
Nov 19, 2014

My Craziest Adventures With God

What do you do when you've been writing stories about the supernatural works of God for five years?
Collect the best stories and put them in a book.

I'm happy to announce that my latest book My Craziest Adventures With God is now available for purchase on Amazon.

After losing my job, being divorced and being kicked out of my church, it seemed like my entire world was going up in flames. Then one night in a dream, God asked me to pray for my patients. When I awoke in the morning I knew nothing would ever be the same. Come along on my adventures as I confront my own skepticism and fear and learn how to hear the voice of God and heal the sick. You may find yourself laughing one minute and crying the next as God’s goodness and sense of humor are revealed in these true stories.

One of my goals with this book is to help non-Christians see God in a different light. If you have friends or relatives who don’t believe in God or if they believe that He’s not interested in their personal lives, this book will show them that He’s willing to be intimately involved in every part of their life. They’ll get a up-close look at how He speaks to us through dreams, how He deals with us in our successes and failures and they’ll see all the crazy things He’s willing to do through average people like you and me. They'll learn about His love and compassion, His wisdom, His power and that fact that He has a great sense of humor.

The paperback can be found by clicking this link.
The Kindle version can be found by clicking this link

If you would consider sharing this message with your friends I'd be grateful.
Thank you for your support!
Praying Medic

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