
Feb 5, 2011

Jason McCoy Testimony - Part 1

This testimony was submitted by my friend Jason McCoy.

There was a high school football player who had injured his knee. I don’t ask a lot of medical info but I think he had torn his meniscus or damaged the ACL?? He was going to be out for the rest of the football season. I went to pray for him on a Sunday night at his church before his youth group meeting. I explained how God’s LIFE is in us and we can transfer it to others to transform them.

As I put my hand on his knee, I commanded the pain to go and the knee to be made new and he reported greater freedom in mobility and less pain. I explained that we could either choose to stand in that and rest in Mark 16 that when believers lay their hands on the sick , they will recover. The other choice would be to keep commanding it to be well until it was fully healed. I wanted to go for complete healing RIGHT NOW! So I commanded it again and told him to put weight on it and move around.

It’s funny how underwhelmed and flat people often are when they are healed! I think his mind was blown. Ha ha! God has a way of doing that! I declared that not only was his knee totally restored, but he would play in the football game that week! The room became tense and awkward, but I stood on what I had declared and told him to let me know how it went. Next weekend, I heard that not only did he get to practice that week, but he played in the game when he had been given medical advice that he was out for the season!

With God, NOTHING is impossible! Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.