Dec 18, 2010

Not Just Another Day

At almost 100 miles per hour, the front of the ambulance began to shake a little. Fortunately, our exit was in sight. Hurriedly making our way through a maze of corridors like lab rats in search of cheese, we arrived at the labor & delivery suite. I didn't knock; time was short. As the doctor checked our patient's cervix one more time, I shook her hand, introduced myself and told her, "We only have one rule - no babies in the ambulance." She smiled and nodded, shaking my hand. "I don't plan to have this one today."

Tracy (not her real name) was as kind and pleasant as any patient I've known. She smiled often, despite the circumstances. But not out of denial or ignorance. She was genuinely happy and blessed by the hand of God and she knew it.

This was her 5th pregnancy. Tracy began having having labor contractions a 2 am and her husband drove her to the nearest hospital. It was 13 weeks before her due date. If her child were to be born today, his chance for survival and a normal life would be slim. She'd already had one child who died from complications after being born at 27 weeks. She didn't want history to repeat.

We were called to transport her to a hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit. In the event that her child was born today, he would need specialized care not available at her local hospital. We switched the IV's to the transport pumps, lifted her to our gurney and whisked her out the door.

Once inside the ambulance I briefed her on what to expect during the ride. I told her that many of my patients do better than expected. She was curious so I shared a few stories about how the presence of God follows me around and how He sometimes makes people better without much interaction on my part.

She said she experienced the presence of God following her, too. She felt His presence as soon as we closed the door of the ambulance. We talked for a while about the things we've seen God do. I shared some healing stories and felt led to pray a blessing over her unborn child. I declared that he would live and not die and that he would live to be old and blessed with good health. I asked if she'd chosen a name for him. She said his name was, Nayim, which is Arabic for ‘Blessing”.

As we made our way to our destination, we came to a dangerous intersection. With the lights and siren on, my partner carefully went around some vehicles that had stopped in the intersection. One car didn't stop until it slammed into the back of a taxi. Dragging it's front bumper down the road, it eventually came to a stop a few hundred feet from the accident scene.

With a sigh of impatience, my partner left to check for injuries. I was happy to be stuck taking care of Tracy. In a few minutes, the engine arrived. We gave the Lieutenant our report and continued on our way. There were no serious injuries.

We arrived at the destination hospital. Tracy didn't have a single contraction the entire time she was with us. When we dropped her off in the labor and delivery suite, I had a conversation with her nurse about healing. Her husband has a back injury and is thinking about surgery. I gave her and the patient cards to the website and told them to contact me if there was anything I could do for them. this was just one call out of many in a very busy day.

On another call, I prayed with a little old lady who was assaulted by her son because she was listening to worship music in her house and she told him Jesus loved him. He beat her up her and hit her head on the corner of a coffee table. She had a laceration to the back of her head. As we dropped her off in the emergency room, I said a quick prayer of healing and blessing over her. She was all smiles and thanked me.

We went on another call that tried my patience a little. We transported a man with Lou Gehrig's disease to a doctor's appointment. He's on a ventilator, which makes everything a little more complicated. I'm always aware of how much oxygen we have in our tanks. Ventilators run on compressed oxygen. If we run out of oxygen, the vent doesn't work. When the vent doesn't work, I get to breathe for the patient after that. On this particular call the appointments were running an hour behind schedule. To make a long story even longer, we had him on our vent for almost 4 hours. It was the call that didn't want to end.

As we waited, I quietly prayed for him to be healed. His wife was kind enough to buy me a mocha at the coffee stand in the clinic. He wasn't healed. At least not that I could tell. He happens to be in a room just down the hall from my friend Scott who also has Lou Gehrig's. I've been praying for Scott too. To be honest, I was weary of well doing by the end of the day.

It's been a hectic month on the MIPU. I'm praying for many people and seeing a lot of them blessed and healed. I'm also getting opportunities to teach others about healing which is just as important.

Wishing you a peaceful and joyous holiday season,

Praying Medic

Dec 16, 2010

James Cooper's Testimoy

This is one of the most unbelievable personal testimonies I've ever heard. Youtube granted an exception to the time limit on videos to allow this testimony to be published in it's entirety.

According to James:
The first time I died they brought me back with paddles. I lived with a crushed back, hips and neck from a car crash for 10 years. I survived more than 20 suicide attempts dying more than once. I gave my life to Jesus on a weekend pass from the hospital I was living in. The rest has been instant miracle after instant miracle. Jesus is AWESOME and we are very thankful. We serve God now with every moment of our lives, what else could matter?


Dec 14, 2010

Bone Cancer Miracle

This the testimony of a woman healed of bone cancer at one of John Mellor's meetings. The healing was confirmed through her doctor with a bone scan.

Dec 11, 2010

Metal Rods in Hip - Creative Miracle

This is the testimony of a woman healed of injuries to her pelvis and leg which were surgically repaired with metal rods. After being healed she is now able to move and run in ways that should be physically impossible.

Dec 8, 2010

Multiple Sclerosis Healed

This video was shot in Brazil during a Global Awakening evangelistic outreach. The man in the wheelchair suffered from multiple sclerosis. Rand Clark and a group of friends and family prayed with this man for hours. After 90 minutes he moved his finger. The healing progressed until he was able to walk.

Dec 6, 2010

Miracle Bubbles

Are you afraid of approaching strangers to ask if they'd like to be healed?

Don't like laying hands on people you don't know?

You might try this.

Dec 4, 2010

Cath Lab Transport

I transport many patients from small hospitals to larger ones for special procedures. The most common is a coronary angiogram. Many small hospitals don't have cardiac surgeons or the equipment needed to treat some cardiac patients. In the case of severe heart disease, patients undergo special testing to determine the condition of the arteries of the heart. This procedure is known as a coronary angiogram. The video explains this procedure.

The patient who was healed in this story was being transferred for this procedure.

As we loaded her on the gurney I noticed the gold cross dangling from a chain around her neck. When looking for signs that someone is open to prayer, use whatever clues are available. It also provided an entry point for the topic I wanted to discuss with her - divine healing.

I liked her cross and asked her to tell me about it. She said it reminded her of God's faithfulness in all the trials she'd been through.

The door was now open.

From this point on, the conversation was warm and friendly as we shared about prayer and the faithfulness of God. She told me about her friends and family who had been lifting her up in prayer. I told her about the people I've seen healed in the ambulance. It was a divine set-up if ever one existed. She gladly allowed me to pray for her healing.

I placed my hand on her left shoulder.

She said, "Oh, do you want to start with my bad shoulder?"

I laughed and asked if it was a torn rotator cuff.

"No, I have bursitis. It hurts all the time."

I commanded the shoulder to be healed, then asked how it felt.

"Well, it feels wonderful. It doesn't hurt at all."

I'm still having some difficulty believing people when they say this. After years of seeing no results, I'm a little skeptical when a patient is healed in just a few seconds. But it's becoming more common.

Since the healing power of God had already been manifested, I asked if we might go for something bigger. My new friend was going to the cath lab because the left ventricle of her heart wasn't working. She was admitted for breathing problems. An echocardiogram revealed that only 10% of the blood in the left ventricle was leaving on each contraction. Normal is around 60%. She's lived with diabetes for years. We went for complete healing.

I prayed as the Lord revealed different parts of her body that needed healing. I told her that once she was healed, she may experience a recurrence of symptoms and taught her how to keep her healing. I also did some quick training on how to heal others. She was open and excited to learn anything I could share with her.

I gave her a card for the website and told her to contact me with a report. We hugged and I introduced her to the cath lab team. I really hope she sends word on her progress. I promise to share her testimony if we receive it.

Dec 3, 2010

Power of Attorney With Pete Cabrera Jr.

Pete Cabrera is teaching on and demonstrating the power of God

Power of Attorney

December the 11th in Great Bend, Kansas
Doors open at 8:15am
(grab some coffee, we will start at 9am and go until 12 noon)

Every one is welcome.
He will be speaking on laying hands on the sick in Jesus name.
If you are sick or know someone who is sick please come.

Thank you and God bless you.

2100 Broadway Ave.
Great Bend, Kansas
About two hours away from Wichita
(The old Roosevelt building)

Dec 1, 2010

Cancer of the Mouth Healed

This is the testimony of a woman healed of mouth cancer at one of John Mellor's meetings. She was unable to eat for weeks. The pain and discouragement she suffered caused her to consider suicide, but when a friend suggested she come to a meeting, God met her there and healed her disease.

Nov 28, 2010

God's Mercy and Healing Power

This is an excerpt from John Wimber's book Power Healing.

"Lord, I asked, are most people afraid to pray for the sick because their understanding of your nature, who you are and how you work inhibits them?" Again, I sensed him saying, "Yes - most people are hesitant, even fearful, to pray for others healing because they misunderstand my compassion and mercy. They know about me, but they do not always know me."

It really works, I thought as I went on my way toward home, and God used me as a vehicle of his healing mercy. Then I was jolted out of my jubilant mood by an incredible vision.

Suddenly in my minds eye there appeared to be a cloud bank superimposed across the sky. But I had never seen a cloud bank like this one, so I pulled my car over to the side of the road to take a closer look. Then I realized it was not a cloud bank, it was a honeycomb with honey dripping out on to people below. The people were in a variety of postures. Some were reverent; they were weeping and holding their hands out to catch the honey and taste it, even inviting others to take some of their honey. Others acted irritated, wiping the honey off themselves, complaining about the mess. I was awestruck. Not knowing what to think, I prayed, "Lord, what is it?"

He said, It's my mercy, John. For some people it's a blessing, but for others it's a hindrance. There is plenty for everyone. Don't ever beg me for healing again. The problem isn't on my end, John. It's down there. (For readers who have never had a vision or supernaturally heard God in this fashion, I did not physically hear God speak. I experienced more of an impression, a spiritual sense of God speaking to me. Time proved that what I thought I had heard was true.)
That was a moving and profound experience; certainly it revolutionized my life more than any other experience I had since becoming a Christian. I have never looked at healing the same way since that day.

What made this experience so powerful was that it confirmed my newfound conviction, rooted in Scripture, that God's abundant grace included diving healing, if only we would believe him for it. I learned this lesson from the story in Mark 9:14-32 of Christ healing a man's son who was possessed by a spirit and as a consequence was mute. After the disciples had failed to heal the boy, the father approached Jesus asking if he could help. Jesus wasted no time in identifying the reason for the disciples failure: unbelief.

After explaining to Jesus that his son had been possessed by a spirit since childhood, the man asked, "But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us" (v.22). Jesus said, "If you can? Everything is possible for him who believes" (v.23). The key to experiencing Gods healing mercy was belief, belief in the God who heals. "I do believe, the father said. Help me overcome my unbelief! (v.24). With this confession what Jesus called faith as small as a mustard seed in Matthew 17:20 he cast a deaf and mute spirit out of the boy, and the boy was instantly healed.

What God showed me through scriptures like Mark 9, my first healing, and the honeycomb vision was that he is much greater than I ever imagined him to be, and with only the smallest act of faith I could experience his compassion and mercy. I also realized that God's mercy is constantly falling on us, because everything that he does is related to what he is: the Father of compassion (mercies, oiktirmon) and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles. (2 Cor. 1:3; Exod. 34:6, Neh. 9:17). Psalm 145:9 says, "The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made". Titus 3:5 says the Lord saves us because of his mercy.

But too often I did not see God in the fullness of his mercy and grace.

I trusted him to lead me, but I did not trust him to provide for me; I had faith to receive forgiveness of sins and salvation, but I had no faith for divine healing. I never realized God's mercy was as readily and abundantly available to me as the honey was available to all under the honeycomb.

Through the honeycomb vision I also understood that my first healing was only the beginning of my experiencing God's mercy if I would only choose to believe and to receive it. In the vision, some people rejoiced, freely received, and freely gave away. The more they gave away, the more they received. There is plenty for everyone, The Lord said. Don't ever beg me for healing again.

But others, full of unbelief and skepticism, could not receive the grace, blessings, and gifts of God. They could not see that Gods mercy and healing are greater than their understanding of how he works. The problem isn't on my end, the Lord said. It's down there. It is we not God who place limitations and unbelief on Gods compassion and mercy. We are invited to cooperate with his Spirit by entering into a divine partnership, a partnership in which he brings direction and provides for healing.

Nov 24, 2010

Autism Healing Testimony

This is a testimony I received from Sharon Murrone Reese about the progressive healing of her son, Ryan from autism.

I have a blessing I'd like to share with you. :)

My son Ryan was diagnosed with autism at a young age. Ryan is 21 years old now, so this was before most anybody had ever heard if autism. Ryan is my only child and also the 1st grandchild, so he didn't have family, friends or peers his age to help him like some others did. God had impressed on me to begin to pray and believe for Ryan's complete restoration and healing.

At the time we were attending a Methodist church and had never heard of such things. Who knew that God could heal today? That healing stuff was just stories in the bible right? Does God heal today? What does restoration mean? Wierd! But the impression was so strong, it became very important to me. Besides, when you see your child suffering, you will do and try anything to help, am I right? So I began to pray... I prayed for years and couldn't see any change. I thought God would just snap His fingers and it would be done, it didn't happen that way. Although God does heal that way, that's not the way it happened for us.

Sometimes, when we are in the middle of a battle it's hard to step back, see the whole picture and realize what's really happening. There was a time I almost gave up praying... as I pondered this, God sent a lady into the christian bookstore where I worked. She walked straight up to me and shouted "Don't you ever give up on praying and believing for someone! More things are wrought by prayer than this world knows of!" then she walked straight out the door. I had never seen her before or since. (Gee, think that was an angel or what?) Needless to say this freaked me out, but it also did something in my heart, and a resolve came that I would NEVER give up on prayer.

During this time, Ryan was constantly being tested for this or that, always going to doctor's, this specialist, that mental health, or let's try this new thing that is supposed to help, let's try these drugs, maybe it's his diet, or allergies... To add to the problems, Ryan's dad was very abusive and we were divorced when Ryan was 7. During high school it was so bad (he had been suicidal since 5th grade) that his psychiatrist actually went to school with him 3 days a week, every week for almost a year.

I cannot express the grief and suffering this caused the whole family. Since Ryan never had any real friends, his counselor suggested I start inviting kids to the house. So we began having a monthly, overnight video game playing, pizza eating bash. It started with only 1 friend, and grew to 5 boys whom I now consider to be my boys to pray for. The school district would not provide any services for Ryan because his diagnosis kept changing.

The boys told me many of the teachers abuse to Ryan that I didn't even know about, and Ryan was unable to tell me. We had some great teachers and some not so great. One teacher made him sit inside a washing machine box, a whole box, the lid on it and everything. She cut a door that she would close after Ryan was inside. She put his desk inside and made him sit there all day long, everyday during 2nd grade. He was made to eat lunch in his box and not allowed to go to recess, he had to sit in the box.

Ryan's acting out to this injustice was to glue all the teacher's scissors together so they wouldn't open! LOL I didn't know about this till Ryan was in 10th grade! I'm glad I didn't know, because at the time, I would have killed someone! Every year something would happen and we would be sent for more testing. Every time this happened, his diagnosis would change. Stepping back and looking at it now, I see the hand of God.

The reason we had to keep going for more testing, the reason the diagnosis kept changing, was because God was doing a progressing healing. Every diagnosis was a step away from autism, or a lesser degree of autism. Seven years ago, results were PDDNOS (pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified) which in plain English means: they didn't know what was going on and didn't have a label to put on him! GLORY TO GOD! Then it changed to "communication disorder + anxiety". When Ryan was a senior in high school, his "shrink" told us that there was nothing more they can do for Ryan, that it was rare for someone with the problems Ryan had been diagnosed with to "graduate" from mental health. But he did, we had a ceremony and everything! Glory to God!!!!

It is amazing to me that God took a child that at age 6-7 was still in diapers, non communicative, and would sit in the corner by himself, slobber and not interact, to someone who is a beautiful living testimony of what God can do if we only believe. GOD IS SOOOOOO GOOD TO US!

Today Ryan is off all medication, living a normal life, and has his drivers license, which we never even believed was possible! He loves his job at McDonald's and insists on paying his own way through college. He wants to study electronic communications, media, computer programming, ya know computer geek stuff. Who would have ever thought? God did. Even when I didn't, God did!

Ryan has his own apartment, car, and is a tight wad with his money. Except for the African girl he adopted through Compassion International. ...well, and computer stuff. LOL It's exciting to see the common thread of communication that has been running throughout his life. Ryan wrote, illustrated, and bound a book all on his own at the age of 4. Currently he's making video games, he says it grieves him to see his friends minds taken over by things that expose them to witchcraft, demons etc. so he is making alternatives that will be just as cool but with the Holy Spirit as your guide and not a demon. GLORY!

Ryan talks like everyone else does now, but he still struggles with expressing his feelings. We know this is only temporary! God will complete the work He started! Sometimes Ryan communicates through music. He says music speaks to him or for him. I understand this, because music speaks to me too. Sometimes when he struggles he will find a song for me to listen to so we can know how he feels. :)

Last week, I suggested Ryan read the testimonies on Praying Medic's web page. He is very encouraged and excited about what God is doing with common people. Ryan decided he would make a mini-video set to christian music for Praying Medic of what Ryan interprets goes on in the life of someone who will believe for healing for others. It'll be posted on Youtube. If you don't have Praying Medic as a friend on Facebook I encourage you to check him out. PM has a web page filled with testimonies and miracles to encourage and uplift! As Ryan was making the video he told me about a "glitch" that happened. He was taking video from a game and spicing it with other scenes. This part in particular had an ambulance and medic. He sent the medic to pick up a casualty. When the medic got to the person, they suddenly stood up and was a living person! LOL God is so cool! The video is not ready yet, but when it is, I will share it.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story. Autism is diagnosed 1 in 165 children today. Please feel free to share our story with others who may need some encouragement. My prayer is that you are encouraged, uplifted, and excited at what GOD CAN DO!'s all for HIS GLORY!

Nov 22, 2010

Broken Neck and Deafness Healed

This is the testimony of a man healed of a deafness and a fractured neck at one of John Mellor's meetings. He said that he lived with chronic pain and inability to move his head and he walked with crutches for 40 years. He was also healed of deafness.