Jul 1, 2011
Pulmonary Embolus Healed
Jun 29, 2011
Wound Care Follow - Up
Most medics would rather watch paint dry than transport a patient for wound care. We prefer burning houses, car accidents, or any call that's bloody or messy (except delivering babies).
Jeff is a gentle, funny man who happens to be a quadriplegic due to a tumor on his cervical spine that doctors deemed inoperable. After spending time in a nursing home, he was able to return home, with the help of friends and nurses who care for him.
Each of the walls in his bedroom has a Seattle Seahawks jersey hanging from it. He showed us a picture of himself at a game he attended courtesy of two free tickets from Matt Haselbeck. As we loaded him, we talked about his travels while in the army and how much he loved living in Germany. Jeff is one of those guys who's easy to like.
I told him he should let me pray for him to be healed. He said, "that's my plan - to get healed and get back to my normal life." He had no idea what my plan was, but like so many others, he doesn't accept his condition as permanent, though his doctors have no real hope for recovery. In spite of that dismal prognosis, Jeff is full of hope and life.
During his stay at the nursing home, he developed a decubitus ulcer (bed sore) on his buttocks. He'd been receiving wound care, which was shrinking the ulcer. He was being seen today to check on the progress of the wound's healing.
We left him on our gurney for the exam and rolled him toward us while the female doctor and nurse examined his backside. They were impressed. The wound was almost completely healed. I told Jeff any time a 50 year old man has a couple of women tell him that his backside looks good, he should consider himself fortunate.
We drove Jeff home and put him back in bed. He let me pray for him, so I commanded the tumor to leave.
Will he be healed?
He didn't exactly get up from bed and do a touchdown dance. He didn't feel anything when I prayed with him. I won't know what happened unless I run into him again. Maybe Jeff's plan to be healed and my plan to get people healed will meet and be consummated.
If that happens, you'll be the first to hear about it.
So keep praying.
And DON'T quit.
People like Jeff are counting on us.
Jun 27, 2011
Skype Healing With Praying Doctor
Dr Nemeh's website can be found here.
Dr. Issam Nemeh,
Skype healing
Jun 23, 2011
Healing the Deaf and Mute
deafness healed,
healing miracle,
Jun 21, 2011
Lyme Disease Healed
Jun 18, 2011
The Graduates
Today is a special day for me. I have two children and both are graduating from high school today.
Where does the time go?
I remember that snowy day in March, when I first held my little five - pound bundles of joy, all wrapped up in pink and blue. It was the beginning of the grandest adventure; I was now a father.
The question most dads ask is, "What kind of father will I be?"
18 years later, my little blessings aren't so little. My son can easily whip me in a game of basketball. My daughter has biceps almost as big as mine from years of swimming.
The question I'm asking myself now is, "Are they ready?" Or more precisely, "Have I made them ready?"
I believe I've done all that I could to get them ready. Now it's up to them to use what I've given them - for better or worse. I'll always be their dad and I'll always pray for them and give them advice (when they ask for it). But now it's time for a little testing. It's time to inspect the first crop of fruit. Yesterday I saw a small sample.
My son was complaining of a painful big toe, which he injured playing soccer. He said it hurt pretty badly and wanted to know if one of us could get him healed. I looked at my daughter. She smiled and stepped forward. It was her time to shine and she knew what to do.
Before she laid hands on him, her brother said, "This is going be a real test for you, because I'm not joking, my toe is killing me. "
She placed her hand on his foot and spoke to the injury, commanding it to be healed.
It wasn't the most eloquent prayer. But with the grace available to a nervous teenage girl, amped on caffeine, she threw together a prayer she thought I'd approve of. Afterward she had him check it out. There was a little pain left, so she commanded it to leave a second time and he checked it out again. This time all the pain was gone.
My son walked around the house with a huge smile on his face the rest of the day. My daughter came over, gave me a high five and beamed with joy. I gave her a hug and told her she really did it. She asked if I was praying, too. I told her I wasn't. She believed me.
It's important for our kids to know that we approve of them. It's also important to set the right examples. They're going to imitate us more that we know.
Today I'll be at their graduation ceremony. They have a good start on their education but more learning lies ahead...and not all learning is equal.
What we learn in high school has a purpose. It's a foundation. We need to build upon it. The lessons of life will come and we must master them if we're to have a blessed life and be a blessing to others. Today I learned that my kids have a decent chance of achieving some pretty high goals, if they choose to pursue them. But it's their choice. All I can do is set examples and hope they follow.
I'm very proud of my kids, but they aren't just my kids, they're my disciples. I know God will do amazing things with them. We can all see good fruit and make disciples if we consider our ways carefully, do the most needed things and set examples for those who come after us. This is how disciples are made.
healing miracle,
making disciples,
toe healed
Jun 17, 2011
Feet Miraculously Healed
foot injury healed,
healing miracle,
Jun 15, 2011
What Are You Talking About?
Published here on Facebook - re-posted with permission
After a conversation today with a friend on the subject of healing, I felt it was time to share one of the biggest lessons God ever taught me in the area of healing. In my experience with praying for the sick, this seems to be the biggest obstacle people face in receiving and keeping their healing. The words of their mouth.
Back in 1992 I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse. That is a condition where the mitral valve in the heart is basically deformed. It does not function properly and causes a backwash of blood in the heart which is very painful, and it can also cause fainting due to improper circulation of the blood. I had seen doctors and cardiologists and had tests run. They told me that this is something, because of being a deformity of the valve, that people have all their lives, but it is usually in adulthood when the symptoms begin to show up.
As soon as I got the diagnosis I stepped forward in church to have the Pastor and his wife lay hands on me and pray for my healing according to James 5:14-15:
Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.
Knowing that God is faithful to His Word, I believed from the moment hands were laid on me that I was healed. God is not a liar! If His Word says we are healed, and it does in so many places, then we are. God has given me the kind of faith that grabs ahold of the promises of God like a pit bull latches onto a steak and locks down. No one and nothing can pry it loose no matter how hard they try! And let me tell you, the enemy, the devil, tried his best!
For the following year I continued to praise God for my healing. Almost daily I faced the pain and symptoms of Mitral Valve Prolapse on my body. Every time I did I began to thank God for healing me. I would declare His Word (my sword) over my body and thank Him for His faithfulness. I did not allow the pain or symptoms to dictate to me whether or not I was healed. I would only allow His Word to do that, and His Word said I was healed. I never spoke to anyone of the pain. During this year God used me to pray for so many sick people. I saw Him heal so many illnesses and diseases and cancers, and all the while the enemy kept hurling pain and symptoms on my body. But I wasn't budging!
After a year I was at the doctors office for something unrelated, and they ordered an echocardiogram to "check things out". Well, I was so excited because I knew it would be evidence of what He had already done! And sure enough, when the results came back it was confirmed! A CREATIVE MIRACLE! My mitral valve was perfectly formed and functioning normally. On the way home that day I was singing His praises and rejoicing in the fact that I now had evidence of what I had believed and stood on all along.
Then He began to speak to me and He showed me that my healing was complete the day my Pastor and his wife laid hands on me. That the pain that was coming on my body was lying symptoms placed there by the enemy of my soul, trying desperately to get me to speak the words of defeat, to confess that I was not healed. See if I would have done that, I would have signed for the "package" he was trying to deliver; sickness. And I would have lost the precious healing God gave me.
After learning that, I have seen over and over again that this is where many people actually lose the healing that Jesus paid such a high price for. I have laid hands on those in pain and prayed for their healing. I have felt the fire of God in my hand going into their bodies (not that anything at all needs to be felt, but He does that at times to help our faith), and I have had people tell me that my hands felt like fire. Then as soon as the prayer is over they begin speaking about "their" cancer, "their" diabetes, "their' pain. . . Healing lost by the words of their mouth. THAT is the fruit of our lips! That is the fruit we eat according to our scripture in Proverbs. If we speak sickness and pain, we will eat the fruit of our lips!
If we are going to receive God's promise of healing and keep it, it is VITAL that we get into agreement with His Word NO MATTER WHAT. Remember He is not a liar:
Numbers 23:19 - God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?
Stop agreeing with the enemy of your soul, the one who wants to kill and defeat you, and begin to line up your words and actions with the LOVER of your soul, Jesus! And begin to see and experience the abundant life that He has promised!
John 10:10 -
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
Jun 13, 2011
Mike Rogers & Joan Hunter Heal The Sick
Joan Hunter,
short arm healed,
Jun 11, 2011
Can You Hear Me Now?
deafness healed,
healing miracle,
Pete Cabrera Jr.,
Jun 9, 2011
Post - Partum Psychosis Healed
healing miracle,
mental illness healed,
Post - partum psychosis healed,
Roger Webb,
Jun 7, 2011
Midnight In Atlanta
Are you tired of watching others heal that sick?
Would you like to do it yourself?
Would you like to do it yourself?
This is how easy it is.
(Watch closely)
Jaren Barnes ran into this man on the streets of Atlanta. He had an injured hand. Jaren prayed and God healed it. What happened afterward is just as amazing.
Jaren Barnes ran into this man on the streets of Atlanta. He had an injured hand. Jaren prayed and God healed it. What happened afterward is just as amazing.
Anyone can do this.
What are you waiting for?
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