Work started off “normal”. I was a Patient Safety Attendant (we call them “sitters”) for a suicide- attempt patient. These are generally easy work assignments since the patient is often a walkie-talkie who is waiting for a bed to open up on the psych ward. This particular patient was barely a legal adult, and an absolute brat to boot. However, her roommate was in her sixties, there on alcohol detox, and God had really been active in her life. The morning got off to a fantastic start when this roommate, I’ll call her “Pam,” woke up.
“I had an odd dream last night,” Pam commented. Having done a small amount of dream interpretation myself, I asked her to tell me her dream, not telling her I had every intention of interpreting it. I don’t remember now what the dream was, but I nailed the interpretation, and it was something God was trying to let her know about herself and a Christian drug-rehab program she was about to enter.
The dream interpretation opened up some God-conversation, and I discovered that Pam was a believer although fairly young in her faith. Somehow we got onto the subject of her arthritis, which she had in her left thumb, both knees, and a few other places. Feeling a little unsure myself, I started with one spot, the thumb. I commanded healing into the thumb and rebuked arthritis. It left.
“I had an odd dream last night,” Pam commented. Having done a small amount of dream interpretation myself, I asked her to tell me her dream, not telling her I had every intention of interpreting it. I don’t remember now what the dream was, but I nailed the interpretation, and it was something God was trying to let her know about herself and a Christian drug-rehab program she was about to enter.
The dream interpretation opened up some God-conversation, and I discovered that Pam was a believer although fairly young in her faith. Somehow we got onto the subject of her arthritis, which she had in her left thumb, both knees, and a few other places. Feeling a little unsure myself, I started with one spot, the thumb. I commanded healing into the thumb and rebuked arthritis. It left.
No pain, no problems, full range of motion (ROM).
I moved on to pray for her knee, same result. No pain; instant healing. I was feeling a bit bolder, knowing that God was healing her right then, so I just commanded all other arthritis to go. Her spine got hot, and she felt the pain in her coccyx go, pain which I knew nothing about since she hadn’t told me.
Breakfast came a bit after that, and we were talking. Pam had orders for a prophylactic anti-emetic (anti-nausea) due to persistent stomach problems, but only received it a few minutes before breakfast arrived, and she didn’t give it enough time to work. She started feeling pretty nauseous, so I offered to pray for her again. She was more than happy to get prayer since she had such wonderful results the first time. It had been years since she could hold a fork and knife normally to eat. I took her hand and prayed for her stomach. It immediately got a warm feeling and all the nausea left.
While this was happening, I got a word of knowledge about God healing some emotional stuff. I didn’t know what exactly, but I knew it was related to her son. I told her this, and she started crying.
What I didn’t know prior to that point was that her nausea at mealtime had started when her son was growing up, and mealtimes were always a very stressful time for them. Since they always fought then, she would get emotionally upset, her stomach physically upset, and she wouldn’t want to eat.
Fast- forward many years later; her body had taken so much emotional pain surrounding mealtimes that her stomach automatically reacted when she ate. Well, God healed that too!!
The rest of the day was up and down--at the time she was there for alcohol detox and not only experiencing withdrawals, but stuck in a room with the brattiest SA-patient ever whose family and friends who mostly just acted like they were at a party.
In her defense, it WAS pretty miserable to be separated by ONLY a curtain, and we didn’t have any more open beds until a room got cleaned from another patient who died late that morning. To top it off, we ended up getting more admits. So, no room-change for her. However, God had given me such favor with her that I was the only staff member able to talk Pam down from her agitation-bordering-on-hysteria and help her through her rough spots that afternoon.
It was a blessing to be able to work with her, minister healing and all around love on her when she was in a tight spot, and it all began with an unsuspecting woman waking up in a hospital bed and sharing a dream.