Oct 8, 2012

Pete Cabrera's Testimony About Healing

Pete Cabrera shares on how he came to walk in God's power to heal.

Oct 6, 2012

Outbreak Youth at Southbank in Brisbane

During our trip to Australia, we met some young people from the local church, who go into the community and sing songs of praise, release healing and generally love on the people they meet. They're love is so inspiring, as you can tell by the reactions from the people they met.

Oct 4, 2012

10 Minutes

As we pushed the gurney to our next patient's room, I noticed an employee limping down the hall with an immobilizer on her foot. My partner went in the patient's room. I went on my mission.

I approached and introduced myself then asked the usual question.

"What happened to your foot?"

"Oh...I broke it".

"Have you had surgery yet?"

“I was hoping I wouldn't need surgery. The plan was for it to heal on its own. But it's been a slow process."

"Would you like to be healed right now?"

"I'd LOVE to be healed. What do you have in mind?"

“I’d like to pray with you.”

She lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Well, of course you can pray with me. I never say no to prayer!"

I bent down and laid my hand on the black plastic immobilizer and commanded spirit of pain to leave, for the Holy Spirit to bring His presence to touch her and for the ligaments, nerves, bones, tendons and muscles to be healed.

"Do you feel anything going on in your foot?"

"No...not really."

I would normally pray a second and third time if nothing happened the first time, but I was short on time. I had to get to my patient. I suggested that she might notice her healing in a little while. She thanked me and I went to get my patient.

Our patient was a quadriplegic with a tracheostomy. He had a lot of things going along that had to be bagged so getting him ready took about 10 minutes. Once everything was on the gurney, we headed for the elevator.

On the way to the elevator, I saw the woman with the immobilizer again. She looked at me as I passed by and said, "What did you do to me? My foot feels great!"

I asked her to test it out and see if there was any pain at all. There wasn't. She was completely healed. And utterly stunned.

I gave her some basic instruction on how to keep her healing. She asked for my name. She was going to call my supervisor and tell him how nice it is that we allow our employees to pray with people.

That's right. While this kind of activity might get you sacked in the UK, we Yanks are blessed to have the freedom to pray on the job and at times even be commended for it.

I'd like to leave you with a word of encouragement and a challenge.

I could have assumed that this woman was not going to be healed, because nothing happened after I prayed with her. But 10 minutes later, she was completely healed. Don't develop the habit of thinking that people aren't healed, just because you don’t see an immediate change. This kind of thing happens quite often. Often enough that I sometimes tell people, "You may not feel anything now, but you will later."

I'd like to put out a challenge to you. The next time you see someone at work hobbling along with some type of injury - offer to pray with them and let me know what happens.

-till then.

God Is Good

During our trip to Australia, we spoke on the goodness of God. He confirmed our message by healing many and setting them free of demonic oppression.

God is good.

Oct 2, 2012

The Banker’s Mum

This story is part of a series written in September of 2012 during our trip to Australia to teach on healing.

When traveling for pleasure, we generally eat whatever pleases us. One of the perils of traveling for ministry is found in the command of Jesus to remain in the home where you find a person of peace and eat what they put before you. (See Luke 10:6-7)

This command wouldn't bother me so much were in not found smack in the middle of the rest of his instructions to the disciples, where he told them to heal the sick that were there.

I’m not a big fan of religious legalism. But I think God honors our obedience, when we obey from a heart of love. I really wanted to obey the command to eat what was put before me. I’ve been a picky eater my entire life and one thing I’m trying to do is to be more open to different types of food.

Earlier in the week, my host introduced me to vegemite. He was gracious and allowed me to smear it lightly on a piece of toast instead of putting on a thick layer. It wasn’t all that bad. I ate the entire piece of toast, which impressed him.

Knowing this was our first trip to Australia, he wanted to expose us to the richness of an authentic Aussie dinner. So he bought a kangaroo roast, some herbs and vegetables and asked his mum to make dinner for us.

His mum is an excellent cook. The veggies were delightful. She did a decent job with the kangaroo roast, though I prefer meat with a little more fat and kangaroo is extremely lean. The flavor was a bit wild, as you might expect. I noticed that my host didn’t eat more than a few pieces. I followed suit and threw in the towel after I my third piece.

After dinner, his mum told us that she has degenerative joint disease in her spine, which causes her vertebrae to click and pop when she moves. I prayed over her back for a few minutes until it got nice and warm and told her, “You’re healed, now stop being a sissy.”

On the follow-up visit, a week later, she reported that the popping and clicking was gone. To thank us, she cooked a slow- roasted lamb.

It was delicious.

Sometimes obedience can be a blessing.

Sep 30, 2012

Paralyzed Man Healed of Spinal Cord Injury

In this extraordinary video, we see the healing of a man paralyzed from a spinal cord injury. At the Synagogue Church Of All NationsT.B. Joshua administers the anointing water and this man is able to get out of his wheelchair and walk for the first time in years. This miracle was broadcast during the Five-Year Anniversary of Emmanuel TV.

Sep 28, 2012

The Banker - A Person of Peace

This story is part of a series written in September of 2012 during our trip to Australia to teach on healing. 

The economic collapse of 2008 left many of us with some bitterness toward the banking industry. Bankers themselves have received of a lot of criticism since then. My trip to Australia put me in close contact with a banker. What I've experienced since meeting him has changed my perspective on bankers.

The banker I would meet had created a successful life for himself, but his life wasn’t always one of fortune. He spent his younger days in Europe and for a season, was unable to find work, finally hiring on as a manual laborer in London, where he lived in a tiny house with a group of roughnecks. One night he was jumped by some people who robbed him, beat him up and tossed him in a rubbish bin. Were it not for a good-hearted stranger who found him and called for an ambulance, things could have turned out even worse.

Over time, he married a wonderful and gifted woman, secured a good paying job and became the proud father of two charming children

One day he had a long talk with his wife while he was based in Perth for a short time. He asked her, "Do you want to have an ordinary life or an extraordinary life?"

His wife responded, "Well … obviously I want an extraordinary life".

They then spoke about what they should do with their lives and resources. It didn’t take long to agree that the best thing they could do with the abundance God had provided was to become generous givers. Their decision to give was not motivated by the idea that they would receive more money in return. Giving money to receive more of it, only puts you in greater bondage to greed. For them, money itself, took on a whole new meaning. They began to see it not as something to be treasured, but as a tool to be used to bring a blessing to others.

The banker had been raised as a Christian by his Pentecostal mother, though he’d never been a very spiritual person. One day in January 2011, while building a wall on his property, he heard the clear and distinct voice of God tell him it was time to take things more seriously. A short time later his wife became sick with cancer.

With a sense of urgency, he began looking for resources on divine healing. He found Curry Blake’s DHT series and devoured it. With a renewed faith, he sprang into action, praying for his wife to be healed. He began searching for more material on healing and that’s when he found my website. He began reading it and after months of poring over my articles he contacted me.

Early in 2012, I received an inquiry from him. He wanted to know if I would consider visiting Australia to teach on healing. I told him I was honored but that I had no money for such a trip.

A few nights later I had a dream where I was being sent overseas as an ambassador to establish trade with a small group of people. When I woke that morning, I found an e-mail from the banker. He offered to pay all my travel expenses if I would agree to come to Australia to teach on healing. Taking the dream as confirmation that God wanted me to make the trip, the first order of business was to find out more about this fellow and what he wanted from me.

Over the next two months we sent e-mails back and forth and talked over Skype. We had to develop some familiarity with each other if this venture was going to succeed.

And I had some personal issues to deal with.

I’d never traveled overseas before. I’d only taught one class on healing and although it was a success, teaching healing and miracles overseas to a group of strangers was a daunting task. I also work a full-time job and I had to arrange time off work. At the same time my wife was trying to find a job. I had to convince her that taking time away from my work and her efforts to find work wouldn’t put us in a financial bind. After a lot of discussion, we finally agreed to go.

After we committed to making the trip, the banker informed us that his wife had come down with terminal cancer. He didn’t tell us until after we made a commitment, because he didn’t want to appear desperate and didn’t want our decision to be influenced by emotions. The last thing he wanted was to use pressure or manipulation to get us to come to Australia.

We joined with him in prayer for his wife’s healing. I rallied some friends to pray on her behalf. Not long after we began praying, we received news that she had suddenly passed away. My wife was devastated. She spent the entire day crying. The Banker was heartbroken. He spent the following months battling thoughts of depression, hopelessness and despair, wondering what he did wrong in trying to get her healed.

Many people would have given up on the healing project at this point. His faith for healing was in shambles. I was an unknown person to his circle of friends. He’s a very busy man with two children to raise on his own. No one would have blamed him if he pulled the plug on the trip.

But the banker is a man of his word. Once he commits himself to a task, he sees it through to the end, regardless of the consequences to himself or feelings of doubt along the way. We made plans to visit Brisbane for two weeks in September. The first week we’d meet friends and volunteer on the street vans. The second week, we’d hold meetings where my wife and I would train them in prophecy, healing, deliverance and whatever else they needed.

The Banker took a lot of risk in this adventure. The churches he’s connected to have hosted a number of itinerant preachers, who’ve been happy to visit for a few days, give an inspiring message, a few prophetic words and perhaps lay hands on a few people - then leave. And they’re often never heard from again.

He had a different plan for me.

His hope was to bring us to Brisbane to mentor him and his friends in the ways of the supernatural. Not through preaching, but by example. He and his friends go into the dark places of society. They pray with the homeless, the addicted and the mentally ill on the streets. He needed someone to ride along in the vans and discuss their concerns, answer their questions and model the kingdom of God for them.

He also understands the need for relationship in ministry. He wanted to establish a long-term relationship where he and I would share in the work of ministry over many years, so that the seeds we planted would grow into maturity. Reading my blog gave him a lot of insights into what makes me tick. He figured that once we met, we’d get along pretty well and a long-term relationship would follow.

His hope was that if he could get me to come to Australia and if things went well; if we were received by his friends, if healing and miracles were demonstrated and if his friends were able to grow in the supernatural, we would return for a follow up visit.

Officially, he set his expectations pretty low. He managed the expectations of those around him simply saying ‘even if only one person gets this … if only one person is touched and learns how much God loves to bless, heal and restore people then it is worth it’. He kept his expectations of us to a minimum.

He took the view that if we were simply able to encourage his friends with testimonies of healing, and build their faith, that would be a successful trip. Anything more than that would be icing on the cake.

We were both relieved when healing miracles happened virtually every day. Many of them happened when he and his friends prayed with the sick and injured. That made me pretty happy, too. My goal was to show them that God could work through them in the same way he worked through me.

The banker and I are now good friends. I was surprised at how much we have in common. Between days of ministry, he drove us to sightseeing destinations and we talked non-stop everywhere we went. He’s quite an amazing fellow, actually. And he’s very unlike the stereotype of the greedy banker many of us envision.

When Jesus sent His disciples out, He told them to find a person of peace. (See Luke 10:6) A person of peace, like my friend the banker, is someone who sees the work that God is doing in us. They have a sphere of influence, into which they invite us to bring the kingdom of God. They are the door to the harvest field. We are the door to the kingdom of God. Ministry flows through these doors. It’s quite simple, really. And I’m finding that it works pretty well.

Our trip to Australia was a smashing success in just about every way possible. It’s my hope that you’ll find your person of peace and that you’ll have many years of success and fellowship together with them.

Sep 24, 2012

The Ticket Agent

This story is part of a series written in September of 2012 during our trip to Australia to teach on healing.

As I sat at the gate, waiting to board, I carefully wound the elastic bandage around my lower leg, starting just above the toes, working my way toward the knee. Having suffered swollen feet from the 15 hour flight to Brisbane two weeks earlier, we stopped at a pharmacy and picked up a few elastic bandages. Just before boarding, we wrapped our feet and lower legs figuring it might prevent swelling on the return flight.

My wife and I chatted on the plane, reflecting back on the miracles God had done, and marveled at how He'd connected us to so many wonderful people in a just two weeks.

We arrived in LA and had almost 6 hours to catch our connecting flight to Phoenix. We negotiated the maze going from one building to another in search of our gate. On the way, we stopped to talk with a ticketing agent. I chose her because she was wearing an immobilizer on her forearm. Oddly enough, she was strategically positioned where I could  talk with her for a few minutes and lay hands on her.

"Hi there. Can I ask you a question?"

"You certainly may!"

"What happened to your arm?"

I knew this would be an unexpected question for her. She's an agent at one of the busiest airports in the world. She expects strangers to ask about arrivals, departures and gate locations. She blushed and began laughing when I hit her with the unexpected question.

She said she had a shoulder injury. She didn't say why she had an immobilizer on her forearm and I didn't ask. I knew she'd need to help more customers and I only had a few minutes, so I asked if she wanted to be healed. She asked what I had in mind. I told her I wanted to pray with her. She was delighted.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and commanded spirits of pain and infirmity to leave then commanded the shoulder and arm to be healed. I asked if she felt anything. She reported a tingling sensation going through her arm. I told her God was healing her.

It was obvious that she knew Jesus. But I told her He loved her and that's why she was being healed. We asked where we could find our gate and she directed us to it, with a  grateful smile.

This meeting took about three minutes from beginning to end.

In just three minutes, a complete stranger felt the power and love of God touch her.

I'd say it was time well spent.

Sep 21, 2012

The Three Monkeys

This story is part of a series written in September of 2012 during our trip to Australia to teach on healing.

We attended our last meeting in Darra on Tuesday. There's been a lot of interest in dreams, so before leaving, we spent about an hour discussing dream interpretation with the group.

A number of people had been physically healed this week after a spirit had been cast out, so we taught a bit more on deliverance. We wrapped up with a discussion on what means to make disciples.

We've been truly blessed by all the wonderful people we've met during our time in Australia.

I met a man named Roland Williamson, who has a blog (Australian Miracles) devoted to reporting the miraculous works of God in Australia and other places.

He sent a friend request on Facebook. We agreed to meet at a coffee shop where Christians hang out called "The Three Monkeys". We talked for an hour or so about our common interests.

As we left the 3 Monkees coffee shop, we had an opportunity to lay hands on a couple of strangers. We met a group of women who were leaving the cafe at the same time we were. One of them used a cane to walk  and we asked if she wanted to be healed.

She said she had a torn meniscus, so I prayed over her knee three times. She felt a little relief, but not much. Pointing to her mum, she said, "You really need to pray for her." I shook her mum's hand and asked her name. She told us about her injured shoulder and we asked if she wanted to be healed. She said she'd be delighted.

I laid hands on her shoulder and commanded it to be healed. After 3 or 4 commands, the pain was gone and she had full range of motion.

The healing gave us an opportunity to speak with them about the goodness of God and the things He's been doing in Brisbane. A few of them had been burned by religion in the past, but the healing allowed us to focus on the love, mercy and compassion He has toward them. Meeting these women and sharing about God's love was the highlight of my day.

God has truly touched people during our stay here and we've been touched by their gentle hearts.

(Thanks once again for your love and prayers)

~ PM

Related Posts:
Street Healing With Garth Lange

Sep 17, 2012

Street Healing With Garth Lange

This story is part of a series written in September of 2012 during our trip to Australia to teach on healing.

We had another great day with our friends in Brisbane. We met with Garth Lange, a Facebook friend that we desperately wanted to meet in person. We walked to Southbank and met him on a street corner. He drove us to a coffee shop that he and his friends hang out at. We talked about the kingdom of God for over three hours. He prayed for an injury I have and I prayed for his. Garth is truly an amazing man. I wish we could have spent the entire day talking with him.

As we walked to the car at the end of our meeting, we saw a man with a broken leg approaching. He was with a couple of friends. Garth & I decided to ask if he wanted to be healed.

He said he'd love that.

I placed my hand on his casted foot and commanded it to be healed. He felt tingling in his toes.

I commanded it to be healed a second time and asked him to check it out. All his pain was gone. We asked him to walk around and check to see if there was any pain at all. He took a few steps then flexed his toes and said there's no way he could have done that if it wasn't healed.

One of his friends remarked that she could feel the presence of God around her as soon as we approached and began speaking to them.
(They were all Christians)

We spoke to them about the goodness of God and I gave them a card to my website. We all walked away praising God. The man walked away without using his crutches.

In the evening, we attended a meeting in Darra where I encouraged the street van teams to continue doing the great works they are doing. I taught a bit more on dreams, healing and prophecy. We saw a number of people healed of various injuries. We prayed over a woman with a spinal cord injury, who is in a wheelchair. She felt a lot of heat in her back at the level of her injury, but there was no noticeable movement of her legs.

She had some questions about why we aren't seeing many people healed with these types of injuries. I told there are a couple of things we need to overcome. One is that we usually give up too quickly, noting that in Africa, they'll pray over a person for days, while we pray for only a few minutes.

I also said that as a group, we lack the faith (or confidence) in God to see these things healed. Part of that is because we aren't actually laying hands on a lot of people in wheelchairs. But I told her that when we get serious about seeing them healed and are willing to go after healing with more passion, we'll probably see breakthrough.

We're having a blast in OZ.
God is so good.
Thank you for your continued prayer and support.


Related Posts:
The Three Monkeys

Sep 16, 2012

Sunday's News From Brisbane

This story is part of a series written in September of 2012 during our trip to Australia to teach on healing.


It was quite a day with Jesus yesterday in Brisbane. He continues to amaze us with His power and love.

We spoke at Elevate Church in the suburb of Mansfield in the morning. The glory of God in the meeting was incredible. We saw 3 or 4 people who had their eyesight completely restored or significantly improved and one man who had greatly improved hearing. Several people felt more peace and confidence after receiving prayer.  

We spoke at Access Church in Darra in the evening and once again God blessed us with His the manifestation of His glory.
There were a number of people praying for healing and deliverance during the meeting. This is a summary of what I recall as a friend and I prayed for various people:
  • We saw a man healed of low back pain and bone spurs in both feet.
  • A woman was healed of shoulder and knee pain. 
  • A girl was healed of pain in her foot.
  • A woman was healed of arthritis pain in both shoulders.
  • A woman was healed of a vision problem (astigmatism).
  • Several people asked for prayer for emotional healing. Most were feeling discouraged or depressed. Everyone we prayed with felt a great sense of peace and confidence come over them.
We prayed as a group for a young man in a wheelchair who is severely disabled from a car accident. He suffers from the effects of traumatic brain injury. He wasn't completely healed, but he may have some increased mobility. The love and compassion he received from those who prayed with him brought tears to our eyes. We invited him to come back for more prayer this week. If he does, we'll keep you posted on any changes.

Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement.

Love from your mates in OZ -