Jan 3, 2017

The Word of Wisdom

This is an excerpt from my book Hearing God’s Voice Made Simple.

The word of wisdom is one of the gifts (or manifestations) of the Holy Spirit mentioned in first Corinthians chapter 12. It’s wisdom about a situation that we would not normally have. It’s similar to the word of knowledge. The difference between them can be seen when we understand the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is information about something. Wisdom is knowing what should be done with the information—the action we should take once we know the facts. Wisdom is knowledge correctly applied.
Before I go into a job interview, I usually ask God for any revelation He wants to give me about the interview process and I spend a few minutes in silence waiting for His reply. I sometimes receive images in my mind about things I’ve said in past job interviews that I might mention. Sometimes I’ll receive images of calls I’ve responded on in the past. Sometimes I’ll see flashes of conversations I’ve had with coworkers. Since God knows the mind of the interviewer and what they might be looking for in a candidate, I take these impressions as suggestions about things I should be ready to discuss in the interview.
Sometimes a word of wisdom will instruct you about something you should not do. One day my partner and I transported an elderly man who fell at home. Based on his symptoms, it seemed as though he might have had a hip fracture. We placed him on a plastic backboard to make it easier to lift him onto the gurney. My partner asked if I was going to start an IV and give him morphine. I observed our patient and noticed that as long as we didn’t move him too much, he seemed to be tolerating the pain pretty well. I received a thought impression in my mind which seemed like a message from God that said, “He doesn’t need morphine.”
I wasn’t certain that it was God speaking. But I proceeded as if it was, and we transported the man without giving him morphine. During the transport, his pain gradually subsided. By the time we got to the hospital, the pain was almost gone. Having seen people healed in the ambulance before without prayer, I wondered if it was another case of the Holy Spirit healing someone by simply manifesting His presence. It’s difficult to explain how placing him on a hard plastic board and driving him over bumpy roads would make him feel better. I believe I received a word of wisdom telling me He would be healed if we simply transported him and allowed God to do the healing during the trip.
Words of wisdom can be given for just about any kind of situation. My family has a tradition of gathering in snowy locations over the Christmas holidays. One year it was decided we would be gathering in New York. From the moment I first heard the plan, I had a sense that something would foul things up. When my family asked if I was going, I politely declined. When they asked why, I explained that I had a feeling as though the weather was going to cause problems. Not understanding how God forewarns us about these things, they were disappointed. But I stuck by my convictions and stayed home. That Christmas, New York City received almost two feet of snow and experienced extremely gusty winds. Most of the main streets were impassable for days. The airports in the area were closed and inbound flights were diverted to other cities. Many outbound flights were canceled. Some of my brothers and sisters had to take extra time off work because they could not get flights back home until the mess from the snowstorm had been cleaned up. I believe I’d received a word of wisdom from God. I didn’t just receive information about an approaching storm. He told me what plans to make in order to avoid having travel problems.
After I had published the first two books in this series, God began giving me dreams suggesting that I mentor other authors. One night, I had a dream about one author who was writing an excellent book. He became discouraged and considered giving up on the book completely. From my perspective in the dream, I could see that the enemy was not happy about the potential impact the book would have, so an effort was organized by the enemy to discourage him and prevent the book from being published. In the dream, I knew my part was to encourage the author and help him see the book through to completion. Right now I’m the administrator of an online group of more than 500 writers. I personally mentor some of the authors God has shown me in dreams. It’s another case where God didn’t just give me information about someone, but specific actions I should take in order to help them.
The word of wisdom is one of the least mentioned, but most useful gifts given to us by God. I hope this article has helped you to understand a little better how He can instruct you through it.

Click on the link to learn more about the book Hearing God’s Voice Made Simple.
hearing god's voice word of wisdom praying medic

Sep 13, 2016

Christian Spiritual Travel or Astral Projection?

There is much debate in the church today over what some people call "Christian Spiritual travel." Many are not convinced that it is of God. They suspect that it is in fact astral projection or some other occult practice. In this video I provide testimonies from people who practice both. I list the features found in each practice and at the end of the video I provide a summary of them. Using the list of features I allow you to decide for yourself whether this is Christian spiritual travel or astral projection.

For more information on spiritual travel you might check out my book Traveling in the Spirit Made Simple.

christian spiritual travel or astral projection praying medic

Sep 27, 2015

Emotional Healing: Fragments and Alters

This is an excerpt from my newest book Emotional Healing in 3 Easy Steps.

It’s been said that time heals all wounds, but the truth is that time doesn’t heal emotional wounds. Rather than being healed over time, emotional trauma can plague us our entire life. Emotional trauma creates a wound in our soul much like a flying piece of metal can cause a wound to our skin. Although our skin has a way to heal the wounds it receives, our soul doesn’t have the ability to heal itself.

Emotional trauma has the potential to affect the entire soul, but God designed a way to limit the damage of emotional trauma by allowing the soul to create what are known as fragments. A fragment is a part of the soul that contains the memories and emotions of a traumatic event. It’s like a part of our personality that’s been frozen in time. Fragments prevent the wounded parts of the soul from becoming the dominant influence over the core of the soul. In effect, the fragmenting of the soul compartmentalizes the wounds and minimizes the damage that can be done to the rest of the soul.

Fragments usually only have awareness of a single event or a string of repeated events and their related emotions. The fragment normally lies dormant in the soul until an event occurs that is reminiscent of the one that caused the fragment to be created. When one of these events happens, the fragment can be triggered and it may take control of the soul. When this happens, the person responds the way they would at the age they were when the fragment was created. If the fragment was formed as a toddler, the person may crawl on the floor or try to hide behind furniture. If the fragment was created as a teenager, the person may act like a rebellious 13-year-old. The emotions they display are not appropriate for the current situation. Instead, they are the emotions that were experienced at the time the fragment was created.

A soul fragment will assume control when they perceive there is a threat to the individual. The actions of a soul fragment are usually an overreaction to the situation because they have less understanding of what is normal and acceptable behavior when compared to the core of the personality. When the threat goes away the core of the soul regains control, the fragment once again becomes dormant.

I know a woman who has a terrible fear of going into basements. When I asked why she had this fear, she said it was because she had been molested by her uncles in a basement when she was a child. At the time she was molested, a part of her soul was wounded which created a fragment dominated by fear. Today, whenever she thinks about going into a basement, the fragment is triggered and she feels fear.

A similar but different part of the soul that is created by trauma is known as an alter. Like a fragment, an alter retains memories and emotions of specific events, but unlike fragments, alters can have unique personalities of their own that are distinctly different from the core of the personality. A person with many alters is usually diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, or what was once called Multiple Personality Disorder. A severely traumatized person can have hundreds, or even thousands of alters.

When an alter is triggered by an event, the individual’s will and emotions come under the control of the alter. The person behaves in correspondence to the personality of the alter, while the core of the personality is rendered ineffective. The core personality sometimes feels like an observer to what is happening to them, instead of the participant. Some describe it as like having someone drive their car while they watch from the rear seat. Sometimes the core personality is completely unaware of what’s happening to them—a condition known as dissociation. When the event passes and the core assumes control again, it’s not unusual for them to have no idea what they said or did during the episode.

The goal of emotional healing is to heal the fragments and alters and to reintegrate them into the soul, preventing future episodes of painful emotions and dissociation.

For more information, check out my book Emotional Healing in 3 Easy Steps.

Sep 12, 2015

Are Miracles, Healing and Deliverance "Peripheral Issues?"

A common teaching in the church today is the idea that the working of miracles, healing the sick and casting out demons are "peripheral issues" that can distract our attention away from the "real issues" believers ought to focus on. Some would go as far as to say that anyone who spends too much time learning about them is deceived. But is this true?

The first thing Jesus did after choosing the twelve was to send them out with instructions to heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead and proclaim the kingdom of God (see Matt. 10: 7-9). And here's something to consider: This commission came before they had any real training in the miraculous. Their training was on the job—they learned as they went.

Heal-the-sickAfter the twelve returned, with reports of the great things they had seen, Jesus sent out the seventy into nearby villages, telling them, "Heal the sick that are there and tell them the kingdom of God has come near you." (See Luke 10:9.) The seventy were sent into these cities before Jesus visited the cities himself. They went to announce the arrival of the kingdom and the Messiah, through healing and the working of miracles.

To reinforce what he had already told them—before he ascended into heaven—he reiterated in the great commission what he wanted his disciples to do. You may have doubt as to whether the instructions he gave to the twelve and the seventy apply to you, but the the great commission is widely accepted as the instruction Jesus gave to believers of all ages. Mark's version of the great commission includes these instructions: “These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name …They will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:17a,18b)

It seems like the issues Jesus wanted his disciples to focus on could not be any more clear. Rather than being peripheral issues, the working of miracles, healing the sick and casting out demons were intended to be central parts of the work he expected his disciples to do. And nothing has changed since then.

In Luke 10:19, Jesus said, "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy." As one of his disciples, you have all the authority you need to heal the sick and work miracles.  The power you need is provided by the Spirit of God, who lives inside you. You simply need to learn how to release that power. Power is released when we exercise faith. When you're faced with a need, believe in your heart that the thing you desire will happen, do not doubt, and you will see the power of God manifest.

As I've focused on the supernatural manifestations of the kingdom, rather than being drawn away from God, I've been drawn closer to him. I've learned so much about his ways and the incredible love he has for mankind and I believe the same can be true for you.

Power and Authority for Healing
Healing 101

Sep 6, 2015

Keys to Healing and Deliverance - Steve Harmon

Steve Harmon discusses the keys to successful physical healing, emotional healing and deliverance.


Sep 1, 2015

A Kingdom View of Economic Collapse

This is an excerpt from my latest book: A Kingdom View of Economic Collapse.
On June 30th, 2015, after suffering years of financial trouble, Greece failed to make a required payment to the International Monetary Fund and entered into a default on its sovereign debt. In light of Greece's default and due to the proliferation of books predicting catastrophic judgments upon America (and the rest of the world) it seemed good to share what I’ve learned about economic collapse and how the kingdom of God responds to crisis.

You don’t need to look very far to find dire warnings of disaster being spoken by secular experts and religious leaders alike. Many financial experts have written books citing the reasons why they believe an economic collapse is quickly approaching. At the same time, many religious leaders have shared prophetic warnings that we’re entering a time a great difficulty; some even arguing that the end of the world is at hand.

While I believe (some) financial experts have given us an accurate assessment of the problems we face, what they lack is a divine perspective on the problem. What religious leaders usually lack is an understanding of how financial systems work. What is most concerning is that neither camp has put forth a clear plan to help us survive such a crisis, much less rebuild in its aftermath.

The approach financial advisers generally take is to sign you up for their investing programs. They warn you that your retirement savings are about to be wiped out and that if you pay them a fee, they’ll tell you where to invest your money. The main reason why many church leaders don’t offer a plan to survive or rebuild after a global crisis is that they don’t expect to be here. The popularity of the belief that the church will be taken into heaven in the rapture before a global crisis hits has prompted many theologians to abandon all thought of what the church’s responsibility might be in a post-crisis world. Their advice is to pray for sinners to repent and pray even harder for the return of Jesus. 

During the last century, hundreds of millions of believers have been certain they would see the return of Jesus during their lifetime. None of them have lived to see that day. At this moment, millions more are convinced that we’re living in the days just before His return, and indeed, we might be. But statistically speaking, the odds of that happening in anyone’s lifetime are extremely small.

After becoming a believer, I sat in a church pew and read my Bible. I learned all the reasons why the great tribulation was approaching, why the Antichrist was ready to be revealed, why the world was teetering on the brink of catastrophe, and most importantly, why we believers wouldn’t be around for all of that. Although I was told that God’s wrath was about to be poured out upon the earth, I was also assured that my King was going to appear and rescue me from it. During this time, I never witnessed a creative miracle, never saw anyone healed or set free of a demon, and although I learned a lot about the church, I learned virtually nothing about the kingdom of God.

Then one night I had a dream. In the dream, I met God, and He had a few things He wanted to share with me. He said He wanted me to heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead and proclaim His kingdom.

The nerve of Him.

If He weren’t the Almighty, I might have given Him a piece of my mind. He spoke not a word about waiting for the rapture, witnessing to sinners or handing out tracts, which were things my pastor told me were top priorities. Since that day, I’ve had hundreds (perhaps thousands) more dreams and the subject of our conversations hasn’t changed. Few, if any of them have portrayed the end of the world, the rise of a one-world government or world-ending disasters. Nearly all of them have to do with battling the kingdom of darkness, setting captives free, and using my time and energy to advance His kingdom.
I think we need to ask a few questions of those who predict catastrophic events:

If the coming events are believed to be because we’ve rebelled against God, what happens if we don’t repent?

And what if the coming events are not actually the result of God’s wrath, but instead, the natural outworking of our own poor choices?

What if a global crisis strikes and the church is not removed from the earth beforehand?

Is your pastor teaching you what to do if the church survives a global catastrophe, or are all your hopes pinned on Jesus rescuing you from it?

It’s certainly more pleasant to think that we won’t be here when things get ugly, but we have no guarantee of that. 

I don’t see any reason to fear the future. Whatever is coming, God can make us aware of it, and if He can make us aware of it, He can prepare us for it. I would encourage you to rest in the knowledge that God has a plan that He is working out in these events. If you're positioned in Him, and prepared mentally for the challenges that lie ahead, you may find all of this to be a liberating experience, and not a terrifying one.

My intent with this book is to examine the topic of economic collapse from various perspectives. The book can be divided roughly into four sections: The first is a primer on economics and finance. My goal with this section is to describe (in terms the average person can understand) how the financial systems of the world operate. In the second section, we’ll look at historic cases of economic collapse and the things that caused it. We’ll also identify which nations are at risk of experiencing economic collapse today. In the third section, I’ll share the dreams I’ve had that provide a prophetic overview of the days ahead and I’ll discuss what I believe to be God’s purpose for these events. In the last section, we'll look at how the  kingdom of God ought to respond to crisis.

This book is available only as an e-book. It can be found by clicking on this link or the image below.

Aug 29, 2015

God's Perspective on Excellence

 My wife and I were entertaining friends when we got on the subject of writing books. I told our guest I was not the best healer in the world. "If you want to see a really gifted healer," I said, "Go hang out with David Hogan."

I'm not the most knowledgeable or the most proficient healer, but with the little knowledge I do have, I was able to write a decent book on the subject, because in all honesty—I'm probably a better writer than I am a healer. There's still so much about healing I don't understand. Sometimes I feel unworthy of the questions people ask me. That night I had a dream:
In the dream, I was taking care of patients with a strange medical condition I didn't know anything about. They had this fluid in some kind of container that was somehow attached to their body. I was supposed to monitor this fluid. I didn't know what the fluid was and I didn't know how to monitor it. I felt very uncertain about how I was supposed to take care of these patients. So I did the best I could and tried to make sure nothing bad happened to them while they were in my care. At the end of the dream, I was given an award for providing excellent care for my patients. That was the end of the dream.
patient safety excellence awardWhen I awoke, I was a little shocked. How could anyone give me an award for providing good patient care when I had no clue what was wrong with my patients, what that fluid was, or how I was supposed to monitor it?
It didn't make sense.
Later that day, as I thought about the dream, I also thought about the book I wrote and how I still don't have all the answers to the questions people have about healing. And then it dawned on me what the Lord was saying in the dream. (This is a word of instruction for all of us):
It doesn't matter to God if you have things all figured out. It doesn't matter if you can answer people's questions correctly. It doesn't matter if you feel pretty clueless about healing or deliverance, or anything else He's asked you to do. It doesn't matter if you feel incompetent or incapable. What matters to God is that you do the best you can with the little information and talent you have.
Be a good steward of what resources and knowledge He's given you and He'll fill in the gaps of your knowledge and skill. Excellence doesn't require complete understanding. All it requires is diligence and a sincere desire to serve in whatever way you can.

Aug 4, 2015

American Sniper: Lessons in Spiritual Warfare

This is an except from my latest book American Sniper: Lessons in Spiritual Warfare.

The main character of American Sniper is a Texas-born redneck named Chris Kyle. The film opens with a scene of Kyle perched on a rooftop in the city of Fallujah, Iraq. U.S. troops have been told that the city was ordered to be evacuated and any military-aged men they find are assumed to be enemy combatants, until proven otherwise. Kyle is checking out the path of a U.S. military convoy through the scope of his sniper rifle. He sees a man on a rooftop in the distance talking on a cell phone. The man appears to be watching the convoy, which Kyle reports to his command through his headset. The man then disappears from the rooftop and a few moments later, a woman and a young boy exit the doorway of the same building and begin walking toward the convoy. Kyle reports the woman and boy to command, and notes that the woman is not swinging her arms as she walks and that she appears to be carrying something. Kyle watches through the scope as the woman removes something from her cloak and hands it to the boy and he realizes it’s a grenade. He reports what he sees and again gets the green light to shoot, but his marine guard warns him that he’ll be sent to prison for shooting a child if he's wrong. The film then cuts away and the next 20 minutes are vignettes of Kyle growing up as the son of a religious father who stressed the ever-present threat of evil, the virtues of aggression, and the supremacy of the hunt.

As a child, Chris learned to watch over his younger brother, Jeff. When someone picked on him, Chris came to his defense and in one scene, he gave the bully a beating he wouldn’t forget. As an adult, he spent most of his time riding bulls, drinking beer, chasing pretty girls and getting into fights.  In the same way that Chris drifted from one misadventure to another, many Christians find themselves drifting, spiritually. We go to church on Sunday, read our Bibles, and try to avoid getting into trouble, but inevitably, trouble seems to find us. We wrestle with various problems and seem to make little progress, no matter what measures we try.

The first seven years of my life as a Christian I traveled down a dozen different paths leading nowhere. Though I felt at the time I was a passionate believer, I had very few victories over the enemy. I lost more spiritual battles than I won. And perhaps more importantly, I never felt a great sense of significance; I felt like I was just another believer. In many ways I was drifting spiritually, with no real course or destination in mind, other than getting into heaven when I died.

No child dreams of growing up to be insignificant. We all want to do something great. God doesn’t create us to be ordinary. He’s placed a desire for significance in our hearts—a desire to do something to change the world for the better. It’s apparent early in the film that Chris Kyle knew he was destined to do something extraordinary.

The film cuts away to a scene of Chris and his brother watching TV. They saw the news of the terrorist attacks on the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya. Chris was infuriated that U.S. citizens were being attacked and felt compelled to do something about it. His anger over the attacks compelled him to visit a Navy recruiter’s office. The recruiter suggested he might be interested in the SEAL program and handed him a pamphlet, but Kyle remarked that he wasn’t much of a swimmer. The recruiter took the pamphlet out of his hand and said it wasn’t for most men. Kyle grabbed the pamphlet back and proudly replied “I’m not most men.” He didn’t envision himself in a routine job as a sailor. That would be too safe. He set his aim high and endured the brutality of Navy SEAL training.

A new Christian has very little that they bring to the spiritual battlefield from the world. We learn all kinds of ways to defend ourselves and attack our enemies as we go through life, but the Apostle Paul taught that the weapons of the believer’s warfare are not like the weapons and tactics of the physical world. Spiritual weapons are spiritual in nature and it’s only these weapons that can be used effectively against spiritual strongholds. Because spiritual weapons are so different from the weapons we’re familiar with, they require special training and practice before they can be used effectively. My introduction to spiritual weapons was illustrated by the following dream:

In the dream, I drove my car to a pawn shop with my children. I took some old things that I owned into the pawn shop and traded them in for a strange type of handgun. My kids waited a long time for me to come out. I left the shop with my new gun, but didn’t want my kids to see it, so I walked around behind my car, then took it out and examined it. The gun had a laser sight built into it. It was wide, with a round bulge that seemed to be for the ammunition, though it wasn’t a revolver and it didn’t have a magazine. I didn’t know how the ammunition was loaded. I began trying to figure out how it worked and decided to aim it across the street at a vacant lot. The gun fired two rounds, which I wouldn’t have known, except that I saw puffs of dust rise from the ground where I pointed the gun. It made no sound and didn’t seem to have a trigger, but seemed to fire by my thoughts. I put it in the trunk of my car and that was the end of the dream.

InterpretationIn the dream, I traded in a bunch of things I had obtained from the world for a new, spiritual weapon. I believe this speaks of acquiring a new way of thinking and living. I had to leave behind the way of thinking I had acquired from the world and learn the way of thinking used in the kingdom of God. I also had to learn how to defend myself and wage an offensive attack differently. I had no idea how my new gun fired. I didn’t yet understand how spiritual weapons operate, though I had obtained one that could be used effectively, once I was trained to use it.

You can read more by clicking the link to American Sniper: Lessons in Spiritual Warfare, or click on the image below.

Jun 23, 2015

Steve_HarmonMy guest blogger today is Steve Harmon.

My sister had Neuroblastoma as an infant. There were 13 lumps on her body. My mom was a new believer at the time. The church she was going to didn't believe in healing. My dad's brother talked to her and said that his church believed that God heals today. His pastor prayed for her and the baby over the phone. When she hung up the phone, my mom felt the sensation of heat going over her head and down her torso. From that point on, she knew the baby would be healed. She told her mother over the phone that Jesus was going to heal her daughter. There was this silence on the other end. She said to my mom, "Cynthia, can you put your husband on the phone?" My dad got on the phone and she said, "You need to watch Cynthia, she's losing it."

One day, at LA children's hospital, my mother told the doctor that the baby would be healed by Jesus. The doctor said, "Mrs. Harmon, you don't understand how serious this is." My mother was praising God down the hospital hallways. When they left the hospital, they parked their car in a parking structure far away from the hospital. They were leaving the structure and came to the arm gate that requires a token to leave. As they were pulling up, a black man was sitting on the wall right next to the arm. My dad is thinking he is going to ask for money. As they pull up, instantly, the guy asks my dad, "How's your kid?"

My dad looked at him puzzled. And said, "Huh?"

The guy replies, "Well, you don't have to worry about a thing because the Lord is going to heal your baby." My mom's heart skipped a beat,  and my dad blanked out because he really wasn't a believer.

My mom said to herself when they left, "I think that was an angel."

A few days after, my grandmother noticed the lumps were getting smaller. Within two weeks they were completely gone. There was no trace left. They did every test to check. It was so healed, it looked like it never existed. My dad asked the doctor what happened. The doctor replied, "I guess you just call it a miracle" and shrugged his shoulders. On the paperwork, the final note said, "Unexplained."

May 16, 2015

My Interview With Mark Rayner

Mark Rayner interviews me on the first episode of the new SBNR Show. We begin with a discussion about my early years as an atheist, how I became a believer and how God called me to healing the sick. Next we talk about keys to success in healing, and what it means to operate in the supernatural from a place of rest. We move on to a discussion about why anyone can see in the spirit and I share a few of the craziest things I've seen God do. We wrap up with a look at some future book projects me and my friends are working on. The SBNR Show is hosted here.

May 11, 2015

Lee Stoneking - My Resurrection

Lee Stoneking addresses the UN General Assembly and, after sharing his resurrection testimony, proposes that Jesus is the solution to world violence.

Apr 20, 2015

Can Everyone See in the Spirit?

This is an excerpt from my latest book Seeing in the Spirit Made Simple.

Although many good teachers have taught that seeing in the spirit is a gift that is only given to a few people, the thesis of my book is that seeing in the spirit is really an innate ability that we all possess, which for many of us simply needs to be developed through exercise. (I realize that some people are born with a fully-developed ability to see in the spirit, while others are not. I explain why this is so in the book.)

Visions, dreams and trances are but a few of the ways in which God speaks to us. Although  some of us find it hard to recognize His voice as He speaks through visual language, the problem isn't that God is not speaking. The problem is that He is a Spirit, who speaks in a spiritual language that is received by our spirit, and many of us have not developed our ability to perceive this spiritual language yet. Most of us have had our spiritual senses dulled by sensory input from the physical world, which makes it difficult to recognize input from the spiritual world. The key to perceiving and understanding spiritual communication is having our spiritual senses trained and refocused.

I believe everyone receives revelation from God, including revelation in the form of visions, but many of us are not aware that what we’re  seeing is from Him. We tend to attribute it to our imagination, or we pay no attention to it at all. The problem for many of us is our awareness and sensitivity to God's voice.

Just as our physical body is aware of things happening in the physical world continually, our spirit perceives things happening in the spiritual world continually. Any spirit being can interact with any other spirit being at any time, and these interactions never cease, even though we are often unaware of them. And it is our awareness, or where our mind is focused, that determines our perception of what is happening in both the physical and spiritual worlds.

When the physical body dies, the spirit and soul interact with other spirits and see things in the spirit world with ease. It is not as if at death, our spirit is suddenly empowered with abilities it never had before. It is simply that at the point when our physical body dies, its shell is removed, revealing the true nature of our spirit and soul as they always were. The spiritual body has no difficulty seeing in the spiritual world, and communicating with spiritual beings, but when the physical body is out of the way, it's easier for the soul to focus on the realities of the spiritual world. Every spiritual being has the ability to see in the spiritual world.

If we are spirit beings that are created with spiritual eyes that can see in the spiritual world, then the problem with seeing in the spirit is not that we don’t have the visual apparatus to do it, or that we lack the proper anointing or a spiritual gift. The problem is that our soul has not been conditioned to correctly perceive what our spiritual eyes are already able to see. The goal of this book is to help believers become more aware of what is happening in the spiritual world.

For more information, check out the book Seeing in the Spirit Made Simple.
