
Feb 10, 2011

Facebook Miracles - Ken Nichols

The following story was submitted by my friend Ken Nichols who does both street healing and prays for people over Facebook chat.

I was ministering to a lady over chat who was a nurse. She had quit because her back hurt so much and could no longer do her job. I prayed for her over chat and told her to speak the words I posted over herself. The following day she told me the pain was gone. After 2 weeks, she told me the pain had not come back again and she was up and able to do things she never thought she could ever do.

With her faith renewed, she sent me a message about a little 8 year old girl in her church. She had a lesion on her brain stem and was going in for surgery that week-end (this was Tuesday). So I chatted her my prayer of taking authority over this thing and commanding healing. I told her to print it out, go to the little girl and have her read it over her.

On Wednesday she chatted me that she went over there and the whole family joined in in reading what I sent them. The little girl was so touched that someone cared for her enough to do this. Friday she went into the hospital and they did some new scans to get fresh MRI for the following mornings surgery. Saturday I got the e-mail from my friend that when they did the scans, they had to do different angles and different types to confirm the fact that the lesion was completely gone! Praise God!!!