Showing posts with label healing miracle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing miracle. Show all posts

Jul 5, 2011

Can A New Christian Heal The Sick?

I was impressed by this video, because it demonstrates a principle some of us may find challenging. There's a common belief that we must meet certain qualifications like having training, ordination or mentoring before we can effectively heal the sick. Some believe you must have the gift of healing and not everyone does. In this video a woman who meets none of these qualifications and has only been a Christian for 22 days is used (much to her own shock) to heal the sick.

(English subtitles are provided)

Jul 3, 2011

A Day In The Life....

I came to Phoenix, Arizona a few weeks ago to take a paramedic test. On Sunday morning I was sitting in the hotel lobby with my computer, checking Facebook and having coffee.

I noticed there were a lot of teenage girls in the lobby wearing softball uniforms. It turns out there was a tournament in town.

Sitting at the table next to me were a woman and her teenage daughter, who had a uniform on. I heard the girl mention to her mother that she was having a lot of shoulder pain. I know, I'm a terrible busybody. I just want to know everyone's business.

I turned toward the girl and and asked if she wanted to be healed. She smiled and asked how that would happen. I told her I pray with a lot of people who are healed of different medical problems.

She said, "sure!"

I asked some basic questions; how long she had the pain, how bad it was on a 1 - 10 scale & checked her range of motion. Then I placed my hand on her shoulder and commanded pain and inflammation to leave and for ligaments. muscles, bones, tendons and nerves to be healed.

I asked if she felt anything different. She said her shoulder felt warm, but there was still some pain. So I placed my hand on her shoulder again and thanked God for the healing then commanded healing a second time & asked what she felt.

She said the heat was more intense and the pain was almost gone. She was surprised at how quickly she had been healed.

I talked with her and her mother for about 20 minutes. I shared some God stories & showed them my healing blog on my computer then told them if they wanted to learn more about healing they should check it out. The girl's mother happens to be a paramedic. She's seen people healed in her church, but wanted to know why some people lose their healing.

I taught them what I knew about spiritual battles and healing and that if the pain came back, not to receive it, to stand on her healing and remember the enemy might try to convince her she wasn't healed.

What I didn't know was that at the next table there was another teenage girl who had a friend with an injured shoulder. As I got up to leave, 5 girls, all wearing uniforms approached me and asked if I could get their friend healed. I asked if they'd ever seen a miracle. They all said, 'no'.

I looked around and it seemed everyone in the lobby including the staff behind the desk were looking on in anticipation as I explained what was going to happen.

I asked the usual questions - she'd injured her shoulder a few years ago and it never healed, so she lives with the pain. I placed my hand on her shoulder and commanded it to be healed and asked the Holy Spirit to bring his presence and power upon her then asked if she felt anything.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you feel any different from how you felt a few minutes ago?"

She said, "Well... I feel really warm and kind of tingly all over."

"That's the power of God healing you."

I prayed a second time and asked the Holy Spirit to bring more of His power upon her then asked what she felt.

"Now my shoulder feels a lot better and I'm getting really all over." She began to giggle. It was obvious she was happy to feel God's presence touching her as she was being healed. Her friends looked on in amazement.

I spent a few minutes explaining that anyone who is a disciple of Jesus can heal people like this and taught about the spiritual battles involved in healing and told her what to do if the symptoms came back. I told them to friend me on Facebook or visit my blog if they wanted to know more about healing and the works of the Holy Spirit.

Before I left, I prayed with one more person; an older man who just had hip replacement surgery and a hernia operation what wasn't healing very well. He was actually the first person I noticed that morning who might need healing. He walked into the lobby using a cane.

As I was writing this story for a Facebook post, another woman and 3 friends approached me and asked if I was the one who healed the girls this morning. I said I was and spent the next 30 minutes praying with her for fibromyalgia, gluten intolerance and a few other conditions. As I prayed, she felt the power of God touch her and she began to cry. I shared with her some of the things I shared with the girls.

This was just the beginning of an amazing day with Jesus. After praying for these people I went back to my room to have breakfast with my wife and tell her what had happened.

We planned to look at homes in the Phoenix area and decided to check out the home show at the convention center. Before we got in the front door, we prayed with a woman who had back pain. A short time later, we prayed with and talked to a wonderful man who had a torn rotator cuff. He was very interested in hearing about what God was doing through us in healing.

On the flight home, we talked with the woman in the seat next to us about healing for at least an hour. She had so many questions.

After we landed in Seattle, just before midnight, we picked up our car and drove to a gas station & talked with a man we saw at the airport in Phoenix, 3 hours earlier.

The interesting thing about this man was that when I first saw him in the airport, I sensed a peacefulness and confidence about him that no one else had. Our conversation eventually turned to the subject of healing. His wife has multiple sclerosis. I gave him a card to the website and told him to e-mail me if he wanted us to pray for her.

On the drive home, I marveled at God's wisdom in setting up so many divine appointments. He wants to touch others through every one of us. I hope you this message inspires you to touch someone with His love today.

Jun 23, 2011

Healing the Deaf and Mute

If you've never healed the deaf or mute, but always wanted to, check out this instruction and demonstration. It's not as hard as it looks, because God's power does the work.

Jun 18, 2011

The Graduates

Today is a special day for me. I have two children and both are graduating from high school today.

Where does the time go?

I remember that snowy day in March, when I first held my little five - pound bundles of joy, all wrapped up in pink and blue. It was the beginning of the grandest adventure; I was now a father.

The question most dads ask is, "What kind of father will I be?"

18 years later, my little blessings aren't so little. My son can easily whip me in a game of basketball. My daughter has biceps almost as big as mine from years of swimming.

The question I'm asking myself now is, "Are they ready?" Or more precisely, "Have I made them ready?"

I believe I've done all that I could to get them ready. Now it's up to them to use what I've given them - for better or worse. I'll always be their dad and I'll always pray for them and give them advice (when they ask for it). But now it's time for a little testing. It's time to inspect the first crop of fruit. Yesterday I saw a small sample.

My son was complaining of a painful big toe, which he injured playing soccer. He said it hurt pretty badly and wanted to know if one of us could get him healed. I looked at my daughter. She smiled and stepped forward. It was her time to shine and she knew what to do.

Before she laid hands on him, her brother said, "This is going be a real test for you, because I'm not joking, my toe is killing me. "

She placed her hand on his foot and spoke to the injury, commanding it to be healed.

It wasn't the most eloquent prayer. But with the grace available to a nervous teenage girl, amped on caffeine, she threw together a prayer she thought I'd approve of. Afterward she had him check it out. There was a little pain left, so she commanded it to leave a second time and he checked it out again. This time all the pain was gone.

My son walked around the house with a huge smile on his face the rest of the day. My daughter came over, gave me a high five and beamed with joy. I gave her a hug and told her she really did it. She asked if I was praying, too. I told her I wasn't. She believed me.

It's important for our kids to know that we approve of them. It's also important to set the right examples. They're going to imitate us more that we know.

Today I'll be at their graduation ceremony. They have a good start on their education but more learning lies ahead...and not all learning is equal.

What we learn in high school has a purpose. It's a foundation. We need to build upon it. The lessons of life will come and we must master them if we're to have a blessed life and be a blessing to others. Today I learned that my kids have a decent chance of achieving some pretty high goals, if they choose to pursue them. But it's their choice. All I can do is set examples and hope they follow.

I'm very proud of my kids, but they aren't just my kids, they're my disciples. I know God will do amazing things with them. We can all see good fruit and make disciples if we consider our ways carefully, do the most needed things and set examples for those who come after us. This is how disciples are made.

Jun 17, 2011

Feet Miraculously Healed

This is the testimony of a woman who's feet were injured while serving in the military. She was miraculously healed with prayer.

Jun 11, 2011

Can You Hear Me Now?

Pete Cabrera healed this woman of deafness at the soup kitchen in Great Bend, Kansas. You can do it too. Just believe.

Jun 9, 2011

Post - Partum Psychosis Healed

Roger Webb was preaching at a church in Michigan and asked for anyone needing prayer to come forward. Sarah came forward because she has post - partum psychosis. She's was a patient in numerous psychiatric hospitals and was taking dangerously high doses of medication to control her symptoms. This is her testimony.

Jun 7, 2011

Midnight In Atlanta

Are you tired of watching others heal that sick?

Would you like to do it yourself?

This is how easy it is.

(Watch closely)

Jaren Barnes ran into this man on the streets of Atlanta. He had an injured hand. Jaren prayed and God healed it. What happened afterward is just as amazing.

Anyone can do this.

What are you waiting for?


May 28, 2011

Knee Pain Healing Testimony

This man relates the story of how his knee was healed after 40 years of chronic knee pain. He also shares some advice on how to maintain your healing over the years.

May 26, 2011

Diverticulitis Healed

This is the testimony of a man who was healed of diverticulitis after prayer.

May 22, 2011

Friday The 13th

"I'm sorry Mrs. Jones. I know you were hoping to go home today, but your tests reveal a few things we need to keep an eye on for at least another day. We need to admit you for observation and we don't have any open beds at our hospital. We've arranged to have an ambulance take to a hospital across town."

A few minutes later, we arrived at the bedside of a sweet woman of 94 years who was being admitted for congestive heart failure. We did the introductions and prepared to move her to the gurney.

She wanted to do it herself, but it was obvious she needed help. We assisted her from the bed to the gurney and during the move, I noticed she had a hard time standing on her right leg. I asked why. She said she had severe pain from arthritis in her right knee. Before leaving the ER I suggested we might get that healed on the trip.

I saved the details for later.

Once we were underway and I had her vitals charted, I shared a few healing stories with her, including the story of the woman healed of a torn rotator cuff. After the testimonies, I asked if I could pray over her knee. She was happy to have me do it. She didn't feel anything different the first time I commanded the pain to leave, so I did it again. After the second time, she said the pain was going down. I did it a third time and asked how she felt. She said, "It feels really good, now."

I asked if she was lying.

She laughed and said, " really does feel much better now.' We took her to her room and transferred her to the bed. She gave me a big hug before I left and thanked me for praying with her.

Our next patient was 44 years old. She’s had “cyclic vomiting” her entire life. I’d never heard of it before, but it sounded terrible. She’d been throwing up for 12 straight days and had severe abdominal pain despite the meds she was given. She was cranky, miserable and needy. Her nurse warned that she wasn't a happy camper. I wasn't looking forward to this trip.

We got her loaded and she asked about pain medication. I told her we couldn't give her anything. She proceeded to flop around in misery on the gurney. I thought about ignoring her.

Then I noticed that her face sheet said she was a Christian. I decided to ask if I could pray with her. It's rare when Christians will say no to prayer.

She said yes.

So I place my hand on her stomach and commanded it to be healed, I commanded unclean spirits to leave, and invited the peace of God to surround her. A few minutes later she said all the pain was gone and she felt completely peaceful. Then she told me about the near – death experience she had as a girl and how her father met her and told her it wasn’t her time to go yet.

We shared stories the rest of the way and talked about how great God was and I taught her how to keep her healing. By the time we got to the other hospital she was crying tears of joy one minute and laughing out loud the next. Before I left her room she hugged me and thanked me for praying with her.

This was how my day went on Friday May 13th. If this day is so unlucky, why did all my patients get healed?

The following day, I saw the nurse who gave report and told her the story. She thought it was cool and said I need my own TV show. I told her I have the next best thing; a website with hundreds of amazing God stories. I gave her a card to the website.

I hope she reads this and drops us a line.

I really hope this inspires you to heal your patients. It's not as hard as it seems.

We all need a few more hugs.

May 15, 2011

Lupus Healed at Bay Of Holy Spirit

This are the testimonies of two women who were healed of SLE (Lupus) at the Bay of Holy Spirit in Mobile Alabama. Both women have been tested by their doctors. The tests came back negative, confirming they were healed.

May 4, 2011

Testimony From Nigeria

I hope you're blessed by this testimony that was recently shared at Bethel church. This amazing event happened in Nigeria and was reported from there by Jim Rogers. Jesus told his disciples to cleanse the lepers, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and preach the gospel. This is what happens when his instructions are obeyed. The sick were healed, lepers were cleansed, the dead were raised and the gospel was preached. Amputees received new limbs and 150,000 were saved.

This is not just for Africa. It can happen anywhere the disciples of Jesus are obedient to their King.

For a longer version of this story, check out the podacst here.

Apr 6, 2011

A New Kidney and a Dream Come True

This unusual healing story is true. The names have been omitted at the request of the people involved.

On March 29, 2011, I received the following message on Facebook:

Good morning to you ! I have a special request. My FB friend (name omitted) , an Administrator with me on our Intercessory Prayer Page inboxed me. She is very upset right now about her Pastor in her church whose only kidney is failing, not doing well. She is confused because she wonders why God didn't heal him when he gave up his BP meds a couple of years ago and branched out in faith thinking he was "healed". I don't want to get into details, thought maybe if you would please "friend her" you could help her and pray for her Pastor as well. I told her a little bit about you and that we are friends. She will be looking for you I'm sure. I gave her my views on this, but I was following some of your posts, you are more blessed in this area than I, and you have the healing ministry.
Love you Bro, and thank you ! :)

I replied:
Praying Medic March 31 at 8:05am
I'll find her and send the request. And I'll pray for her pastor.

Be blessed!


She replied:
(Name omitted) March 31 at 8:31am
Thank you so much !!!! Yes, I see she just in boxed me aout friend request, and yes, she has lots of questions about faith with healing, etc.
God bless you and thanks for your expediancy.
Have a blessed Holy Spirit filled day.

A few minutes later, after sending a friend request, I received this message from my new friend:

(Name omitted) March 31 at 8:29am
He believed God two years ago to come off of his high blood medication. God had healed him of cancer of the kindneys some 20 years ago and although he had one kidney removed because of the cancer, he refused chemotherapy and have been clean of cancer for over 20 years. When he got off his medicine cold turkey, we as members honored his faith but we also were very cautious and concerned as this move. He hung up his pill bottles on the wall to demonstrate his faith. since that time, he had been having severe headaches and pain in other parts of his body but nothing major. He just kept claiming his healing and he declared that he would not get back on his medicine even if it cost him his life. Well, time went on and he never missed a beat and we all thought he was healed until he was suddenly hospitalized. The only kidney he has left is at 25% functional and his prostate is enlarged. I really want to believe God for a miracle for him today because it bothers me that he stepped out on faith but was not healed (obviously).

I replied:
Praying Medic March 31 at 8:36am
I understand your concern and frustration. I'm in prayer for him. I write a lot about healing if you're interested in another perspective on it. If you're interested, let me know and I'll send a link to a series of notes I wrote.
Be blessed!

She replied:
(Name omitted) March 31 at 8:38am
yes, I am interested. please send me the link, thanks!

I replied:
Praying Medic March 31 at 3:41pm
OK Then!
The notes are not in any particular order, though I recommend people start with "Healing 101". It sets a foundation to build on for getting grounded in the basic principles of healing.

That note can be found here:

There are a dozen or so notes in the series. I've added links to previous ones at the bottom as I wrote more of them. The comments are mostly from friends who operate in healing ministries. I also have a number of videos about healing, if you're interested. And finally, I have a website that is full of healing testimonies, stories about healing miracles I've seen on and off the job, teaching videos and a lot of other things concerning the kingdom of God.

She posted this on my wall the next day:
@Praying Medic: I have a Praise Report! God has restored my Pastor back to health. He is to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Thank you for praying and thank God for your intense healing ministry. I've been reading your blogs and learning a lot.

She then sent this message:
(Name Omitted) April 2 at 3:06pmRemember the one kidney that was severely damaged and operating at 25% and docs were talking dialysis and transplant? His wife told me this morning that when they checked his kidney again it showed they are now functioning at 100%! I know it's because I asked you to pray for him because none of this was happening until after I came in contact with you. I could not say this on your wall because I have alot if ppl who know him but Don't know about his kidney situation.
Sent via Facebook Mobile

I replied:
Praying Medic April 2 at 5:06pm
I am so blessed to hear about his miraculous healing. I have some even more amazing news for you. I have a lot of dreams about healing. Some involved God teaching me about healing, others are specific dreams about individuals who are going to be healed. He's what I wrote in my dream journal from the night of March 31:

I had the following dream: I was with a man, who needed a new kidney. He had a surgical opening in his side. The opening was clean, with no blood present. He beckoned me to come near and put my hand in his side and try to find his kidney. I placed my hand in his side and moved around some of his organs to try to locate it. (End of dream)

I wonder if the dream was about your pastor and somehow, I was able to get his new kidney from God.
May I re-post this testimony?

She replied:
(Name omitted) April 3 at 7:40pm
Wow! This Is so deep! Yes, I believe it's directly related to my Pastor. You're welcome to post it on your blog.
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Mar 17, 2011

Street Healing With Doug & Chris

Chris Villaflor & Doug Aquino prayed with this young man who had a knee injury. He received healing and some teaching on the nature of Jesus.

Mar 15, 2011

Bay of Holy Spirit Miracles

Paul Strand interviews people who have experienced the miracles of healing at the revival in Mobile, Alabama.

Mar 6, 2011

The Checkout Woman

I was working on the ambulance and needed to buy potatoes & onions for dinner. I waited in line at the checkout and noticed the clerk rolling her head from side to side with a look of pain on her face. She asked how I was doing tonight. I asked about her obvious neck pain. She explained that she's had it for a while. I asked if she wanted to be healed.

She was curious and asked if I was a massage therapist. I told her I prayed with people and saw a lot of them healed; often miraculously. She said, "I'm sold!" But we had a problem. She had a line of customers waiting and I couldn't stay long. I gave her a card to the MIPU website, told her my e-mail address was on it and that I'd be back soon.

I left the store with mixed feelings; glad for the opportunity to plant a seed of hope, but disappointed that I didn't get to pray with her.

I came to work the next day & ended up at the same store again. As I approached the store, I met two men who were taking donations to help disabled veterans. I introduced myself and shared my admiration for what they were doing.

I noticed that one man was wearing dark sunglasses, even though they were in a shaded area. Few people wear sunglasses in dark places unless they have vision problems. Normal pupils dilate and constrict to allow the right amount of light to enter the eye. Problems with the pupil, like cataracts, make the pupil unable to correct for different lighting conditions. I asked what kind of problems he had.

With a puzzled look, he asked how I knew about his eye problems. I explained. He told me he had glaucoma and cataract surgery to his left eye, leaving him partially blind. I asked if he wanted to be healed. With a big smile, he said, "Sure". I asked if I could place my hand on his shoulder and he agreed. I invited the Holy Spirit to come and bring his presence and power to heal. I asked for peace to fill him and commanded darkness to flee. I commanded his eye to be healed and glaucoma to leave then I asked how he felt.

Smiling and laughing he said, "I fell like all my anxiety just left and I feel that peace you were talking about". He also said his vision was a little better.

I explained that the peace he felt was the work of the Holy Spirit and asked if I could pray a second time to improve his vision. He agreed, so I prayed a second time, addressing the vision then I asked how it was. He reported that it was even better now.

I went inside the store and found the woman with neck pain at her checkstand with a line of people waiting their turn. I saw another store employee and explained what I wanted to do then asked if she knew when the next break was. It was coming up in 15 minutes. I decided to wait for her.

She saw me waiting and smiled, holding up one finger to let me know she'd be able to talk in a minute or two. She closed her checkstand. Walking toward me she exclaimed, "You came back!" I asked how she was feeling.

"You came at the right time. I have a migraine headache and my neck and shoulders are killing me."

I wanted to give her hope that she could be healed so I shared the story about the store employee who was healed of migraines two years earlier from a word of knowledge. It worked, she was encouraged. We talked as we walked outside.

I asked about her symptoms then asked if I could place my hand on her shoulder and pray. She agreed. I asked the Holy Spirit to bring his presence and commanded the spirit of pain to leave.

Next, I commanded her headache and neck pain to leave and commanded the bones in her neck and back to come into alignment, then for all muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and nerves to be healed. I asked how she felt. "I feel great. My headache is completely gone."

I asked if she was lying and told her she didn't need to worry about hurting my feelings. Smiling, she said "I'm a big girl, and I'm being honest. My headache really is gone." But she still had a little pain between her shoulder blades so I placed my hand there and commanded the pain to leave then asked again how she felt.

Moving her shoulders up and down to see if she could make the pain come back she said all the pain was gone.

I said, "Isn't God just amazing?"

With a knowing smile she said, "yes he is."

As we stood in front of the store, a bitter wind chilled our faces. We talked about the goodness of God, which she'd experienced many times. She knew the Lord well. Today's encounter was a further revelation of His deep love and mercy toward her.

"Well...I suppose I need to go back to my checkstand"

My partner slept in the front of the rig, oblivious to what had just happened. In the distance I heard the wail of a fire engine.

"I guess I need to get back to work, too."

Feb 26, 2011

Jason McCoy Testimonies - Part 2

This story was submitted by my friend Jason McCoy

About a week ago, we got a call from friends. Their son was injured and couldn’t run. He is a state champion cross country runner and about to finish his high school sidelined. Severe pain. Some kind of injury in his gluteus muscles. We prayed and he felt some relief. We declared he would run in the race that week (the one his doctor said he couldn’t run in!) We told him that even if he feels any pain- tell it NO, command it to GO and hammer it with scriptures like the above. He ran and we got an email describing more pain. We reminded him how to fight. The next email we got said he not only won his race, he won by 30 seconds!

In the article written about the race, it says “I can only say that God was in that,” said Spencer, who crossed the finish line in 16:08. “I honestly have no other explanation. I’ve been running no more than two miles a day for the past two weeks, and no hard training whatsoever. I came here not knowing if I was going to be able to run, let alone winning by a considerable margin. That came out of nowhere. I was just amazed. I felt a little bit of pain, but the more I ran, the harder I could push it,” Spencer said. “It kept hurting more and more, but I could just keep going. I don’t know what it was. It was a strength I’ve never felt before.”

This week, the newspaper wrote about him again. He competes for the state title this year, and his coach said “Somehow, he’s maintained the conditioning he had before [the injury].”

Well, we know how he did it!

2 Cor 2:14 Now thanks be to God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the aroma of his knowledge by us in every place.

Here are the links to those articles:

Feb 24, 2011

Sherry's Chat Healing Testimonies - Part 2

These three testimonies were sent to me by Sherry Evans who prays with people for healing over Facebook chat.

Testimony #1:
I prayed in chat for a woman with a tumor in her spine. The pain was tremendous. She had an appointment to have an X-ray in order to determine if it would be possible to remove the tumor several days later. She sent me a note saying this: The tumor is gone! Praise God! Wonderful Jesus!

Testimony #2:

Testimony #3:
I prayed for a woman on the phone with a herniated disc. As we prayed, she felt the power and fire of God go through her back. She had been unable to get out of the chair alone or walk alone. BUT GOD! Soon she walking without pain! The next week, she went to have an X-ray of the area, and the disc had gone right back into place! What a great God!

It was really hard to choose things to send you, because there are so many of the same kind. What a great blessing it was to read back over these testimonies and see God's faithfullness. Roger Webb encouraged me to record them about 6 months ago, and I am so glad I have. I want to send you more, but it is a long one, so it will be a separate message.


Feb 17, 2011

Street Healing With Tom Fischer

My friend Tom Fischer met a woman who was confined to a wheelchair due to herniated discs and Parkinson's disease. After he prayed with her she was up and walking without any sign of disability.