May 11, 2011

The Power of the Prince of Peace

Originally posted by Jason McCoy on Facebook - republished with author's permission.

Got back from the ER just a bit ago...helping a man who had been in a car accident. When I arrived, the man was very disoriented and very hostile. He was yelling and demanding they let him go home...there were nurses and a doctor there who were intimating he was going to be committed. I wasn't able to pray for him directly because of all the conversation and agitation going on, so just prayed in tongues and released my peace into the room.

The doctors called security and a big dude came in the room. For some reason, they all left for a moment and as I took the man's hands and commanded the life of Christ to fill him and transform his body and mind, he became peaceful. As the medical folks returned to tell him he would be committed, I continued to release peace into him and into the room. The security guy looked ready for action...but then the atmosphere shifted and everything was quiet and peaceful. The man layed down in the bed! His sister left to get him a drink and everyone else mysteriously left as well. I continued praying in the spirit for him and he went to sleep!

As he rested, I commanded demonic spirits to leave him and he would flinch, moan and sigh. When his sister returned, she commented that his coloring had changed and I realized he had been very yellow but now was totally normal! He continued to rest peacefully.

This struck me because Jesus gave us power to not only rescue the prisoners and to heal, but to change environments and I was impacted tonight by how much it made a difference. At first, I was frustrated I couldn't pray directly for him but as I focused on changing the environment, it really did. There were moments at first where I felt I may end up in the midst of a melee, but it was so potent to simply be confident/ able to rest in what Jesus had already provided for this man and to release it instead of having to work at it. It's hard to explain, but I feel a shift has taken place in me and I'm excited to continue to grow in this kind of confidence/rest. (and I'm very glad for this man to be at peace right now, free from such torment). It really was a wonderful thing to be a part of.

The Prince of Peace kicked out the tormentor!

May 9, 2011

Navajo Jeff James and Raising The Dead

This story was originally published here on the Bridgeway Church blog.

On April 10th and 11th Greg Morgan and John Carvey brought me (Rick Mann) and Jim Rogers to the Navajo Nation to pray for a congregation in Ganado. While there I got to be good friends with a pretty new Christian, Jeff, who was like a sponge. He wanted everything that God had for him and his family. He asked me on Saturday night if anyone in our congregation at BridgeWay Church had ever experienced someone being raised from the dead. I told him about the Tanzania Team with Jim Rogers and that many miracles, including someone being raised from the dead had been witnessed. Well, Jeff said he wanted that anointing for his family and his church. He had me lay hands on him right there and give him all that BridgeWay had in God's anointing. This guy is hungry for the Lord to move.

Sunday's service lasted from 9am to around 4pm. Jim and I prayed for the fire of the Holy Spirit to fall on the congregation. Many of the parishioners from the Ganado church came back in the prayer line multiple times for the Lord's anointing to fall on them.

The following week I called Jeff to see how he was doing and if the Lord was still on the move there. Jeff said he was glad I called him. He had a huge testimony to share with me. He said that after the BridgeWay team left them on Sunday night, the Lord told him to stay in the spirit. Jeff said that the anointing of the Lord fell on their church in Ganado on Sunday and remained on them after we left. Monday morning he got the terrible news that his cousin had hung himself.

An ambulance took his cousin to a hospital in Albuquerque and kept him on life support until his family could come and say goodbye. They declared him brain dead upon arrival at the hospital. The Lord told Jeff to stay in the Spirit while he went to see his cousin. When they got to the hospital in Albuquerque, Jeff and his wife went in through the doctor's entrance and all of the pass card protected doors just opened for them as they went through. When they got into the room, his cousin's head was swollen and dark from the hanging injury.

The doctors told him that they tested for brain activity and he was declared brain dead. After the family said their goodbyes the hospital was planning on unhooking him. He was essentially dead already. The Holy Spirit directed Jeff to pray Romans 8: 9-11. ". . . .He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you."

After Jeff read this scripture to his cousin, tears rolled down the face of his cousin in response! After that, Jeff says that the doctors retested his cousin's brain activity on Tuesday, the next day, because they saw movement in his cousin's legs. The test showed some brain activity coming back. On Wednesday, his cousin sat up and said "get me out of here! I want to go home!"

Praise God!!!

May 7, 2011

Dr Nemeh Interview

This is a news story from WCPO-TV in Cincinnati, Ohio where Dr. Issam Nemeh discusses divine healing and medicine.

May 4, 2011

Testimony From Nigeria

I hope you're blessed by this testimony that was recently shared at Bethel church. This amazing event happened in Nigeria and was reported from there by Jim Rogers. Jesus told his disciples to cleanse the lepers, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and preach the gospel. This is what happens when his instructions are obeyed. The sick were healed, lepers were cleansed, the dead were raised and the gospel was preached. Amputees received new limbs and 150,000 were saved.

This is not just for Africa. It can happen anywhere the disciples of Jesus are obedient to their King.

For a longer version of this story, check out the podacst here.

Apr 30, 2011

Arthritis Healed at The Mall

My friend Chris Villaflor met this man at the mall and prayed for him. After praying his pain was gone and he was able to walk without a cane.

Apr 27, 2011

Yes! Cancer free Today!

I've know Michael Hayes as a friend on Facebook for about a year. I found him to be one of the most inspiring and positive people I've ever met. He recently learned that he was healed of cancer and granted permission to post his testimony, which was originally published on Facebook, here.

(By Michael Hayes on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 8:22am)

My Miracle!!! ~ As most of you know I have been battling a very aggressive form of stomach cancer and just completed my third treatment. My cancer was stage 4 and was told they could not cure it completely. The surgeon who operated on me said that in his opinion I had maybe 6 months to a year before the cancer took me away.

The chemo was to make me comfortable and relieve the pain. I ask my doctor if there was a chance, although my cancer was very aggressive, if it could go into remission. He said it is possible but not likely due to how much was there and how aggressive it was.

I had a PET scan done between the first and second chemo treatment. My sister in-Law is a nurse and we were anxious to see how my cancer had progressed. ( A PET scan is designed to highlight only cancer cells)

I had spent 36 of days of the last 2 months in a hospital bed. Many people came daily to pray with me and support me family, co-workers, friend and clergy. I had an appointment with my Oncologist and was accompanied by my sister-in -law right before my chemo treatment. The PET scan had already been completed but the results had not come in yet. The doctor stated again that this cancer was very aggressive with no chance of it being eradicated completely. The doctor had begun to talk to me about my future chemo treatments, and that I really should start to consider the quality of life in planning my future. In other words, in his opinion it was not a good outcome.

Never once did I ever believe it was my time, and prayed daily for my healing in spite of what I was told. In addition to my prayers there has been literally thousands who did the same, lifting me and my situation up to Lord. The doctor called my sister-in -law last week at work to give her the results of the PET scan. The doctor said that he didn't quite no how to explain it, but the PET scan showed absolutely no trace of cancer whatsoever!!!! The cancer was completely gone!!!

I knew the results last week but wanted a 1000% confirmation which I received today as I went in for the wrap up of my third chemo treatment. The nurse handed me a copy of the PET scan report and said " If I were you I would frame this" The doctor has ask me to continue with 6-8 more chemo treatments just to be sure there is no minute traces.

Thank you Lord for such love and favor!! God did for me what no one else could do, not even the finest physicians. Today I am cancer free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Lord you are truly amazing! Thank you all who vigilantly prayed for me daily. IT WORKED!!! Faith in action!! I am cancer free as a direct result of faith and prayer!!! I love all of you with God's love! thank you God for sending so many earthly angels!! I am free because of my faith and yours! Your prayers gave me hope each day that God's healing hand was upon me!

Yes its true God is still in the miracle making business!!! Not only will this be part of my amazing testimony, but it is a true Miracle of faith in God! I love all of you! Never give up, never stop believing!! I am living proof of what faith can do!! If know one has told you today that they love and care about you today, I just did! I am thanking, loving and praising God with all my heart today and everyday!!! ~ God bless all of you!!

Love + light,
Michael <><

Apr 24, 2011

Tom Fischer - Healing on The Streets

This is Tom Fischer releasing healing & love on the streets. Watch and learn from a wonderful servant of God.

Apr 21, 2011

Atheist Gives His Life To Christ In a Pub

If you've been following this blog, you're probably familiar with Pete Cabrera Jr.' Last week Pete, Tom Fischer, Brotha Ruff, Jaren Barnes and Robert Taylor met in the U.K. for a street healing adventure where they demonstrated and taught on the power of God. They found themselves in a pub talking with a man who was an atheist. Pete led him to Jesus after growing his leg out....a few times.

One of these days I need to try it, too.

Be blessed!

Apr 18, 2011

The Collapse of Canada's Health Care System

You read that right.

And I know what you're thinking....


On the night of April 15th, (tax day in the US) I had a dream in which Canada's very successful and highly popular public health care system failed.

Patients tried to visit doctors and get prescriptions filled, but they were turned away because there was no money to support the system. I don't recall exactly how the bankruptcy occurred, but I knew the system had run out of money. People contacted the government and complained, but the government denied there was a problem.

In the dream, I knew the government was aware of the problem, but they feared the consequences of admitting to a failure, so they lied to the public about it for as long as they could.

I've been having more dreams like this lately, where I see the catastrophic failure of large organizations. This one is related to medicine so I posted it here. I think there may also be a connection to healing.

What would we do for the sick if a national system of health care failed?

Does the Canadian government have a backup plan if such a thing were to occur?

I wonder if the citizens would be ready to use divine healing in place of conventional medicine if there were no other alternatives.

Maybe this dream was a warning to get them prepared before it happens.

I know it's a call to prayer. Let God direct you on how to pray in the matter.

- peace

Apr 15, 2011

Sticking Pennies To The Wall

Last night I went with my wife to the hair salon. I’ve gone with her many times before and when I do, God usually does something cool. Last night He came through again.

As Angie worked on my wife’s hair, I shared with her some of the things God’s been doing with us. Angie has been healed a number of times when we’ve prayed with her in the past. (Go here for one of those stories)

She talks often about her 8 year old son, whom we’ve never met. Last night, while mom did her thing, he sat on a chair near me playing a video game.

My friend, Michael King has been posting videos on Facebook demonstrating how to stick coins to the wall. I haven’t done this much, but we had one experience a few months ago, where a friend’s daughters taught us how to do it.

We went to my friend Tim’s house to get him healed of low-back pain. While we were there we taught his daughters how to heal, by having them pray for their mother’s injured foot. Both Tim and his wife were better after prayer. When we were done, the girls wanted to show us something. The brought out a pile of pennies and began sticking them to the kitchen wall. Since we’d been in their house, I noticed the presence of God was growing stronger. The pennies stuck like crazy.

My wife had never done it before, so we each grabbed a penny and held it to the wall and both of them stayed there for about 5 seconds. One of the girls stuck several pennies on the corner of the wall, where half the penny was hanging over the edge. If you’re inclined to believe this can be explained by surface tension or paint adhesion , when you see a penny half over the edge of a wall, staying there for 20 seconds or so, natural explanations begin to lose their explanatory power.

So there I was sitting in the salon watching Angie’s son, who was riveted to his video game. I decided to try sticking a penny to the wall. She opened her cash box and gave me a penny. I found a place on the wall, held it in place 2 or 3 times and watched it fall to the floor. I forgot one thing; invite the Holy Spirit to join us.

I asked Him to bring His presence into the room and make the penny stick to the wall. And it stuck, for about 5 seconds. Angie was shocked. I did it again and her son looked up and smiled. I did it again and they asked if it was a trick. Then I moved over to the corner and let half the penny hang over the edge and it stuck for about one second. I did this 3 or 4 times and her son dropped his game and came over by me. He wanted to know how I did it.

I explained that Jesus said signs and wonders would follow those who believe in Him and this was one of those signs. I told him, “It’s not magic; it’s the power of God. You can do the same thing, just hold the penny on the wall and ask God to hold it there when you let go.” I demonstrated a few more times, then he held it to the wall and asked God to hold it when he let go. It stuck the first time and every time afterward. He was filled with joy and wonder and forgot about his video game.

People often ask, “what’s the point of it?”

I found out last night, there are several valuable things that come from these exercises. First, sticking pennies to the wall is a tangible display of God’s power to those who don’t know Him that’s difficult to refute by natural explanations. Second, it’s an exercise in which we learn to cooperate with God and sense his presence and power at work. Angie’s son knows virtually nothing about the power of God. But after last night’s experience, he has at least one way in which he can experience God. As curious as boys are, it won’t be long before he finds other ways and his friends might be involved at some point. Third, as we cooperate with God, our faith for operating in miracles, signs and wonders grows. If we start with a simple thing like this, it can grow in many different directions including things like food multiplication and healing.

If you'd like to see videos of coins sticking to glass or forks and spoons sticking to walls, go here.

These exercises are like going to a gym and working out. Working out doesn’t have a great purpose in itself. It’s merely a way to strengthen yourself so that you can operate better when you do other things. Sticking pennies to the wall builds faith for living a kingdom lifestyle. If you spend an afternoon with friends getting to know God’s power by sticking things to the wall, or a glass door, the next time you need to release God’s power for a person with cancer, you might be surprised at how much faith you have to get them healed.

I should mention, one more thing - I love the colors Angie put my sweetie's hair. She looks rather amazing.

Apr 13, 2011

WEWS News Report on Dr Nemeh's Healing Ministry

Dr. Issam Nemeh is an anesthesiologist and cardiologist. He's also a man of faith who has seen thousands of people miraculously healed over the last 10 years. WEWS news in Cleveland Ohio interviewed some of the people who were healed, including a physician healed of a frozen shoulder, a woman healed of multiple sclerosis and a special young woman with incredible hope for her future, thanks to Dr. Nemeh and God's healing power.

Apr 10, 2011

Stroke Healed

This is the testimony of an Indonesian woman healed of a stroke after her husband contacted CBN's prayer team.