Showing posts with label kidney failure healed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kidney failure healed. Show all posts

Apr 6, 2011

A New Kidney and a Dream Come True

This unusual healing story is true. The names have been omitted at the request of the people involved.

On March 29, 2011, I received the following message on Facebook:

Good morning to you ! I have a special request. My FB friend (name omitted) , an Administrator with me on our Intercessory Prayer Page inboxed me. She is very upset right now about her Pastor in her church whose only kidney is failing, not doing well. She is confused because she wonders why God didn't heal him when he gave up his BP meds a couple of years ago and branched out in faith thinking he was "healed". I don't want to get into details, thought maybe if you would please "friend her" you could help her and pray for her Pastor as well. I told her a little bit about you and that we are friends. She will be looking for you I'm sure. I gave her my views on this, but I was following some of your posts, you are more blessed in this area than I, and you have the healing ministry.
Love you Bro, and thank you ! :)

I replied:
Praying Medic March 31 at 8:05am
I'll find her and send the request. And I'll pray for her pastor.

Be blessed!


She replied:
(Name omitted) March 31 at 8:31am
Thank you so much !!!! Yes, I see she just in boxed me aout friend request, and yes, she has lots of questions about faith with healing, etc.
God bless you and thanks for your expediancy.
Have a blessed Holy Spirit filled day.

A few minutes later, after sending a friend request, I received this message from my new friend:

(Name omitted) March 31 at 8:29am
He believed God two years ago to come off of his high blood medication. God had healed him of cancer of the kindneys some 20 years ago and although he had one kidney removed because of the cancer, he refused chemotherapy and have been clean of cancer for over 20 years. When he got off his medicine cold turkey, we as members honored his faith but we also were very cautious and concerned as this move. He hung up his pill bottles on the wall to demonstrate his faith. since that time, he had been having severe headaches and pain in other parts of his body but nothing major. He just kept claiming his healing and he declared that he would not get back on his medicine even if it cost him his life. Well, time went on and he never missed a beat and we all thought he was healed until he was suddenly hospitalized. The only kidney he has left is at 25% functional and his prostate is enlarged. I really want to believe God for a miracle for him today because it bothers me that he stepped out on faith but was not healed (obviously).

I replied:
Praying Medic March 31 at 8:36am
I understand your concern and frustration. I'm in prayer for him. I write a lot about healing if you're interested in another perspective on it. If you're interested, let me know and I'll send a link to a series of notes I wrote.
Be blessed!

She replied:
(Name omitted) March 31 at 8:38am
yes, I am interested. please send me the link, thanks!

I replied:
Praying Medic March 31 at 3:41pm
OK Then!
The notes are not in any particular order, though I recommend people start with "Healing 101". It sets a foundation to build on for getting grounded in the basic principles of healing.

That note can be found here:

There are a dozen or so notes in the series. I've added links to previous ones at the bottom as I wrote more of them. The comments are mostly from friends who operate in healing ministries. I also have a number of videos about healing, if you're interested. And finally, I have a website that is full of healing testimonies, stories about healing miracles I've seen on and off the job, teaching videos and a lot of other things concerning the kingdom of God.

She posted this on my wall the next day:
@Praying Medic: I have a Praise Report! God has restored my Pastor back to health. He is to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Thank you for praying and thank God for your intense healing ministry. I've been reading your blogs and learning a lot.

She then sent this message:
(Name Omitted) April 2 at 3:06pmRemember the one kidney that was severely damaged and operating at 25% and docs were talking dialysis and transplant? His wife told me this morning that when they checked his kidney again it showed they are now functioning at 100%! I know it's because I asked you to pray for him because none of this was happening until after I came in contact with you. I could not say this on your wall because I have alot if ppl who know him but Don't know about his kidney situation.
Sent via Facebook Mobile

I replied:
Praying Medic April 2 at 5:06pm
I am so blessed to hear about his miraculous healing. I have some even more amazing news for you. I have a lot of dreams about healing. Some involved God teaching me about healing, others are specific dreams about individuals who are going to be healed. He's what I wrote in my dream journal from the night of March 31:

I had the following dream: I was with a man, who needed a new kidney. He had a surgical opening in his side. The opening was clean, with no blood present. He beckoned me to come near and put my hand in his side and try to find his kidney. I placed my hand in his side and moved around some of his organs to try to locate it. (End of dream)

I wonder if the dream was about your pastor and somehow, I was able to get his new kidney from God.
May I re-post this testimony?

She replied:
(Name omitted) April 3 at 7:40pm
Wow! This Is so deep! Yes, I believe it's directly related to my Pastor. You're welcome to post it on your blog.
Sent via Facebook Mobile