, 2013

Dead Raising in a Hospital - Gig Harbor, WA

The pastor at Gig Harbor Church of the Nazarene in Washington state was called by some sisters to come and pray for their mother, who was in a coma in bad shape. Before he got to the hospital, the lady died and by the time he reached the room, the doctor had come and written the death certificate and nurses in attendance had done their work. Some of the family had left, but a sister and grandson remained. He entered the room to comfort the family and was asked to pray for the dead lady. Another patient in the room said that she was Catholic and believed in healing. She seemed unaware that her roommate had died. So the pastor began to pray, and I have no idea what he prayed, but someone said they noticed movement under the sheet. The Catholic lady said they should all say the Lord's Prayer together, and they did.

It was obvious that something was taking place. The pastor went to the nursing station and mentioned that the lady appeared to be breathing and moving. They gave him the look, but before long, the lady was obviously alive and out of the coma and coherent to some degree.

The doctor was contacted and asked the pastor come to his office. He did, and the doctor told him that he could be used as a reference for whatever happened. He had signed a death document and was sure of what he signed.

The lady raised from the dead asked the man to return a few days later and she was sitting up in the room fully clothed and ready to go home. She said that while she was gone that she saw light and dark. She wanted assurance that when she died the next time, she would go to the light. And the pastor helped her with that step.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. It's really so simple. We don't even have to believe (not that anyone here didn't, I don't know), but He is who He is. He just wants us to understand that and go with it.
